Help my decide how to continue my team building

Dear GoH fellow players,

I have been playing the game for about 3 weeks now and I love it. I am at lvl 55 now and looking forward to starting fleet battles but still a week or so to go.

I am coming to you to ask for advice on what should I focus on next in various aspects of the game. I understand there are various ways to play this game and that is the main reason I like it so much, so I will try to take into consideration all advices. Here is my current roster:

Apart from Hera Syndulla, all my phoenix squad is 5 stars, with the exception of Zeb who is 6 and I plan on making him 7 to be able to sign in raids. I am planning to make Hera 5 stars, and then should I stop focusing on Phoenix Squadron and go for Rebels in the Cantina? Should I take Ezra to 7* before that? Any advice is appreciated.

In other shops is the same question. I plan on getting boba fett from cantina store. Who should I focus on in arena store and galaxy war store?

I am planning to get some scoundrels now since a lot of guides say scoundrels are a must for heists and heists are a must to be done. So I have chewy and getting Boba Fett from hard nodes.

So what advice do you have for me? Thank you all in advance.


  • GloriousFool
    103 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    A lot to read, but hang in there.

    Keep farming your phoenix team to 5 stars first, and make sure to farm gear for them, gear level is in my opinion more important than star count, because a 5 star gear level 10 character is as strong as a 7 star gear level 8 (maybe 9) character. (When they are 5 stars, stop and do the below suggestion).

    Then farm a credit heist team to 5 stars and gear level 8, you will be glad if you do this, because upgrading characters is expensive (upgrading a character from 6 stars to 7 stars alone costs 1 million credits), my recommended credit heist team is: boba (leader), stormtrooper han, lando, cad bane and IG-88, they will clear the highest tiers of credit heist easily at that level (and training droid heist), plus they are all easy and quick to farm. Getting them to 5 stars and gear 8, will also clear the crit chance mod challange for you as well. Plus level up a character from level 1 to 85 costs about 6 - 7 million credits.

    Then return to farming your phoenix squad to 7 stars, some may say they are not good in raids, not true, i use them for phase 1 rancor raid and phase 2 aat raid, they are very good in those phases (never ever use them in phase 1 aat raid, they will get wiped out right away, and they are not good in phase 3 rancor raid, other rancor phases decent).

    Then planning for your future, i my opinion you will have more fun with the game if you have characters that help you climb arena and raids and clear galactic war (although phoenix will help you to clear galactic war every day), so i recommend these characters: 1) luke skywalker (farmboy), 2) old ben, 3) biggs, 4) leia, 5) wedge, 6) ackbar, 7) tarkin, 8) empire tie pilot, 9) stormtrooper, 10) magmatrooper, 11) teebo and 12) rex.

    The last 2 empire ones are not great, in fact stromtrooper sucks, but when you get palpatine through phoenix squad (they clear palp event easily), you will then have a decent empire team (better with royal guard and vader, but you are not there yet and will take some time to get there). Royal guard is one of the very best dark side tanks in the game, my personal top 3, he has saved my arena team almost every single battle (his passive works kinda like general kenobi).

    As for where to farm them, i suggest you don´t farm them in fx cantina and hard nodes if you can farm them in arena store or galactic war store or cantina store, try to farm them simultaneously at each location according to their priority. When farming luke in cantina battles, farm biggs in galctic war store and leia in arena store and stormtrooper in cantina store at the same time.

    As for crystalls you get, don't waste them on packs or shipments of any kind, use them only for energy refreash, you decide on energy or cantina energy, it´s not worth it otherwise. Unless you are not f2p.

    After all of those you should be ready for the commander luke skywalker event, when it comes back in april or may (my own guess, but i think it will take you that long to get ready anyway).

    When you get to ships, i recommend these ships: ahsoka tano, jedi consular, biggs, wedge, boba, empire tie pilot, FO tie pilot, fives, sun fac (darth vader´s ship is the best in the game, although it is f2p and easy to farm, it does not show in feet store often, but get it whenever you can). They are all good and easy to farm ships, about half of them are still used in high fleet arena rankings, however your first priority after getting a full fleet arena team, should not be to farm ships, it should be to farm characters needed for those ships (star count will help to make them stronger), but number 1 is chirrut (he is amazing, even without baze malbus, very good and strong and useful character).

