Rex's ship farming

Is anyone else currently farming Rex's ship? I'm trying to get it starred up for when I unlock negotiator, but it's been over 2 weeks since the last time is shown up in the store. I've checked every time the store refreshed.

Has anyone noticed Rex's ship no longer showing up?


  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    Its there, like everything else, but appears sparodically
  • Boros
    507 posts Member
    Is anyone else currently farming Rex's ship? I'm trying to get it starred up for when I unlock negotiator, but it's been over 2 weeks since the last time is shown up in the store. I've checked every time the store refreshed.

    Has anyone noticed Rex's ship no longer showing up?

    So ships like rex, fives ahsoka, plo are uncommon they always drop but not all the time. I got rex last night and today, yet last time I saw fives was a week ago. Just have patience
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    Always make sure to have ship shards available for the rare ships.
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    Rex is only a 20% spawn.

    So, if he's nice with RNG you'll see him 1x every 2 days or so.

    If he's being a ****...... Well, I went over a week w/o seeing TAx1 or Slave-1 recently, so I feel the pain.

  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    Yeah, I always hold 1k extra ship currency so if rex shows up during the day I can buy the ship.
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    Got him twice today in fleet shipments.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    Ugh. I should probably farm his ship too... just don't wanna. :p
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    I went all in on ship shards when I dropped out of top 500 and now sit 10 - 50 daily.
    And all ship shards now get me 1 zeta shards every 2 days minimum. Only ones I don't have 7* are on farm or on hold to farm. I want everything 7* eventually. That did take an effort. You do get gear shop shards from gw store 3x ships daily.
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    I just want more ships/characters to be added to the fleet shipments. I have every character and every ship in it at 7*, literally all I use it for is Omegas/Zetas, and share shop currency, same as GW, Cantina and Squad Shipments
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    His ship unique sounds good in theory especially paired with Aniken or 5s ship/ clone sarg. However he almost never lands target lock and doesn't hit hard at all. I was very unimpressed with his ship.

    Maybe I'm using it wrong but right now I got a maxed out g12 rex ship that is molten hot doo doo
  • Juzz
    366 posts Member
    H_B0MBZ wrote: »
    His ship unique sounds good in theory especially paired with Aniken or 5s ship/ clone sarg. However he almost never lands target lock and doesn't hit hard at all. I was very unimpressed with his ship.

    Maybe I'm using it wrong but right now I got a maxed out g12 rex ship that is molten hot doo doo

    Rex ship is a tank that do not taunt and that is only slightly good at recovering protection which is not a very powerful ability considering the rest of GR ship kits

    Anakin and Ashoka ships get protection up by themselves.

    Plo Koon also gets protection up and can give to others. As well as recoverinfmg much more protection for all (not only GR) on reinforcement

    Sgt ship gets protection up and taunt on reinforcement and can recover protection by himself.

    Jedi consul give Protection up and can recover up to 100% protection of an ally

    Almost any GR ship will do better than Rex as the kits would give something Rex kit can't do better
    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    H_B0MBZ wrote: »
    His ship unique sounds good in theory especially paired with Aniken or 5s ship/ clone sarg. However he almost never lands target lock and doesn't hit hard at all. I was very unimpressed with his ship.

    Maybe I'm using it wrong but right now I got a maxed out g12 rex ship that is molten hot doo doo
    If it's any consolation, I now feel much better about not farming a "molten hot doo doo". Thank you. :D
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    I'm doing same. Had forgotten about fives tbh. Ship is not great but potentially needed for LS TB upcoming. If it turns out otherwise will likely stop.
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