Drop rates for cantons 6-a

14 posts Member
Please increase the drop rates for the ship reinforcement material. Several time now I have spent 1200 crystals in ONE day to only receive 4 reinforcement items!!!!

This is WAY TOO low for me to continue trying to accumulate these items anymore.

Also you need to lower the amount it takes to get to the second reinforcement bonus. 75 is too big of a jump to have any real value to this part of the game!!
It amounts to the equivalent of a $35.00 purchase just for ONE SHIP INCREASE.



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    It’s all very boring now. RNG for store, for rewards, for what drops on nodes, how your characters behave, how hard thing hit or damage mitigated, very low percentage rates for needed items to drop. It’s seriously a drag. I don’t know whether to call it a lottery or a casino. Cantina nodes have a chance to drop omegas, and yet very few have ever seen them drop. The frustration is real.
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    Soooo... stop farming for them.. that node is only temporary until fleet table is released. I mean 1200 crystals in one day to get 4 there was also a thread where people were still getting 0/30+ on double drop days
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