Thoughts on “other” Jedi?

Thinking about leveling a couple more Jedi - are there any underrated Jedi that might work well in a Bastila Team? Of the following - what order would you put them in...and what are their pros and cons....
1) JKA
2) Aayla
3) Plo Koon
4) Ahsoka
5) IGD
6) Mace - pretaunt with Bastila....fleet...I guess...

1 and 2 are the ones that interest me the most....not sure which does more damage. The others seem lacklustre although I could see an argument for leveling Ahsoka/Plo/Mace for Fleet....just not sure if any have viability elsewhere?


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    Nope. Bastilla GMY Ezra is a must. Then you have 2 spots, and all the following are more important than your list:
    Old ben

    Perhaps even Kanaan or ATF.
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    I so wish Anakin was relevant to this game still. He hasn't been relevant since the days of the Count Dooku lead days... Back in the days before protection.

    He is the chosen one. Anakin should ALWAYS be relevant
  • Shadowscream
    971 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Nope. Bastilla GMY Ezra is a must. Then you have 2 spots, and all the following are more important than your list:
    Old ben

    Perhaps even Kanaan or ATF.

    That’s not what I asked! I’m well aware of that & am running Ezra, Old Ben, Kanan/Thrawn atm. Just want to know about the next “tier” of any have niche roles!
    e.g. I’d never have discovered that QGJ (as 5th man) can carry you easily into the top 20, if I hadn’t experimented a bit —> he’s obviously inferior to Hoda, Kanan, Thrawn etc.
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    Dont you forget Zarris and GK
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    I so wish Anakin was relevant to this game still. He hasn't been relevant since the days of the Count Dooku lead days... Back in the days before protection.

    He is the chosen one. Anakin should ALWAYS be relevant

    I’ll bet you his rework is in the works.

    Remember that even Grand Master Yoda was totally worthless after the protection update when they gimped his damage. He only recently got his swagger back.
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    Plo and Ahsoka are very fleet viable as well
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    I so wish Anakin was relevant to this game still. He hasn't been relevant since the days of the Count Dooku lead days... Back in the days before protection.

    He is the chosen one. Anakin should ALWAYS be relevant

    I’ll bet you his rework is in the works.

    Remember that even Grand Master Yoda was totally worthless after the protection update when they gimped his damage. He only recently got his swagger back.

    Currently how do JKA and Aayla compare to Ezra in terms of DPS? I know very little about Aayla.

    —> To the person mentioning Zarris, she’s essentially wasted for most of the fight as Bastila is protection based. I like Zarris though!

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    He is the chosen one. Anakin should ALWAYS be relevant

    He is. Darth Vader has lots of uses across the game
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    I’ve seen Aayla successfully used in some lineups. I think she replaces Hoda in the classic lineup, giving more DPS to get the job done quick. I’ve also seen her used as a replacement for Ezra but I have no idea if that actually works...
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" •
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    I use JKA in my Jedi squad

    Old Ben

    I love having JKA!

    First and foremost I play this game to have FUN! I love star wars and everything in it. I love Clone Wars and Anikans character. I won't run Jedi without him because I am here to have FUN.....remember that word....FUN.... it'll take you places bro.

    Secondly he lands his healing and buff immunity almost every time he hits someone. Between Old Ben, JKA, and Bastila I can put healing/buff immunity, evansion down and ability block on a toon and make them essentially useless. Put it on Vader, Palp, or Thrawn at the beginning of the battle and laugh.

    Thirdly. Once Yoda spreads his buff love around JKA will do 15-20k damage on his aoe.

    So yes. JKA is completely useless on a Jedi team. He brings nothing to the table at all.

    Anyhoo I'm going to go over here and have FUN
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    I’m gearing up plo koon right now primarily for his ship, but he has a nice kit and I want to slot him in a second string Jedi squad for Tw; QGJ, Anakin, Aayla, Plo Koon, and someone else.

    I love Aayla. Her stun and assist are very useful in arena. I’d say she’s the next best Jedi after Ezra in the bastila team.
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    There are a few decent Jedi for a secondary team, actually. The problem is that all the REALLY good ones are sort of stuck on the lead team: Bastila, GM Yoda, Hermit Yoda, and Ezra - so there's no 'spreading them around.'

    The worst is that GM Yoda's lead is great, but when he's stuck under a Bastila lead, it doesn't matter. So one MIGHT sacrifice having GM Yoda on Bastila's team so that he can lead a second team of Jedi... then you'd have two pretty strong teams instead of one really strong team and one mediocre team. But... yeah.

