Ahsoka Leader Bug - 11% of zero is zero.

246 posts Member
edited February 2016
So Ashoka, at level 3, grants 11% evasion to jedi and nightsisters. Asoka's Dodge Rating = 0. Her Deflection Rating = 0. This is the same for all nightsisters. 11% of zero is zero, so in effect she is not granting anyone anything including herself when she is the leader?

Is this a bug in the description? If not is it really granting 11% of zero? If so, doesn't that make it totally worthless?

Edit: "Allies gain 11% evasion". I would assume if my Dodge Rating was 20, I would gain 2.2, if it was 10, I would gain 1.1, if it was 0 I would gain 0.
Character Name: Nofaultius
Post edited by fasterthanyous on


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    While all chars show Dodge of zero, some have natural dodge, a base value that doesn't show. Same for tenacity, all chars have base 15% tenacity, and it doesn't show either. Look at Sid's description ... It mentions high natural dodge, and stat still shows zero.
    With Ahsoka, the increase is on top of her natural dodge, whatever that is.
    One day hopefully character sheet will display correct data.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    No matter the star or gear level this stat on every hero I see stays at zero. But I notice some heroes dodge more than others.

    Is this an oversight? Do some toons dodge/deflect better than others or do they all have the equil chance of being hit?
    Sidious says +35% dodge rating against Jedi attacks but 35% of 0 is still zero, right? Why does he still dodge?

    Why does anyone dodge/deflect if their stat says zero for chance of dodging or deflecting?
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    Quoting from a post I made 9 days ago and no replies. Not to be a pessimist but I've also seen people questioning this back in December too. This must not be very high priority for them and we probably won't see any replies from the "support team." :disappointed:
  • Options
    No matter the star or gear level this stat on every hero I see stays at zero. But I notice some heroes dodge more than others.

    Is this an oversight? Do some toons dodge/deflect better than others or do they all have the equil chance of being hit?
    Sidious says +35% dodge rating against Jedi attacks but 35% of 0 is still zero, right? Why does he still dodge?

    Why does anyone dodge/deflect if their stat says zero for chance of dodging or deflecting?

    It's because the issue is not that they have zero Dodge, but actual dodge value is not being printed. Display bug.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    I think you meant Darth Dodgsideous against Jedi is 90% as AI...unless you are using him, then it is 10 ish...
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I believe, those percentage-buffs do add the percent ...

    Just same (hypothetical) examples: Your char has 10% dodge, the skills says it adds 10% ... it doesnt mean 10% + (10% of 10%) = 11% ... it means 10 + 10 = 20(%)

    So, 0% dodge + 11% dodge in this game, means = 11 % (even though, im sure 0% base dodge is a kind of display bug)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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