TB Freezes, [Game Breaking, Progress Hampering Bugs]

This Bug has affected people throughout my guild, in every phase and it is costing us stars, and rewards. Once again,my screen has froze, I am unable to do anything. You expect us to play your game, and spend money on it, but time after time we get bugs like this which you do nothing about.

Game Breaking Bugs that keep us from progressing. FIX THIS NOW!

If you are unable to FIX THIS NOW, you need to allow us to exit games without it instantly counting our teams as fails. Once this is FIXED, then return it to normal.

I do not understand how you can make 13 million dollars a month with this game, and can not afford a extra programmer or two to make sure things like this do not happen. Its been almost 3 weeks of us reporting this bug, this is inexcusable.


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