    Ezra and Aayla together are fantastic. It's rare, but at times, if Ezra calls Aayla for his assist, he winds up with four hits in a row. Here's how: Ezra calls Aayla to attack (one hit). On her attack, she calls Ezra to assist (up to two attacks). Then it's Ezra's ACTUAL turn, and he gets up to two more attacks. When this happens, it's absolutely killer.

    People have already spoken on behalf of Anakin and I agree with them, so let me sing the praises of Ahsoka Tano. For a long time, she was my hardest-hitting Jedi. When buffed up good and proper, that special can do some serious damage. She self-heals on all of her basics, keeping her good and alive throughout the fight, and even has a decent team heal on her special. Under GK's lead, this also causes a cascading attack. Awesome!

    One group that's sort of fun to play is Kit Fisto, Anakin, Plo Koon. All of them have AOE attacks. Again, it's a hard sell to pry that superteam apart, but under Bastila or GM Yoda, those three AOEs in a row can do pretty sick damage. GM Yoda also has an AOE, so that makes four!

    I could go on and on - all of my Jedi except Guardian are either G11 or G12, and I use three reasonably equal all-Jedi teams for TB/TW with success (okay, I also add in Visas). But you get the idea. Let me know if you have any questions!

  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Anakin can hit pretty hard with Master's Training and he's the only Jedi with a strong AoE, so very useful when you're stuck behind SiT's taunt for example. I use the regular Bastila team in TW but Anakin instead of Ezra that I keep for my Phoenix squad.
    As specified by @SamuraiUX, Ahsoka is also a good hitter. I've got her gr XII for the ships and use her in TW with my zQGJ team on offense. Aayla should be a good hitter, but I don't have her geared, so cannot really speak about her.
  • Krjstoff
    634 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Dxtrinc wrote: »
    Once Yoda spreads his buff love around JKA will do 15-20k damage on his aoe.

    Yes, but, Ezra crits for 20k on his basic (often twice) and 70k on a flourish AND calls assists, and he never exposes himself.

    I know it's not an AOE but I still think the sheer DPS of Ezra is more useful.

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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    Dxtrinc wrote: »
    Once Yoda spreads his buff love around JKA will do 15-20k damage on his aoe.

    Yes, but, Ezra crits for 20k on his basic (often twice) and 70k on a flourish AND calls assists, and he never exposes himself.

    I know it's not an AOE but I still think the sheer DPS of Ezra is more useful.

    Right. That's why I have JKA and Ezra on my squad. Lots of hard-hitting
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    Dxtrinc wrote: »
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    Dxtrinc wrote: »
    Once Yoda spreads his buff love around JKA will do 15-20k damage on his aoe.

    Yes, but, Ezra crits for 20k on his basic (often twice) and 70k on a flourish AND calls assists, and he never exposes himself.

    I know it's not an AOE but I still think the sheer DPS of Ezra is more useful.

    Right. That's why I have JKA and Ezra on my squad. Lots of hard-hitting

    Do you know how Aayla compare to JKA damage-wise? (Or does anyone else know)
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    I really really love Aayla as an option. Sometimes when fighting an EP team with a well-protected EP, I switch her in over Ezra cuz Ezra really takes a beating from EP's unique unless you can burst EP down. And she holds her own with her counters, stuns and assists. Every Sith AOE (except Vader's) makes the enemy sweat as Aayla often counterstuns them.

    Never really compared her dmg to JKA's but she seems to hit decently hard.
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    Anakin’s basic hits harder than Aayla’s, but her special hits about twice as hard as her basic. So..
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    Yea....I’ve been running a well geared/modded QGJ as 5th man....helps with dispels and 50% chance to call Ezra/GMY with his special BUT debating farming Aayla to replace him (not getting Hoda or GK anytime soon).
    I guess I’m just curious whether the difference in team performance with Aayla over QGJ is worth the Farm!
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    SamuraiUX wrote: »
    ...let me sing the praises of Ahsoka Tano. For a long time, she was my hardest-hitting Jedi. When buffed up good and proper, that special can do some serious damage. She self-heals on all of her basics, keeping her good and alive throughout the fight, and even has a decent team heal on her special. Under GK's lead, this also causes a cascading attack. Awesome!

    Totally agree. And her ship is very under-rated.

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