Converting mods into slicing materials

59 posts Member
edited August 2018
I don't know if I was dreaming or remember correctly, but in previous teasers for this mod 2.0, it said that we will be able to "destroy" our current mods into slicing materials. I kept tons of mods which are essentially bad just because of this!
Is this still a thing, or they forgot it because its too f2p friendly or it was never a thing and I'm wrong remembering this?
My inventory is full and I would sell the poor mods otherwise...
Help me out, my memory is bad! @CG_SBCrumb
Post edited by DonBongo92 on


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    I remember this too.
    I have also kept tons of useless mods.
  • Stokat
    830 posts Member
    My memory must be equally bad because I want to remember the same thing and I also saved a lot of useless mods for that exact purpose (until I recently sold off a whole bumch of them when it looked like that idea had been scrapped).
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    They're databases probably saw everyone sitting on max number of mods and scrapped that idea as it would have been very f2p friendly to acquire the slicing materials lol
  • crzydroid
    7342 posts Moderator
    edited August 2018
    My memory must also be bad, because I have no idea what you're talking about.

    The only reason I recall that they said not to sell mods is because you might be able to judge their value better after the new levelling and slicing went live.

    They actually got rid of the destroy button.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    My memory must also be bad, because I have no idea what you're talking about.

    The only reason I recall that they said not to sell mods is because you might be able to judge their value better after the new levelling and slicing went live.

    They actually got rid of the destroy button.

    I dont really know now :) as I said my memory is quite bad, but heard it from other players too that they remember this! It might have been in one of the game changer videos or sth like that... why would so many ppl remember this if it was never ever mentioned?

    Anyway if I remember incorrectly then it would be a good idea to make it true by the developers! :D
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    Mandela Effect.
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