Bonus Attacks

Anyone else noticing the AI is getting a disproportionate amount of bonus attacks across all events? Even when no one in the group or the group leader gives a bonus attack? I am also seeing AI controled opponents heal when they don't have a heal ability. Ezra healed himself to full and gave himself protection even though he was last toon standing and Boba Fett lead. Pretty sure Ashoka Jedi Starfighter can't grant itself bonus attacks. Never seen mine get a bonus attack yet the AI get a bonus attack every turn.

The AI is already hencky with the power buff and strange synergy all AI controlled toons get.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Sounds like it could be an issue. Moved to bugs and issues. You should provide more detailed information so it can be investigated
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    Since TB was released last week I have been seeing the AI do weird things with the characters under its control. Characters healing that can't heal, bonus attacks, dodging at high rates, etc

    The Jedi Consular motion when he heals the group is a motion I am seeing the AI controled non-healers do. Others in my guild have seen this as well. Vader raising his hand and suddenly at full health. Ezra healing the entire group and adding protection to non-Phoenix squad members. Tie Fighters healing random squad mates in star fighter battles.

    Bonus attacks appear in green above a charters head. Clearly labeled Bonus Attack in green letters. Happening in GW, Arena, Cantina battles, TB and raids. Also happens randomly in Starfighter battles and Commander Challenges. Arc170s granting bonus attacks to each other. Sometimes this bonus attack triggers a chain of 6-7 bonus attacks per character. I have seen Dooku counter, clearly marked as a counter, attack, re attack like he should and trigger 2-3 bonus attacks which, if he attacks a character with counter attack, triggers the chain again. This is really prevalent with the Gamorran Guards in Rancor raid and Droids with AAT.

    In star fighter battles the bonus attack is popping with regularity. Ashoka Starfighter, Jedi Consular, Biggs, Sun Fac. Seeing them take their normal turn trigger an extra attack or crit attack and then Boba Fett, Vader, Ghost, Phantom, Wedge are given bonus attacks. Capital ships are given bonus attacks as well. I have personally seen Mace apply Valor, shoot, apply immunity, shoot again and reapply immunity all in succession with no other ship getting a turn in between. Tarkin has been seen giving Tie Fighter barrage with 2 successive applications in a row, deemed a bonus attack.

    I understand some toons are able to trigger other to assist, but when these toons are not present or as leader, bonus attacks are ridiculous. And the string of them chaining together is devastating, especially with Dooku, Kylo, Hera and Nihl.

    I can't screen shot the Bonus Attack working above characters fast enough before it is gone. But it appears in green letters above the avatar being granted the bonus attack just as counter attack and other actions display.

    I hope this clears up the game play I am seeing. It does not appear in Mods, Mod Challenges, hard or normal story mode.

    I have only seen it in Cantina, GW, PVP arena, Starfighter Arena, Starfighter commander challenge Mace and Akbar, AAT phase 1 and Rancor phase 1 raids, and TB. I suspect it is supposed to be in TB granted by Snowtroopers.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Bonus attack is appearing in fleet battles, commander challenge Akbar and Mace, PvP arena, Cantina, GW, AAT phase 1, Rancor phase 1 and TB. Only the AI is given this "bonus attack". Example Dooku will be hit and he does his normal counter move. He then gets his normal 1 or 2 speed hits. He then has green words above his head stating Bonus Attack in bright green and he goes on to attack different targets 2-4 more times.

    This behavior is not seen in Mods, Mod Challenge, normal or hard mode story lines. I have not seen it happen in ship challenges for training droids, ship materials or omega chips. I have seen Mace in Fleets shoot, apply valor, shoot, apply immunity shoot and apply immunity again. Tarkin will send in two successive waves of ties. Akbar will apply speed buff two successive times and call in fleet attack as a single turn.

    Non healing characters are healing themselves and the group in ships and pvp and GW. Ezra has no heal ability. I have seen him do the Jedi Consular motion of heal and renew his own health and apply protection like Fulcrum. Vader has healed himself, attacked, apply DOTs light saber throw and then heal the group. this seems to be inclusive with the AI buff. I think it is applying synergy that does not or should not exist between AI controlled players. Ashoka Jedi Starfighter is healing and applying protection to other units. Clone Arc 170s are healing each other and giving speed buffs in Ackbar Tier 4. A 4 star level 80 fleet can't kill Ashoka or the Jedi Starfighter and the challenge is rated as 4 star level 72.

    Started noticing these bugs when TB launched. And they have been getting substantially worse.
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    First ignore those things in pve battles. The pve versions of characters tend to have modified abilities to make them a little harder or easier than normal pvp characters.

    Dooku could be and is most likely
    He counters gains 45% tm
    Gets a bouns gains another 45% tm

    Then takes his normal turn
    Attacks another character
    Gets a bonus attack

    The "toast" messages (green bonus move in this case) were made to display longer because they were almost non visable during 4x battle speeds

    If chopper is present with hera lead Ezra will heal at the start of his turn for 15% health
    If kanan is present with hera lead and Ezra gets a debuff like say health down from dn Ezra will heal for 25% of his health

    If Ezra uses watch and learn ability and calls a tank he will gain protection up.

    Pig captain when he uses his basic if the target has 50% or more health calls an ally to assist.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Ezra cannot heal himself if he is the only character on the screen, the other 4 dead. Ezra also cannot use watch and learn if no one else is present.

    Dooku getting 7 successive attacks in a row is excessive, if that is the real mechanic working as intended. A Kanan Dooku Zeb attack round would never end since they would feed off each other until someone dies

    I also only used Dooku as an example. Resistance soldier has been doing this as well and that is well outside his mechanic
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    Ezra cannot heal himself if he is the only character on the screen, the other 4 dead. Ezra also cannot use watch and learn if no one else is present.

    Dooku getting 7 successive attacks in a row is excessive, if that is the real mechanic working as intended. A Kanan Dooku Zeb attack round would never end since they would feed off each other until someone dies

    I also only used Dooku as an example. Resistance soldier has been doing this as well and that is well outside his mechanic

    Ezra can in fact use watch and learn if he is last character
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    I can only try to give explanations from what info you have give.
    Ezra instance there was no other info in your 2nd post except he used his watch and learn ability. In your first there was no info on wha[ the leader was.

    Honestly if you really want this looked at by the dev team you need to share videos and screen shots with the bugs happening.

    AI taking too many turns is not helpful in figuring out or proving or disproving a bug.
    I have personally not seen any of the issues you are bringing up and with out evidence the most the Dev's can do is run a simulation that will most likely result in no issues found.

    Bug reports are great however they need good data and info backing showing what is wrong. Simply stating dooku is taking to many turns will not get you what you are looking for.

    Can take the advice or not however the more detailed bug reports tend to get the better response because if they can't make it happen they can't fix it and there have definitely been issues that Dev's have stated they can't reproduce and then vids and screenshots of it happening flood the report. Picture is worth a thousand words.
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    Dooku could theoretically do 8 attacks in a row if he was triple hit by Leia got his bonus turn and scored his bonus attack each time
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