4.867m gp, 1.975m gp, 5.124 fights

578 posts Member
edited May 2019
hi to the swgoh-universe!

in the title we see the average of the top 30 in my ship arena at this moment!

more than 4.8m gp total, ship gp 1.975m gp, average of fights more than 5000.

some basic data of my climbing-grind each day: minimum 12/13 fights (depending on rng and how often i get knocked back) and minimum two refreshes (50+100 crystals). with cooldown, it takes a good three hours of climbing. is this normal and as intended? or is it only in my ship-arena?

some feedback would help to see, if this is really the daily work for each of us. or am i still in the hardest ship arena in the game?
can you make rank 1 under 5 fights, 10 fights....? do you have no chance to reach top20? to which rank do you fall „over night“? also out of the top 50?

how are your pilots/ships geared/moded?

thanks for the answers... :-)


  • Buzzsaw
    89 posts Member
    I usually am able to remain top 10 overnight. 2-3 battles a day is usually sufficient, and I don’t remember the last time I refreshed for ship.

    Running the HT/HMF meta with a lot of gold mods. 1.8M GP from ships with 1,100 fleet arena battles in approx 2 years.

    The experience you describe is more like my experience in Arena. I just swim along top 30 and to get 1 every day would likely take 2+ refreshes assuming a few losses along the way.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i'd reckon players usually give up on #1 if it takes them 2 refreshes, so i highly doubt what you're experiencing is a common thing.
    Are you in contact with other players on that same leaderboard? If so, are they experiencing the same thing? If so, you're most likely on a super competative leaderboard.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Jedibaer and I are in the shard that was split into two but should have been 3 or 4. I have very good ships tho not with every last g12+ piece or 6 dot mod on and I still fall back to the 300's if I'm not careful.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    For me it is highly variable, sometimes I don’t fall much, other days I fall out of the top 50. It seems pretty random. From talking to others it seems my ship shard is more competitive than most.
  • Fabirus
    17 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    I'm on the same shard and it is not normal. Recently i had my first day in months where i wasn't able to play. It didn't even take 12 hours to drop from the top to 150+. Cg already admitted that this shard was different to anything else. Splitting it into 2 didn't make it any better though
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Jordylee24 wrote: »
    Jedibaer and I are in the shard that was split into two but should have been 3 or 4. I have very good ships tho not with every last g12+ piece or 6 dot mod on and I still fall back to the 300's if I'm not careful.

    Holy! You fall into the 300s in one night? Thats a pretty nasty shard.

    I'm at 3.5M gp. Usually fall between 15-35 with 5* falcon and 6* HT and a 385k fleet but I'm really cheap. I can take 1 if I do all my fights but usually top 5-10. I never ever refresh.
  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    I’m 3.9mil fall back to between 10 and 14 overnight, usually takes me three fights to get back to top 2 at payout.. never really refresh unless I make a huge mistake..
    Fleet of 402k ish, 7* falcon/Biggs/ht
  • AceNightwing
    125 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Oh, my main account is in the same shard as Jedibear... I have no idea how it happened but they have pretty much dropped most of the krakens and whales and most active players all in one shard. They even had to admit to their mistake and how unusual the shard is and split us in two and it helped somewhat but not really as it just meant the players who were more or less dormant before the split and given up, taking top 100 and calling it a day, started to push now... So it is still a black hole sucking in our time and crystals...

    And maybe I wouldn't realize how bad it is if I didn't have a second account who has a very chill ship shard. In my main shard you do NOT survive if you don't have maxed ships and pretty much all your crew maxed ( me can miss a g12+ here and there as it is just painful to put g12+ on Bistan, Ackbar and SRP but chances are you will get targeted more as your fleet is relatively easier to win against). In the fleet shard my mini is in, I was able to get top rank with just 5* **** (it is now a 6* one, I didnt have to bother with getting it to 7* even the second time around) and a lame phoenix & rogue one team where most aren't even g11, some are even g8... and I never had to bother to upgrade my Bistan... I pretty much never need a refresh climbing in that shard despite my fleet being much much underpowered than my main. If I wake up somewhere in 15-20 it is a bad drop day (whereas in main's fleet shard it is a sign you should go buy a lottery ticket!) We actually have non-Ackbar fleets in top 50, even top 20 in my second account's fleet shard. I doubt we have a non-ackbar anywhere near top 200 in my mains...
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    The comments made by Jedibaer71, Jordylee24, Fabirus and Ace are in fact 100% true. I also am in that same server. If you arent fully committed to at least g12 your pilots, your toast. So that requires a investment also. Then you factor in the drop overnight, that also requires investment. Yes I understand the cycle, but a 50 plus drop overnight and in some cases a few hours is considered a "good night". Yet i see other people complain dropping to 20 overnight is to far. As previously stated it's the way the server was populated that caused this issue. A huge percentage of active competitive players are in this server even in the 200-300 range with fleets worthy of competing. The spilt that occurred should of been done 3 or 4 times, rather than only 2. It's just discouraging and really takes the enjoyment out of the game at times. Hopefully our voices can be heard once again.
  • Docx
    94 posts Member
    That is brutal....
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    I'm guessing this is a near launch server and people that joined then would be among the most avid gamers/fans?

