Ackbar fleet event final wave

13 posts Member
edited October 2017
How are you supposed to survive the event ?Right when I get to the last part I am always hit by boba's sonic bomb(which should be on cooldown at the start)and thrawn's ultimate (also should be on cooldown) and the half my units are gone and the rest are in terrible shape my ships hold in the top 200 easy and I'm just getting zero chance to win this. Are alot of others seeing this issue or do I just not get to complete this event?
Post edited by Vampire_X on


  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    I was irritated that the sonic bomb wasn't on countdown but it didn't actually do too much damage to my ships. How complete are your pilots? The bomb did not destroy any of my ships except Biggs who had been taunting and was in deep red going into that wave.
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    All of my pilots are tier 9 or above except for the Phoenix team they are at least tier 6 all ships but one are 7 star
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    just gotta keep gearing up to gear 11
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    Rex was my MVP for this fight.

    I got trashed the first time when I went in with a starting lineup of:

    Biggs (7 ship, 7 char, G10)
    Wedge (7 ship, 7 char, G11)
    Asohka (7 ship, 7 char, G10)
    Ghost (6 ship, 7 crew, G8 crew)
    Phantom II (6 ship, 7 crew, G8 Chop/Sabine, G10 Ezra).

    As reinforcements I had:
    Fives (7 ship, 7 crew, G9)
    Poe (7 ship, 7 crew, G11)
    Rex (7 ship, 7 crew, G10)

    I learned in that first fight, though, that the enemy pretty much doesn't buff at all. Not like fighting in the arena versus a taunting Biggs, a buff-spamming Plo Koon, or a Retribution-granting Tarkin or Maul. So I swapped Asohka and Rex, putting Rex in the starting lineup and saving Asohka so she could have a crit-guaranteed special on reinforcement to do 50k+ damage.

    But it was actually that combo of Rex plus Biggs that won it for me, I think. Rex was able to get two of his specials in to restore Biggs' protection, and Rex' basic doing target lock on unbuffed opponents also kept Biggs topped off in protection. The extra few target locks from Biggs also made Ghost's attacks more effective, and I think I got one or two times where one of my ships resisted a debuff and triggered Rex' unique that gives people protection recovery.

    Because of Rex, I went into the third round nearly full of health and protection across the board. I did lose someone there and brought Poe in to finish off, but 2 stars still gets you the 15 Ackbar shards. :)
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    I pulled it off through I finally got to do ackbars ult right before the sonic bomb and was able to do it. Thank you to everyone who helped with your advice
  • CK_3030
    177 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I just ran an all Galactic Republic squad and it was cake. Just gotta hit enemies that aren't buffed/debuffed with Rex so he can land his TL, then spread the TL around with Fives' special, do the assist special from Consular with Rex so he gets more Prot, and have Plo give taunt to Rex while speeding up the rest of your ships.
  • crzydroid
    7409 posts Moderator
    Yes, Boba was starting off cooldown, just like in TB. I just got a response from Kozi saying it was flagged as a bug.

    So you noticed Chimaera's ultimate off cooldown too? I thought I was noticing that, but then I tried again and it didn't seem to be the case. But then when it did go off, they all took damage, but not a single one was annihilated. Put this in the same thread, but don't know if Kozi's acknowledgement was looking at that as well.
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    I usually stay top 20 in arena. It's actually an easy victory...
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Yes, Boba was starting off cooldown, just like in TB. I just got a response from Kozi saying it was flagged as a bug.

    So you noticed Chimaera's ultimate off cooldown too? I thought I was noticing that, but then I tried again and it didn't seem to be the case. But then when it did go off, they all took damage, but not a single one was annihilated. Put this in the same thread, but don't know if Kozi's acknowledgement was looking at that as well.

    Chimaera's ultimate starts on cooldown. What you're probably seeing is the AoE, which looks very similar. Once the Chimaera is out and people have gotten used to seeing it in Fleet Arena it should be easier to understand what is going on.
    Designer of all things Events for SW:GoH.
    reddit: /u/Capgasp
    I don't reply to attacks or negativity. Keep it civil.
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    Full rebel team makes miracles some how. :/ no one even died. I don’t know why, I thought my beastan u-wing with 8 gear crew was useless, but with it I passed last wave twice, and I could pass with resistance x-wing
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    If Boba's bomb on turn 1 is killing your ships, then your ships aren't good enough. You should breeze through the first two rounds with some protection damage, but still with plenty protection intact. Boba's bomb bypasses protection, so if you've taken "real" damage you'll lose.

