Credit Event

I am ten days waiting for the event credits and nothing that day that comes the event? before had every week, now will lose event tharwan for lack of credits.


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    I am sorry to hear that you won't be getting Thrawn. But there is an event schedule and there was plenty of time to prepare. Always save your resources!
  • LtGenStu
    234 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    It runs every 5-12 days. 7 days being the average. Wait one more day and you will see! :wink:

    I suggest that you to set yourself a new 0 for credits. Mine is at 10M. I always stay above that and even more to have a reserve for emergencies.
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    There has always been an event in the week, now it has become a mess, every week if the event is postponed, then if there is a lack of planning it is the EA or unwillingness to help, but let it go next, this only discourages buying crystals and keeps players away.
  • Kenjamin1991
    109 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Credit heists are always "random" and not tied to legendary events. Gotta prepare more next time.
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    The last credit heist was on 18/11/2017. 11 days ago...
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    Restraint and planning go a long way. Actually saving a little is not a big ask.
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    Yeah he could have saved but I see his point. I was hoping for the credit heist too..... It seems the more we ask forbb the credit heist, the less they want to give it to us. Some times it feels like the devs are just being petty.

    Don't take my post as complaining. I don't actually care this time around, but I do see he has a valid point.
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    They seem to intentionally keep the credit heist out of the middle of the new legendary events. I wouldn’t expect one in the middle of Rey’s Heroes Journey either.
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    It’s always 6-12 days. I expect it tomorrow. And sometimes it works out that a heist comes right before a big event - see some of the posts that say thank you for it.
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    Credit heist is tommorow
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It’s always 6-12 days. I expect it tomorrow. And sometimes it works out that a heist comes right before a big event - see some of the posts that say thank you for it.

    This ^^. It should be 6- 12 days but they did give us notice they may break from that schedule. Either way it's still within the 6-12 day schedule and let's see how it plays out
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    They could have credit heist every day and it still wouldn't be enough for how many credits I currently need. Maybe when you've been 85 for 2 years you can sit on 10M all the time, but the rest of us would just fall farther behind if we tried that. My "zero" is zero.
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    They could have credit heist every day and it still wouldn't be enough for how many credits I currently need. Maybe when you've been 85 for 2 years you can sit on 10M all the time, but the rest of us would just fall farther behind if we tried that. My "zero" is zero.
    I ve been playing since December 2015. And I think I had 3k creds yesterday lol it’s tough all over. For those that stack up they are sacrificing and /or waiting to use them. We ve all been where you are. It gets better. We progress little by little each day.
  • TVF
    36770 posts Member
    lgbrandao wrote: »
    There has always been an event in the week

    I need a new message here.
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