    Farming advise, usually when i farm a toon, i farm him/her all the way to 7 stars, you avoid wasting time and resources that way, but you decide otherwise if you want to get ready for an event, if so prepare for 1 event/challenge at a time.

    Some galactic war advise, pick 3 teams to gear upgrade side by side, when toons in the first team are all the same gear level, do the same for the other 2 teams in order, after that and go back to the first team and repeat the process, that way you will avoid getting sudden or impossible difficulty spikes in galactic war, at least you will have 3 teams to finish galactic war while using your weaker other teams as canon fodder.

    My last advise, farm first order and resistance factions, does´nt matter which ones really, they are becomming must have characters in the game, strong in pretty much any area of the game. First farm first order, then resistance. By then you will be ready for jedi training rey event.

    P.S. Other characters that would be good for you to farm are: qui-gon jin, phasma, HK-47, IG-86, barris, jedi knight anakin and ayla secura (plus the jawas eventually). Ewoks? Other than teebo, meh. Except maybe ewok elder.
    Post edited by GloriousFool on
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    The Game Changers have farming guide videos on youtube. You can find the current Game Changer Beginner advice videos here:

    Scoundrels are a good thing to farm, as they are needed for credit heist and training droid heist. Stormtrooper Han is good to farm as he is both a rebel and a scoundrel, so he is multipurpose. If you already have Phoenix squad almost at 5, it may be best to finish them to 7* as you can use them for events to get Emperor Palpatine, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and later, Chimaera (Thawn's capital ship) if you also farm the phoenix ships.

    I have prepared an index of reoccurring events for new players, which includes listing the characters needed for each event as well as suggested level and gear level that may be helpful when planning what to farm.

    I also have an index of terms and acronyms in case any you need it, as people generally use a bunch when giving advice.

    Hope this helps!
  • Options
    If you can continue to level phoenix you should do that. They can be used for the Emperor Palpatine event, Thrawn, Territory Wars, and Territory battles. Additionally, their levels, mods and skills will effect their ships.

    Ezra is useful for the Yoda event.

    Get Stormtrooper Han. Good for lots of areas including Credit Heist.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    While Phoenix is a great team for arena, GW and TB/TW farming them has left you without scoundrels for credit heist. Credit heist is a valuable source for credits. A team of 5 scoundrels at 4* is needed for the final tier.

    However, since you already chose the Phoenix path, I'll suggest that you keep farming them to at least 6* before getting Lando, Boba, ST Han and IG—88 to 4*.

    Meanwhile, you should farm Biggs, Boba, JC and Millenium Falcon and FOST hard nodes every day. Biggs' ship is a must—have and the others are great too (though JC is only mediocre in end—game). Royal guard is another hard node to farm every day. It will help you get R2D2 later.
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    Ty all for the help, I started getting STH from arena shop and will keep working on my ezra to get him to 7* and then see how things go from there. I will definitely put scoundrels on priority.

    I found very little information about ships and guides for them. While I did find a few they are all very vague and dont offer any specific direction. But none of them mentioned the Mil. Falcon while I consider it a very very good ship. Is it because of the crew or some other issue?
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Millenium Falcon is not used very much in fleet arena, but it is farmed outside fleet shipments, can be farmed early on, and you will want to farm Rey who shares the M_F node at some point anyway.

    The must—have ships are Biggs and various tie fighters or other target—lockets. Yes, dark side dominates fleet arena. The two Phoenix ships are ok as well, as is 5s' ship. You mainly want target—locking ships for their synergy with biggs' taunt and protection recovery. Darth maul's ship is great as a replacement.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    I forgot to add FOTP's hard node (his ship is great)
  • Options
    You want the the Phoenix ships to get to Thrawn’s Capital Ship.
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