    I joined later at my brothers suggestion and still curse him for it to this day.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    I'm guessing this is a near launch server and people that joined then would be among the most avid gamers/fans?

    I joined later at my brothers suggestion and still curse him for it to this day.

    Fleet was created well after game launch, so there are a ton of fleet servers that were all created at the same time. The rest of them did not have the issues that this one did.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    There's a dev post about it too if you want to look for it.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Ships were implemented much later than Launch of the game. The most active players who all logged in and sexcited to try out the new ships feature on the first day logically all got in to this super active Leaderboard. I was not level 60 yet when ships launched so I managed to avoid this cluster fest.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Presented without comment.
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Ships were implemented much later than Launch of the game. The most active players who all logged in and sexcited

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Kenkenkaden
    170 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    My gp 4.2M. only need 3, 4 or 5 Battle to take no 1. Mostly only 3 battle. my pilot g12+3 and some key pilot with mod 6.
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    I do my obligatory 1 battle a day and stay in top 50
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    I was gone for 2 weeks, and when I logged back in I was in the teens. 3.4M GP, 1.4M ship GP. HMF, HT, +Rebels, with a maxed out Ackbar (have had the meta teams maxed or close to it since it was Biggs+TIEs and Reaper was the “OP” ship of the day). My squad arena (DR+droids) dropped to over 200.
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    I fall to the teens overnight. Maybe once a month I’ll find myself in the low 20s. My HomeOne is slightly slower than others’, but I have no trouble climbing. My Han and Chewy are fully maxed and have 6 dot mods. I only have Vader as my 7th to fill a spot as he only sees action very rarely. I only have to buy a refresh once or twice a week, as rng bites everyone at some point.
    Participation trophy? No. You want something: earn it.
  • Options
    ...and yes, I secure 1st place every payout.
    But I admit: ever since Hounds Tooth and Millennium Falcon came out: fleet arena is not as active as it once was.
    ....or I just win on defense a heck of a lot more.
    Participation trophy? No. You want something: earn it.
  • Options
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Ships were implemented much later than Launch of the game. The most active players who all logged in and sexcited to try out the new ships feature on the first day logically all got in to this super active Leaderboard. I was not level 60 yet when ships launched so I managed to avoid this cluster fest.

    I was online when fleet was launched... I remember the excitement and pretty much checking it out asap... Figures to this day I pay for that. Next time this game launches something new (doubt it will) I am not touching it for a week!
  • Drak_doR
    10 posts Member
    all I can say since I am in the same ship shard, is that prior to the split getting into the top 100 was a daily struggle and most times would settle for between 200-100 position. after the split I can make the top positions but WILL drop daily to the 40s and that is with some intermittent attacking throughout the day. When that does not happen you will still be in the 20s and you count those days on your left hand over the course of a year and will still have some fingers left and are very thankful.I have a max'd out fleet (6E mods, zetas, G12, etc).
    On my alt account will drop to 15-10 sometimes, mostly stay in top 10. My fleet there has no G12, no 6E mods, some zetas. And I auto play win. Not a winning strategy on my primary account. General communications with others in my guild has no one else in a ship shard that is as aggressive as my primary. Most people report ship shards that are on pare with my alt account.
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    The fact is, we are all behind 5-25 complete zetas behind because of this shard and furthermore our zetas have come at a much higher crystal cost than many others. This is a very big deal to those of us in top 50 gp guilds. And is 100% wrong. To make this right, CG should split at least the one half of this shard again and give all of us 200 zeta mats. There are a huge number of big spenders here.
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    i can only repeat, that this daily grind is a huge annoyance for my time-management. i mean, we can join our personal best payout time, what helped us a lot. but after falling out of the top50 the climbing is a hard work. in my "normal" arena i need normally 4/5/6 fights. this is a healthy climbing. more than one refresh isn't necessary. start climbing 2 hours before payout is no problem.

    but in the ship shard, i make my first fights on my payout-day (!) on the next day i start early in the morning, 11.00 am i have my payout. when i am top 20 two hours before, i anyway need minimum 4/5 fights...

    of course ea/cg has no interest to divide this arena-group once more. this arena-group is a gold-mine!

    we need miminum gear 12+3 pilots with gold mods.
    no question all ships maxed
    pilots with zetas are better and faster than without zetas
    we need countless crystals for 2 or 3 fight-refreshes each day


    is this the health, the devs so often mention? the only reason to do this grind, is the zeta-currency. i am miles away from other player with an easy ship-shard. the longest time i was able to reach top50, after the divide top20.
    not before the free payout-joice i am able to reach rank 1. i don't want check, how many full zetas i'm behind. now in the grand arena i notice, what this overloaded shipshard did to me.

    perhaps the devs can answer some questions about the "game-health" and the existence of a shard like this.

    i love this game, the idea 5v5, also 3v3. and i don't need one fight to go for gold, but the half morning reserverd for climbing is a no go.

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