How many purple ability mats?

Does anybody know how many purple mats could you get weekly? From ability challenges, GW, mod challenges...
Maybe somebody did the maths.


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    I probably get 120-150 in a week. With daily 3x refill cantina that reward mk3 purple mat
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    I probably get 120-150 in a week. With daily 3x refill cantina that reward mk3 purple mat

    WOW, I get about 30 in a week maximum, I would love to get that many in a week.
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    120? Really? That's much more than I thought! I hope your estimates are right hahahaha
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    You have the challenge 3 days a week so which is 3 attempts so you're looking at 3*3*(3~6). I'd say you get about 40-50 from that. Then you get some from Galactic way which I'm not sure how many that is exactly and lastly the biggest variation comes from how many cantina refreshes you do.

    I don't think @RacerDejak is reffering to the average player with the 120-150 a week, I'd say is less than that. However his point is correct, 3 refreshes will get you further away.

    There are also some random events that drop a few each week. Realistically you're looking at about 100 but that's up to you and the amount of refreshes you do.
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    Cantina always rewards purples?
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    SeanutB wrote: »
    Cantina always rewards purples?

    They can, although it seems that the lower energy nodes tend to pay them out far less frequently than the 12 and 16 energy nodes, so if you're farming Talia and Lando, you're less likely to get purple mats than if you're farming Death Trooper or the vets.
  • Balthasar666
    254 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    I probably get 120-150 in a week. With daily 3x refill cantina that reward mk3 purple mat

    WOW, I get about 30 in a week maximum, I would love to get that many in a week.

    then you should start doing your dailies
    3 times a week ability mat challenge is like 45 on its own
  • Kiritoismyname
    845 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    SeanutB wrote: »
    Cantina always rewards purples?


    As for op, lets count.
    1) Gw rewards 3/4 on average. = 21/28 per week. Or lets assume 25.
    2) Every 3 cantina battles rewards 1 on average in higher nodes (assumption). Therefore, ×3 refreshes rewards roughly 10 mats per day on 16 energy node? Lets assume 70 mats from here.
    3) Omega battles reward 2 per week roughly.
    4) Mat challenges (plus ships) rewards roughly 17 mats per challenge day. 51 here.

    So total is 51 +70 +25 +2 = 148.

    Ps. It's only an assumption.
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    I probably get 120-150 in a week. With daily 3x refill cantina that reward mk3 purple mat

    WOW, I get about 30 in a week maximum, I would love to get that many in a week.

    It's impossible to only get 30 mk3 mats a week, unless you're not doing all your daily challenges.
    - 3 mats challenges a week (15-18 per challenge) => 45-54 mats
    - 7 GW a week (2-4 per GW) => 14-28 mats
    - cantina/normal nodes farming => variable no. of mk3 mats

    It's pretty common to get at least 100 mk3 mats a week.
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    You get the ability mat challenge 3 times a week, three attempts each time, with 5-6 purple mats each time at the top tier. So that's 45 or more.
    You also get 2-4 from each galactic war, so assuming minimal gain but 7 completed GWs each week is another 14.
    You also get them fairly often from the fleet ability mat challenge. I'm not sure about the odds, but it seems to me my average is about 10 per week.
    So that's 69 mats each week, before counting event rewards, cantina rewards, or good RNG in the challenges.
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    I probably get 120-150 in a week. With daily 3x refill cantina that reward mk3 purple mat

    WOW, I get about 30 in a week maximum, I would love to get that many in a week.

    @Raymundo16 , as @Balthasar666 said, u can get 45 for challenge. So, the math is (per week):

    - Challenge : 45
    - Ship challenge : 5
    - GW : Let's say 3 per day. 3 x 7 = 22
    - Weekly omega battle : 2
    - Cantina 3x refill, lets say 10 per day. 10 x 7 = 70

    U get 144 mat, it can lower or higher.. depend on RNG :grimace:
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    Kristbaal wrote: »
    120? Really? That's much more than I thought! I hope your estimates are right hahahaha
    Well u can, if u do cantina refill.. if not maybe around 70-80 mat per week
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    SeanutB wrote: »
    Cantina always rewards purples?
    Nope, it's RNG dependable.. same like when u farming cantina shard. Sometimes u get, sometimes u dont
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