mod already 100% drop, should Gear 100% drop?

428 posts Member
edited June 2017
It will good for new shard and everyone too as we face the Gear bottle neck.

Too many toons to farm for Anera,Raid,Fleet,mod challenge?

Sure you will say EA need $ but $ still can get from other method same as other top gross game.

RNG make people quit and make less money than make gear drop 100%.

Some guild even all at level 85 but active player who do daily 600 ticket less than 50%, this is real.

If we still face the bottle neck I guess many people will change to play other new game for sure.


  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Absolutely not for gear. You can't compare them to mods.

    Some other means of removing/reducing the gearneck, though.

    E.g. in the last three Rancor raids each time out of 3 gear rewards 2 have been challenge gear. That's just insane.
  • Boreas
    508 posts Member
    Yes please... gear, shards, anything, the slot gamble should end ... +1
  • Options
    Gear and mods aren't remotely comparable on so many levels.
  • Morpheus
    279 posts Member
    Yes! Also, all toons should unlock at 7* and G11 too, just so there's no grind at all.
  • JonNoNothing
    139 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Morpheus wrote: »
    Yes! Also, all toons should unlock at 7* and G11 too, just so there's no grind at all.

    Hope you are not joking, yes as some game do that. They make money from new toons release,new content,make better mod,Etc Gear should be at max. But farm to 7* is acceptable.

    This make arena will be very diversity in short time.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Morpheus wrote: »
    Yes! Also, all toons should unlock at 7* and G11 too, just so there's no grind at all.

    Hope you are not joking, yes as some game do that. They make money from new toons release,new content,make better mod,Etc Gear should be at max. But farm to 7* is acceptable.

    This make arena will be very diversity in short time.

    I bet he was dead serious..
  • Options
    Example of why
    Morpheus wrote: »
    Yes! Also, all toons should unlock at 7* and G11 too, just so there's no grind at all.

    I totally agree with you ,easy to explain why.

    I will buy Ahsoka pack asap if I buy it then can use her asap.

    Why I have to buy it and wait 1 month to gear her up as we always lack of gear.

    Why I have to invest in gear again, invest in new toons as new content is acceptable as DEV have to invest in it.

    Invest in Gear is ridiculous and nonsense. Just this game is great otherwise we will quit same as 95% of other players.

  • Juex777
    968 posts Member
    Wow. This is ridiculous.....
  • jackTHErandom
    1195 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Mods should NOT drop 100% in the first place...
    Therefore gear should not drop 100% either!

    In exchange for lousy droprate on mods, their quality should go up!
    Less of a lottery with secondary stats please
  • Options
    Mods can drop at 100% because they require money to level up. I end up selling most of my mods because I can't possibly upgrade all of them due to financial constraints. Gears on the other hand are vital to game progression and making them drop 100% will basically make the game too easy for us F2P folks. No whale will be happy if that happens.
  • Options
    Example of why
    Morpheus wrote: »
    Yes! Also, all toons should unlock at 7* and G11 too, just so there's no grind at all.

    I totally agree with you ,easy to explain why.

    I will buy Ahsoka pack asap if I buy it then can use her asap.

    Why I have to buy it and wait 1 month to gear her up as we always lack of gear.

    Why I have to invest in gear again, invest in new toons as new content is acceptable as DEV have to invest in it.

    Invest in Gear is ridiculous and nonsense. Just this game is great otherwise we will quit same as 95% of other players.

    Then they might as well have no star rating and no gear levels at all. If everyone is at 7* and G11 then what's the purpose of this game? It will be boring and people will leave the game rapidly.

    I am not a fan of the slot machine drop rates, and I think the least they can do is disclose what the drop rate is for every gear. From what I heard from my friends also playing the game, the omega tiles are basically impossible to get from Cantina battles.
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    Lol I would LOVE to have 100% drop rate even for a one-day event... hint hint
  • JonNoNothing
    139 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Juex777 wrote: »
    Wow. This is ridiculous.....


  • Options
    Mods can drop at 100% because they require money to level up. I end up selling most of my mods because I can't possibly upgrade all of them due to financial constraints. Gears on the other hand are vital to game progression and making them drop 100% will basically make the game too easy for us F2P folks. No whale will be happy if that happens.

    Do you even played other mobile games? The top grossing PVP game.
  • Any
    428 posts Member
    Juex777 wrote: »
    Wow. This is ridiculous.....

