Guild Sparring!

Hey Devs...when can we get Guild Sparring? Would add alot of fun to the game on a whole new level...could let u practice ur squads & test guild mates!


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    I have suggested this, along with countless others. Hope the devs listen to all the threads asking for this!!
    I am the Tard of Tards
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    Yotd1076 wrote: »
    Hey Devs...when can we get Guild Sparring? Would add alot of fun to the game on a whole new level...could let u practice ur squads & test guild mates!

    To add to the idea- this game is about 2 people using holograms to fight each other in a cantina. You would assume this would include gambling. It would be cool to have a gambling function like bet however many crystals you want (that you have) that your guild will win. You can make the gambling odds reflect the galactic power of the two guilds ( 50 GP vs 100 GP = 2:1 odds)
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    Yotd1076 wrote: »
    Hey Devs...when can we get Guild Sparring? Would add alot of fun to the game on a whole new level...could let u practice ur squads & test guild mates!

    To add to the idea- this game is about 2 people using holograms to fight each other in a cantina. You would assume this would include gambling. It would be cool to have a gambling function like bet however many crystals you want (that you have) that your guild will win. You can make the gambling odds reflect the galactic power of the two guilds ( 50 GP vs 100 GP = 2:1 odds)

    Never tell me those odds!
    (they don't make sense - that sort of difference would have the higher GP guild win about 99% of the time, if not more)
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    Yeah but the math was a lot easier than a 30GP guild vs a 33GP guild
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    I proposed this ages ago... it should be a thing

    It would be amazing to be able to fight your guildmate's teams and get feedback from them on how your team performs defensively... as well as be able to try out new ideas without the penalty of risking losing rank in arena.

    Even if it costs guild currency for refreshes or whatever... it would be really fun and tremendously useful and enjoyable

    Put it in the game!
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    Star Wars Commander game has a squad war, similar to what you're suggesting. This added a new dimension and focus to the game.
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    This would be fantastic +100
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    This would be awesome
    SHATTERPOINT - One of the world's strongest guilds
    Recruiting solid 3mil+ GP players, pm for info
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