So I have Falcon. Now What?

3843 posts Member
Do I have to max Akbar? I run Thrawn lead.

I usually run HT Ghost and Vader to start. Just sub in Falcon for Vader? Should I replace Ghost with Biggs? I'm already able to hit top 20 with previous team.


  • Kai_Mulai
    683 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    While the Falcon’s abilities work best if Ackbar is your commander, you can still run it with Thrawn.

    Under Ackbar (and if you use Home One, I do suggest maxing him), the absolute best starting lineup is Falcon, Bistan, Hounds Tooth. But considering Bistan and Pathfinder are ridiculous to gear, I use Falcon, Biggs, Hounds Tooth. The double tank allows you to survive better against teams with the ideal Bistan lineup.
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    Yup, Ackbar lead with HT and Biggs starting here too. Then Phantom out followed by Cassian, then Ghost, and now sneaking Ebon Hawk in for funsies on the final slot, although I was using Rey's Falcon before. Someday, Bistan. Someday.
  • Gcdevil
    153 posts Member
    I would start XB with HT and Falcon been working well
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    HT, Falcon, +1 (I use Biggs for survivability, and because I have him geared unlike Bistan). He is significantly better under Ackbar. When I first got him I only had ackbar around G11 so I played with him under Thrawn for about a week, and he was pretty lackluster. The main problem is he doesn’t dispel under Thrawn. Yeah, he hits hard, but HT will soak up all those assists like nothing and the end result is it takes longer to kill HT. Plus Thrawn is the slowest, meaning they will reinforce phantom (who usually kills whoever it targets with maximum impact), meaning you’ll see a 4-2 match before you can reinforce and it’ll be too hard to come back from that.
    As for needing to gear ackbar, it’s pretty essential if you want to take the top spot. I’m still missing that last piece of G12+, which means I’m 1 speed slower than all the other ackbars, so it’s usually a race to see if I can take down the enemy’s falcon before they get to use their ultimate and nuke my team. While you’re gearing Ackbar, I’ve found it can be helpful to use the falcon as a reinforcement rather than starting lineup when facing faster capitals. I run HT, Biggs, XB, with the goal of just surviving until I can bring the falcon in. Once he comes in, his cooldown reduction will let you get your ultimate off first, so the match is less of a timebomb. Just don’t leave him in as a reinforcement for defense, since the AI is not good at prioritizing him first.
    TLDR: use Ackbar, and while you’re gearing him up use mil f as a reinforcement to get ultimate out first.
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    Get him level 85 and max his abilities. :p
  • Jarvind
    3929 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    You definitely want to run Home One, and you want it to be faster than the other guy's. The Prot Up when attacking out of turn makes your whole team much more durable since the Falcon causes a nonstop assist festival, plus he grants extra crit damage. A well geared Ackbar is nice to have around anyway, he makes a surprisingly good secondary Rebel lead for TW/GA.

    I run Falcon/HT/Biggs in my starting lineup, then reinforce Phantom -> Cassian. Biggs gets trashed quickly sometimes depending on how many target locks I land and how often he gets called to assist (He's G12 but no g12+ pieces or 6e mods), but it doesn't matter much - the main thing is to nuke the enemy Falcon when you reinforce Cassian. Once it's down you basically win. Hound's Tooth is still an annoyance, but the Falcon will dispel its Prot Up before the damage with its basic, so you can still chew through it.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    What's next? Lol how about 3 months of the worst fleet experience ever.

    Having a high winrate and battles being over pretty fast. I don't see how this is "the worst fleet experience ever" if we just take a look at the Mace timeout or TIE dodge metas. I was never really that much into fleet arena (was just taking top 50 with the old Thrawn + TIEs team) and HMF actually got me into it (top 3 now).
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    So I have Falcon. Now What?
    Purple fuzzy dice. Flaming skull cockpit floor mats. Shagpile carpet in the crew quarters. You get the idea.. :D
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