    Even F2P ,I got rank1 everyday, you.
  • Options
    Totally should be an event for like a week!!!
  • Kriesha
    113 posts Member
    Gear does not have the same random programmed in that mods do. 100% drop on mods still does not guarantee that you get anything usable. Gear does not have this feature.
    Events with higher gear drops would be welcome though.
  • Byakuya
    392 posts Member
    Haat rewards trash after trash i have 500 of. Clocking 1st for trash is very demoralising
  • Options
    Byakuya wrote: »
    Haat rewards trash after trash i have 500 of. Clocking 1st for trash is very demoralising

    Guild reward should be new currency to trade gear. Random reward make doing Raid look stupid and lost of time.
  • Options
    I'd like 100% gear drop. Even then, you still need 50 of some pieces, so you're still grinding and buying refreshes either way.
  • TZangetsu14
    221 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Here we go with the "this is to hard and long" cry - that's what she said
  • Options
    Mods can drop at 100% because they require money to level up. I end up selling most of my mods because I can't possibly upgrade all of them due to financial constraints. Gears on the other hand are vital to game progression and making them drop 100% will basically make the game too easy for us F2P folks. No whale will be happy if that happens.

    Do you even played other mobile games? The top grossing PVP game.

    Point being?!
  • TonyVisor
    211 posts Member
    Mods are still a crapshoot trying to get the right ones. You just get alot more crappy ones now
  • Options
    Not at all. The game is designed to last for months, because there is a slow pace in obtaining and upgrading (gearing) toons. You want it faster, pay.
    With 100% drop rate in gear, anybody would have all their rooster G11 within a week. Would kill the game in no time.
    "But mods..." Not all the mods (in fact >90%) you get are remotely useful. Besides you have the credit bottleneck to upgrade them.
  • PsychoticRage924
    313 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    No, I do not believe that gear should have a 100% drop rate.
    I wish the chance for each piece went up 3% per failed attempt and reset when you get that drop.

    Example: sim a node with 3 parts that can drop at the alleged 33% drop rate. Get 1 of #1 and #2, they remain at 33% on the next sim, but #3 goes up to 36%. SIM it again, and #3 drops, it's reset to 33% for the next sim, if it doesn't drop it goes up to 39%.
    I hope I explained that well, it's fine in my head.

    This, to me, would help with the monotonous and depressingly tedious chore of farming gear without excessively flooding the game.
  • Eclipso
    199 posts Member
    No, gear should not be 100% but they should ease some of the bottlenecking by increasing the base % for the drop rates up.

  • Any
    428 posts Member
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Not at all. The game is designed to last for months, because there is a slow pace in obtaining and upgrading (gearing) toons. You want it faster, pay.
    With 100% drop rate in gear, anybody would have all their rooster G11 within a week. Would kill the game in no time.
    "But mods..." Not all the mods (in fact >90%) you get are remotely useful. Besides you have the credit bottleneck to upgrade them.

    Seem people here rarely play other mobile PVP games.

    Are you sure With 100% drop rate in gear, anybody would have all their rooster G11 within a week, lol

    How you cal or how many toons can gear 11 for 100% drop rate.

    Major concern you may not figure it out is Gear is not common part.

    We have to gear up every time new toons release.

    Crystal or Real money should invest in item which common use Ex. Gear in this game.

    Next main concern is Gear is only one common item in SWGOH.

    If I were DEV, I will delete gear but add other common item.

    Release new toons but have to farm gear every time is same as not release to most of us?

    People who quit playing always because of gear bottle neck make game so boring.

    I not quit yet cause of I got rank1 everyday in both Arena and Fleet, lol
  • EkoDroid
    152 posts Member
    Byakuya wrote: »
    Haat rewards trash after trash i have 500 of. Clocking 1st for trash is very demoralising

    Guild reward should be new currency to trade gear. Random reward make doing Raid look **** and lost of time.

    Everyone of us should make a discussion about AAT rewards being filled with junk, and demoralizing, and that it alone could solve the gear bottleneck. Resource dedication to AAT is staggering in every guild, and by design development has twisted the players to focus on getting HAAT ready. Basically forcing the need for high end gear, so we can win low end gear.. but we all get on board because of GK.. it is kinda baffling. "Leave your friends for a larger guild, focus on only 20 characters until they are all gear 11, and we will reward you with.. yet another way of getting useless gear, but hey.. GK shards! And oh, btw gearing GK is a nightmare, hehe.. good luck!" If GK wasn't good, we wouldn't try so hard. They are very good at calculating how to get our max by giving us their least. They got the EA greed part down, that's for sure.
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