New character count for 2018

609 posts Member
edited September 2018
Just wanted to put this in perspective..Not sure if I am missing anyone....

FOX - Cantina (2)
Holdo - Hard Node
Rose - Hard Node
Maurader - Cantina (6)
Sion - Hard Node/Fleet
Visas - Hard Node
Traya - Raid
Bossk - Hard Node
Hounds Tooth
Qi ra - Cantina (3)
Nest - Fleet Node
Young Han - Cantina Store
Vandor Chewie - Hard Node
Young lando - Fleet Node
YL Ship - Fleet Node
L3 - Cantina (5)
Range Trooper - Hard Node
Bastila - Fleet Node/Hard Node
Jolee - Fleet Node/Hard Node
Mission -
Zaalbar -
T3 -
SA ship -
Aurra Sing -
Embo -
Jango -
Cad Ship -

Current count: 27 characters/ships

Feel free to add to this list if I am missing anyone. Just thought this was interesting to see it on paper.
Post edited by LukeDukem8 on


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