Gear level for phoenix

26 posts Member
edited January 2018
Currently sitting at gear level 8 which really wasnt great for thrawn, only got him at 5* even though they're all 7*. I should imagine palpatine will be coming round soon and I don't know what I should do with them, should I omega them all and max out gear levels as much as possible or leave them as they are. I don't know if I should have one maxed team and neglect everyone else


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    With decent arena mods g8 can 7* thrawn with good RNG....Gear ezra and Hera up higher for an easier time. A zeta on Kanan makes it real easy(3-4 tries max)
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    I got thrawn 7* with all g8.. ezra was 2 pieces of gear from 9, the rest were about half full of gear or had none ( Fresh g8 ). I had all of their abilities at least to level 7, with about half of the abilities omegad ( most of heras and zeb and chopper ). Just getting the abilities up and half omegad, made getting Thrawn 6* much easier. To get Thrawn at 7* I had to move all of my arena mods to the phoenix squad, and did it for 2 hours straight of retry's until the rng finally lined up. Ended up having everyone but kanan at the end thats how big of a difference the rng was. I modded chopper for as much protection as possible and used him as my main tank. When thrawn was about to fracture I used kanans taunt as he was my weakest, but he was able to take the hit, and then backup plan went on him.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    For thrawn at gear viii you need most of the omegas and good mods otherwise you need gear ix.

    I'd push them ensure thrawn next time.
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    So with some decent speed mods and a zeta on kanan they should be fine how they are? I heard that palpatine is a lot easier than thrawn anyway
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    Yoda and Palpatine were easy, 7* r2 was difficult until I had 7* Emporer, but 7* Thrawn was the hardest, thanks deathtroopers
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    The secret to that fight that people seem to miss is the deadly buff on the Deathtroopers. It can ONLY be removed by stagger and must be removed asap. Stack Zeb with potency and feed him all assists and turn meter for daze/stun/stagger. Ignore thrawn until last. Kill stun DTs then others then thrawn. Backup plan whoever gets fractured (hopefully a 190+ speed taunting chopper). Can do with g8.
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    My alt whole team was g8 and I have crappy mods’s a FTP test account for myself so I will not waste extra gear on toons I don’t want to test.

    I hated wasteing the zeta, but I get those quicker than the gear necessary to beat 7* thrawn with my crappy mods and the 100000 times I would have had to try to get favorable RNG. With zeta I beat it easily the third time(thrawn fractured Kanan the first 2).
  • catharsis478
    676 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    You can clear off the Death trooper's buff with Ezra and Chopper's cleanse as well as Zeb's special. Be wary when using Chopper's cleanse, though, because the resisted effects feed TM to Thrawn's team.

    Though I shouldn't really be giving advice since I failed to 7* Thrawn (though I 6*'d him in one go) this time around; RNG was never in my favor (I probably tried ~300 times), and my mods weren't quite good enough (and I was unwilling to pause my cantina farm in hopes of new/better mods), and I wasn't high enough to unlock/omega their uniques. I'm running G8 Nix too, they'll probably be better off the next time he comes around, and I'll wonder how I ever struggled with it. Let's just hope we see Thrawn again before the R2 before CLS.

    I'm not at all worried for Palpatine.
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    I beat the Thrawn 7* with g11 Ezra, g10 Hera and Chopper and g8 Kanon and Zeb. All had ok mods with Hera and Ezra having a bit below arena rate mods. Beat it first attempt with those set up like that. Didn't lose anyone on the team either. Every ability was maxed with the exception of zetas. I didn't have a single one. A g10 chopper definitely went a long way. Just remember to cleanse them DTs soon as you're able to and knock them out. Then you're pretty well in the clear. Also, with Hera's and Ezra's assist attacks, I had them assist each other every chance they opened up for use.
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    Phoenix squad stays useful throughout the game, if you struggled that hard with Thrawn you should keep building on them. Out of curiosity did you make sure your squad layout was correct against Thrawn? I screwed up the first few times and didn't have Hera as my lead, it was so bad I couldn't even pass 3 of 4 but once I corrected it the fight got a lot easier.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Huh I beat it a long time ago with an all g8 team and was having trouble. Looked at the DT buff and swore it read could only be removed by stagger... Regardless once I cleared those first I beat it in 3-4 tries. G8 only but had fast Chopper and Omegas on everyone.
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