Who To Gear to get Padme

213 posts Member
edited May 2019
I've got G12 zAsajj but not much afte but after that pretty much all G8. I should get Droideka to 5* soon and is currently G9. So, of remaining droids and geonosians, who should I gear up?


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  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Try to G12 GG and zeta his unique (important) then his leader (not all important as unique) then buff up B2 because his buff immunity is key.
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    This is the team i used to unlock her. Really focus on crowd control with stuns and i killed Ani first, then again after he revived, that seemed to get Asajj ramped up more than when i tried to kill Padme first. At the end it was only Asajj left, but she came through.
    (My kill order Ani, Ani, Padme, Fake Jolee, GK)
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    I was only able to unlock at 5* but this was the team I rolled with
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    I put the Z on GG’s unique and went heavy protection mods on Sun Fac. I went for Padme first. She just seems the weakest of the bunch. You’ll need Sun Fac’s basic to dispel GK taunt and keep spamming B2’s special for buff immunity and Asajj special to clear buffs as well. Could only get down to 1 character left on lvl 6 however
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Unless you really want to spend a lot of resources or money on her gear or watch her get blown away by Empire teams, you may wish to focus on getting DR and Malak.

    I am waiting for her second offering once the reworks are done on Dooku and Poggle.
  • Gannon
    1658 posts Member
    this was my 5* unlock team. Push super speed and offense on ventress, potency in Magna and dooku and it's possible to unlock.
    Order was stun lock padme with ventress, dooku, Magna. Pop offense up with puggle. Use her aoe if padme is already stunned. Use b2 cleanse obviously for gk shenanigans. Once padme is dead, Anakin will be low from aoes, so finish him, then fishy face, then gk.
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    So, for the heckuva it, I ran tier 6 again and got it, using same lineup as above. Last ones standing were GK vs my Assajj and they tango’d for 5 minutes. GK was a dodging more than NS spirit, but finally put him away.
  • yankeeh8er
    604 posts Member
    I have g12 Asajj, g11 Dooku, g9 GG, g9 B2, and g9 Geo Spy and I cant make a dent in this event. Out of the hundreds of times I have tried I have only ever gotten close twice. This is frustrating me to the point of snapping. I keep moving mods around like crazy and I am putting everything into gearing these characters up more. Hopefully I will have another zeta to put on GG's unique before the event ends. Maybe that will help.
  • Gannon
    1658 posts Member
    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    I have g12 Asajj, g11 Dooku, g9 GG, g9 B2, and g9 Geo Spy and I cant make a dent in this event. Out of the hundreds of times I have tried I have only ever gotten close twice. This is frustrating me to the point of snapping. I keep moving mods around like crazy and I am putting everything into gearing these characters up more. Hopefully I will have another zeta to put on GG's unique before the event ends. Maybe that will help.

    Drop gg, when he's that low he's not very useful, and will mark your b2 and get him killed. B2 is pretty important, gg not so much.
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