    I got wiped on my first try. On my second try I burned Bona down first, then auto'd my way through the rest.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Kronen
    306 posts Member
    I swapped in all three Jedi fighters and wedge and Biggs up front after getting creamed first time. Worked great, I just made sure to take out slave 1 off the bat before his Sonic blast could go off then Vader to take out his Target lock ability and rest was easy only lost one ship.
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    I loaded up tm on akbar and used his ultimate to give all my ships tm. Then i just killed bobba and the rest was easy..
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    On my first try boba did his bomb then chimaera did it's aoe, all 5 of my ships were at critical health and I died shortly after.
    2nd try same thing happened but this time I survived and won. just the way it goes sometimes. Unfortunately, fleet battles seems to be the battles that are most heavily determined by rng. That has been my experience.
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    3 stars on my second run. I just rearranged which ships came in first and did not use anything advanced until wave 3.
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    I beat it on 2nd attempt without losing a ship. First attempt i put 5 best ships n main squad n then two bad ships as backup n lost. Switched the two bad ships into starting 5 an put two good ships into backup an i won easily without even having to call in one of my backups.
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    First 3 attempts I got annihilated on wave 3, didn't get to go. The 4th attempt however was what I would consider to be "normal" and I was able to complete it.
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    How to win: git gud.

    JK but for real, I relied on Rex and Phantom putting target lock on enemies to replenish Biggs' protection pool.
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    If this is helpful to anyone, I beat it with these 5 ships and this strategy without needing a reinforcement (3*).

    Wiggs (7*)
    Resistance Pilot (6*)
    JC (7*)
    Poe (7*)

    I did not use any special abilities the first two rounds (including capital ship specials). Biggs took some damage as a result but still entered the third phase with a touch of protection. At that point, I took out Boba before he got his bomb off (and hence was unaware of the controversy) and from there it was easy as my special abilities quickly gave me protection and damage to finish the third phase.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Hmmm maybe I got lucky as I did it without losing more than 1 ship I think it was on my first try. Wedge, Biggs, and Fives are all g11 though.
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    barely made it in the 2nd round, first round went much easier.
  • TukkuRask
    79 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Edit: I was talking about Akbar's 6* challenge.

    In any case, Rex. It's all about Rex.
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    @JDIII that's not true tho. My Bro doesn't seem to have any trouble cracking Rank 1 with Ackbar.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Creepioo wrote: »
    JDIII that's not true tho. My Bro doesn't seem to have any trouble cracking Rank 1 with Ackbar.
    Funny the assumption people make. Not every leaderboard is the same. What does or doesn't work on one has no bearing on what does or doesn't work on another.
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    Cashicus wrote: »
    Rex was my MVP for this fight.

    I got trashed the first time when I went in with a starting lineup of:

    Biggs (7 ship, 7 char, G10)
    Wedge (7 ship, 7 char, G11)
    Asohka (7 ship, 7 char, G10)
    Ghost (6 ship, 7 crew, G8 crew)
    Phantom II (6 ship, 7 crew, G8 Chop/Sabine, G10 Ezra).

    As reinforcements I had:
    Fives (7 ship, 7 crew, G9)
    Poe (7 ship, 7 crew, G11)
    Rex (7 ship, 7 crew, G10)

    I learned in that first fight, though, that the enemy pretty much doesn't buff at all. Not like fighting in the arena versus a taunting Biggs, a buff-spamming Plo Koon, or a Retribution-granting Tarkin or Maul. So I swapped Asohka and Rex, putting Rex in the starting lineup and saving Asohka so she could have a crit-guaranteed special on reinforcement to do 50k+ damage.

    But it was actually that combo of Rex plus Biggs that won it for me, I think. Rex was able to get two of his specials in to restore Biggs' protection, and Rex' basic doing target lock on unbuffed opponents also kept Biggs topped off in protection. The extra few target locks from Biggs also made Ghost's attacks more effective, and I think I got one or two times where one of my ships resisted a debuff and triggered Rex' unique that gives people protection recovery.

    Because of Rex, I went into the third round nearly full of health and protection across the board. I did lose someone there and brought Poe in to finish off, but 2 stars still gets you the 15 Ackbar shards. :)

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