Does anyone know what happened to CG_Kozispoon?

38 posts Member
edited March 2018
Does anyone know what happened to CG_Kozispoon? Will we see her again?

the biggest russian-language swgoh community:


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    She got tired of the forum yelling at her and moved away.
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    Why is it such a big deal? It's as if people found out she was female and she instantly became a bug zapper to all these flies.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    I believe someone mentioned in another thread that following her personal social media accounts she is leaving cg. I have no idea how accurate this is.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Does no one here take vacations?
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    People keep saying she indicated she was leaving. Someone said she posted it on Twitter last week, and today someone said she posted it on Instagram.

    Last week I suggested that someone should verify it one way or the other (true that she posted it or just someone trolling/mistaken) because otherwise the forum would keep talking about it. A dev (apologies, can't remember which one) just answered cryptically instead...and here we are.
    I need a new message here.
  • AnnerDoon
    1353 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Does no one here take vacations?

    If we have to keep getting our daily 600's when we're on vacation, @CG_Kozispoon has to keep posting daily memes if she goes on vacation.

    It's only fair.
  • Kiritoismyname
    845 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Yup, she clearly said she's leaving, on instagram.

    Her words were "Goodbye party. Something- something, "how well did you know kozispoon?".

    I didn't understand what that something is so decided to skip it. It still sounds vague, but clear enough to make out she's leaving.
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    I believe it was @CG_RyDiggs and he said paid time off, but it must be part of a severance package since she has said she is leaving. Unless their is an elaborate troll posing as her on instagram/twitter
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    It's weird to see her leaving aren't making a big enough noise. I'm really disappointed to see her go, expect others to be too.
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    TVF wrote: »
    So the person that said here that she is moving (per her twitter feed) is incorrect?

    Not really our business I suppose but if she did indeed post that on her twitter feed it would be best to just admit it so we can all move on.

    And on the flip side it would be good to quash that rumor immediately if not true.
    CG_rydiggs wrote:

    For better or worse, I'm today. Kozi is on PTO. That's all you need to know.

    Back to the update!

    No news to report yet.
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