Whom to farm

1263 posts Member
edited September 2017
So, I'm approaching max level, and I'd like to know who to get up so I can suck less.

who I got now- https://swgoh.gg/u/deeziee/collection/

but a summary of above- I run a rebel scum of- Wedge (L), Biggs, R2, Scarif Boi, and then AA, Farm Luke or Lando depending on what's what. (There a bit higher than the DS squad cuz I had to make sure EP got 7*)

And then the team I like- DN, DV, EP, Dooku, and DS, DM or Savage (typically Savage). Sith Trooper on the way someday, with maybe Sith Assassin

So I know that sith aren't meta but I'm still gonna get them all to 7 (maybe not sith assassin but I've heard good things so I guess I am). But that doesn't count for all of my potential energy/shards.

I've been getting TFP so I can 7* R2 when his event comes back around.
I plan on getting Barris and the both Yodas, GM Yoda/Barris for a temporary Sith support until maybe Rex or someone else comes along.

But still, not everything's accounted for, so I must ask, who should I farm for? I was thinking Phoenix for Thrawn or CLS requirements. Any thoughts?

Also don't make fun of my mods. Plz

Edit: also considering FO/ Resistance for the next movie.


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    For arena, consider QGJ. (I ran wigs, lando, QGJ, RG for long time, but with R2 might not need a tank so much.) Ezra would be another option there (hits hard, dispells enemy bufs, calls assist).
    QGJ best jedi lead, help in getting Yoda.

    If want tank - Get ST Han or Old ben. Better rebel tanks than Scarif. Need them both for CLS.
    ST Han is scoundrel so will help get top level credit heist (which should be a priority item if you aren't getting it).

    Given timing might want to work on the new hope characters to try to get CLS.
    Lea is great (could work well in your squad, I been using WIGS, lando, lea and raid han in GW and TB, almost no defense, but with a great offense, who needs it).

    Might want to use a farming calculator to see how long take you to get those chars, see if doable by likely time of next CLS. (I would get ST Han before Lea because of credit heists.)

    Are you doing the top level of credit heist - if not, farm scoundrels.
    Suggest ST Han (also a rebel, need for CLS).
    IG88 good (droid and scoundrel)
    If close to getting Raid Han, he is great (but slow farm obviously).
    If don't like them - take your pick of bounty hunters.

    Empire: TFP is great.

    Jedi: get QGJ (best Jedi lead), Ezra is good. Build up to get yoda.
    Ahsoka is decent, and she is a pilot.
    Mace - main use is if using ship.

  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    I was just getting QGJ for for yoda and that's it, I didn't plan on making an actual jedi team any time soon.

    I'm have 5 scoundrels, but two are untouched old han/chewie. So I don't do the highest level, but I have them unlocked.

    I was thinking of using my arena shards to keep CLS requirements after I 7 star my Savage
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    Prioritize credit heist first!

    Then work on rebels for TB in my opinion. You have a good start on rebels already, great work, i'd suggest a tank for your team, either old ben (very good after rework) or st han (always a solid choice, but not as good as Old Ben imo). Farm ezra too, he is a beast on any rebel team, also needed for thrawn/tb phase 5mission.
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    QGJ is useful beyond just a Jedi team. He is great in the later mod battles where often facing one opponent (his omega turn meter steal helps a lot there). I have used him in many situations on a mixed light/dark team, or as a generally good light side character. He is the most all-around useful character in the cantina store, so don't have to postpone farming another great character to farm him.
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    I know scarif isn't meta, but isn't he good enough for tank when my sith are taking priority? At least for now.

    I've got no issue farming QGJ (won't be used because DN leads my Sith and the synergy doesn't seem well), ut should I farm him over First Order Officer or Poe Dameron or Chopper? For a theoretical movie inspired event or Thrawn (I don't have much of Pheonix Squad tho) Or even Hoth Rebel Scout?
  • Options
    HK666 wrote: »
    I know scarif isn't meta, but isn't he good enough for tank when my sith are taking priority? At least for now.

    I've got no issue farming QGJ (won't be used because DN leads my Sith and the synergy doesn't seem well), ut should I farm him over First Order Officer or Poe Dameron or Chopper? For a theoretical movie inspired event or Thrawn (I don't have much of Pheonix Squad tho) Or even Hoth Rebel Scout?

    I would first farm QQJ, then chopper to about 5 stars then poe
    I would focuse on stormtrooper Han for credit heist and CLS, Old ben for Yoda and CLS, leia because she's great with wiggs and for CLS and luke for idk and CLS. For scoundrels then IG-88 or Cad Bane (if you looking for easy farm).
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