When are the double drops?

190 posts Member
I deleted the message way too fast.


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    23/11 to 25/11

    They usually drop at your refresh that marks the start of 23/11.

    So for me in UK I expect them to start at 11pm tonight
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    Sorry, the caps were necessary, people always complain after spending a ton of energy before it begins.
    You can probably assume the majority of what I post is sarcasm, feel free to skip and move along rather than reading...
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    @jfears2 I admire your optimism, but we both know the forums will still be awash with people complaining that they spent energy before double drops AND people complaining that they didn't get enough notice so they could hoard for bigger benefits.
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    Best you can do is announce it clearly to your guild so they can start hording and know to wait for the gold glow. You'll have a lot better luck with 49 other people listening than 10,000.
    I'm getting the popcorn ready for the dozen or so inevitable "I spent 4000 energy and not a single double drop!" threads.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Why do people just delete the announcements without reading them? Because reading the announcements would instantly clear up 100% of "when does XYZ drop event start" questions.
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    Does the double drop even start at 0:00 or later? It would be good to know. Any info on that?
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    Its been a while since i prepared for double drops. Its best to do all My refreshes right before midnight right? And should i stay just blow the energy caps or let it go over?

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    It won't go over naturally with the timed energy. It stops at 144. You can refresh over the limit, or if you're lower level and earn bonus energy it'll go over. But letting it sit overnight at 144 is just costing you.
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    BUT if you buy refreshes before daily reset and then after daily reset you’ll have even more energy to use on double drops.
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    Yes you can purchase tons of refreshes and stock up on energy prior to, however; you will lose all the additional time-earned energy.

    Probably have way more from the crystal refreshes but still, free energy out the window.
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    You are right, but it is definitely worth missing out on the regenerated energy in this instance.
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    I believe you receive 10 regular and mod energy/hour and 5 cantina and ship energy every hour. Im going to use my three 100 crystal cantina refreshes this evening. Prob only lose out on about 25-35 free energy but have 360 extra to burn tomorrow morning.
  • Laz
    190 posts Member
    This gets complicated.
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    I also highly recommend saving your energy towards end of day today, so that you are full tomorrow. The extra energy can go a long way.
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    Doble drop on every battle in game, or are any nodes excluded like for example ships and mod salvage nodes? i dont remember the sign either i pretty much stopper reading after doble drop jajajaja
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    We know what day, but not what time. 12:01 am local, UTC/GMT, or some other time? If I’m waiting 12-18 hrs for 2x drops, then buying refreshes the day before makes much less sense.
  • Boba_The_Fetter
    3393 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Just started for me, at my reset
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    Sorry, I'm still fairly new to all of this. What's the best way to make the most of these double drops over the next few days?
  • Darth_DeVito
    1236 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Sorry, I'm still fairly new to all of this. What's the best way to make the most of these double drops over the next few days?

    If you're farming Kylo Unmasked and his TIE silencer, they both drop shards from the same cantina node 3F. Farm two for the price of one. I can't think of a better early node to farm with the double drop rate. And since you're also farming cantina battle tokens (for shipment purchases) and ability mats at twice the rate, it might make sense to use crystals for a cantina refresh and a refresh of Kylo's node rather than LS / DS Battle refreshes.

    PS: If you're strapped for cash and have already unlocked mod challenges, you might want to refresh them as well. Mods and the sizable cash rewards are also double the usual rate.

    ETA: Ignore my PS. Looks like the double rate is only for the mod battles table, not for the challenges, sorry.
    Post edited by Darth_DeVito on
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    PS: If you're strapped for cash and have already unlocked mod challenges, you might want to refresh them as well. .

    Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean with this one. I have unlocked all the mod challenges, but the mod challenges don't seem to have double drop on them?
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    PS: If you're strapped for cash and have already unlocked mod challenges, you might want to refresh them as well. .

    Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean with this one. I have unlocked all the mod challenges, but the mod challenges don't seem to have double drop on them?

    The mod table shows a 2X symbol. It's kind of in between the battles and the challenges section, so I thought it was for both. But I just notice that only the label Mod Battles is in yellow, while Mod Challenges is still white. Sorry about that.
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