New Territory Battle maps?

So evidently there's chatter about new TB maps being put forward, because some guilds find the current ones too easy.

Not having quite gotten 45* yet, my guild is still enjoying pursuing the current goal, thanks very much. Not that we'd mind a new map, but if it's tuned to higher difficulty and our 40* suddenly turn into 20 that would really stink.

If this IS in the works, my suggestion would be:

1) Let the guild choose at the beginning of each TB. A 24-hour "join" just like TW, except when you join you vote on which of the available maps your guild will do. Majority rules.
2) Go ahead, make the new maps harder...but tune the rewards to match them. 20* rewards on the tougher map pays out at least as well as 45* did on the easier one. And/or make it so a guild doesn't "graduate" to the new map until it's hit 45* on the current one.


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    Would like a jedi/sith focused one tbh.

    Not sure who the special mission characters for LS/DS would be.
  • TekkarEdorf
    670 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Old republic war ? With Malak and Revan as special mission characters ? :-)
    I agree on the first part of OP post, but I do not agree with the map unlocking after you 45* Hoth TB
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    The only issue with choosing a TB is that unless your are a top guild normally LS TB is far easier than DS TB.

    Thus would lead to players getting too many credits or only playing a particular map constantly.
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    Funny thing--we always score 1-2 more starts in DS than LS. I guess we're a buncha Sith/Imp/BH/NS lovers.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    When they first came out and were 12 hour phases, they did talk about possibly having concurrent running events...
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    I’ve always been a fan of the “next” button. Payouts are still at the same time but giving a choice to guilds to Zerg while still keeping it optional. With a next button there should also be a “are you sure @ prompt.
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    Or just run one every week? These events are some of if not the best stuff in the game. Everyone Sims their cantina/ls/ds/mod/fleet battles. You get only a few arena matches and only use one team. Most older players Sim their galactic war. So the only time you actually play the game is tb/tw (any even then you can just deploy and not battle, or place all your teams as defense), and the events (and now that omega battles are simable as well). So always running a tb and a tw, or having them unlock with guild tickets like a raid and thus within the guild control of when they run based on activity, would just make a ton of sense. Tweek the rewards if that would result in too much hoda/wampa/gear
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    Repubilc vs. Separatist or Resistance vs. First Order will be a good source for a new TB. How about running two TBs in the same time? Rebel + Rep/Resist goes first then TW goes next in 2 times. And then Empire + Sep/FO goes finally.
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    Having one of these each week would be nice, too. Agreed they are some of the most enjoyable content in the game.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    I'd be way more stoked about not requiring characters that came out 5 minutes ago at 6-7 stars for platoons.
  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    I think many are in favor of being able to choose your TB map prior to the event beginning, especially if it is geared towards higher end guilds. My guild has both TB maps on auto pilot at the moment, no real challenge anymore. I know that is not the case for many guilds so having the option to choose would be nice and I think keep most happy.

    If 3P0 is released as a TB rewards toon, to keep the rage at bay, have him in the guild events store like Wampa and Hoda so even if you do the "old" TB map, you can still save for him.

    Bonus shards for 3P0 would be given to those competing in the new, most likely harder TB map.

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    One day less on TB and one a week with TW on weekends.

    Monday to Friday: TB
    Saturday/Sunday: TW (join on Friday)

    That's the perfect week to me
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