I made a mistake with my GW until I can afford to max everyone....

441 posts Member
edited March 2016
I recently got my Acolyte into purple gear,and boosted her to 65 to match my top 5, and gave her a try in arena (replaced Lumi for her). Was fun! I like the dynamic. But I'd rather have a reliable healer... So acolyte is out, Lumi is back in, for now.

However, bringing up Acolyte raised my squad level, and her power lvl is much higher than Lumi, so now I encounter maxed out teams in GW at node 4... Steadily...

Which means I (again) won't be able to finish any GW until I have about 10+ maxed out toons, which will take weeks. Possibly months.

So I just completely lost my greatest credit income (and the best way to max out my main healer), until I make a ton more credits to be able to make more credits.... o_0

All because I wanted to try out a team in arena.... -_-

Darn you GW mechanics!

Where I'm at, a 5K crit is still a lot. But when facing maxed team, I won't ever crit, period, and they'll crit for 10k+, which is basically a 1-hit KO, and.their crit rate is easily 80%+.
So I'd need about 20 toons as strong as my top 5, or I'd need to max out my top 5...

Well, GW, I'll be back in a few weeks.... Hopefully.... =\
[Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]
Post edited by Afista on


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    Ah sorry dude that sucks!
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    This is the difficulty formula I like, that I've had about 4-5 times since I started GW. (Other than that, its just been impossible, or near-impossible, and the few times it was too easy)

    Nodes 1-3:
    - relatively easy. Enemy is at about your level +- a few lvls.

    Nodes 4-6:
    - still relatively easy, may need to retreat a few times as enemy is stronger than you, and a few ill-timed crits and dodges can completely wipe your team.

    Nodes 7-9:
    - these are the tough ones... Here you'll make countless retreats, enemy is about 10 lvls higher than you, and much better geared. You'll need a suicide squad to waste their specials, and you're guaranteed to lose a few of your good toons here, if you even manage to beat em.

    Nodes 10-12:
    - still overpowered, still losing valuable toons, running down to your last few good ones, every move is calculated. And PRAY that the 12th node will be a Lil easier, Cuz you know you don't have enough toons left to face 3 full maxed teams.

    This formula is clearly challenging, but doable, and highly rewarding when you manage to beat it. When my GW started looking like that, I was having a LOT more fun, wether I beat it or not, I enjoyed it.

    BAD examples:
    Nodes 1-12:
    - piece of cake... Enemy is lower level and lower geared than you in most fights, or at best a few lvls higher than you. This is basically a freebie...

    Nodes 1-3:
    - starts off a few lvls higher than you, but nothing too bad. You can handle this with minimal health loss.
    Nodes 4-??:
    - BAM! Full 7*, lvl 70 full gear teams. You're dead. End of story. Oh you beat it? Lucky you, you probably lost a good part of your team. Well, node 5 is the same. Good luck. Wait, you beat that too? Ok, well node 6 isn't any easier, and you probably have nothing left, so good luck doing 6 more like this, mwahahahaha, we know you can't. Go spend money, maybe you can gear up your team a bit.

    Unfortunately, I got more of the bad ones than the good one... v_v
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    I laid off arena, now I'm hovering just below 500 so I still get 600 tokens a day. My GW is like this now:

    Nodes 1-3

    Warm ups. No challenge. Poorly geared and several levels below me.

    Nodes 4-6
    Take the off auto. Similarly leveled teams but lower stars. Around 6 I have to retreat the 1st time

    Equal to me. Tough enough to be fun, but not hard enough to be frustrating.
    10-11 tough. A suicide squad or two. Level 70 well geared 7*. I couldn't do too many of these.
    Node 12 burn off all my weak toons. Try to finish with a sub b squad so that whoever draws my next has an easy node in case they're about dead.
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    Can we trade please!?

    On node 1 they're already a few lvls higher with similar gear and stars. (Not an issue, but by node 4, they are significantly stronger than I....)
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    Basically your 10-11 was my 8-9-10-11.

    Which is now my 4+.... *sigh*...
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    what was your power before and after, can you load both teams and tell us exactly?

    Theory around is that the change is triggered when you change your total power into the next 1k range (i.e. if you go from 26k to 27k, GW becomes more difficult).
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I was able to finish the most difficult of GWs with only five primary toons: when they were 50's and everything else was 30's, at best I had more issues. It's all about figuring out RNG and milipulation of it in you favor.
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    Actually, by node 2 they're already lvl 68 and have 6-7*.
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    Fantazy wrote: »
    what was your power before and after, can you load both teams and tell us exactly?

    Theory around is that the change is triggered when you change your total power into the next 1k range (i.e. if you go from 26k to 27k, GW becomes more difficult).

    Broke the 23k mark with acolyte.
    Sat around 22,8 with Lumi.
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    Doga wrote: »
    I was able to finish the most difficult of GWs with only five primary toons: when they were 50's and everything else was 30's, at best I had more issues. It's all about figuring out RNG and milipulation of it in you favor.

    When I was 50, I was facing lvl 70 7* teams from the 6th node. Lol. Impossible.

    Then when I reached lvl 60, they dropped 30lvls... That's when I realized GW was absolutely whack with their algorithm.... Completely off I laughed to myself for a few minutes.

    Then it balanced out for a while.
    And now its a Lil too hard again. =\ but just barely.
    . if I could face these teams at node 8-9-10, I'd be ok. Maybe.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    back when i ran with 5 7* maxed heroes:
    nodes 1-12 easy
    now that i run with same 5 7* maxed heroes + 10 more maxed out heroes:
    nodes 1-12 easy

    despite whatever changes have been made to the gw matchmaking, i've felt literally zero impact and complete on a daily basis (97 wins, 94 consecutive). at one point i was even going full auto from 1-12.
    if speed and damage are king in arena, gw is the antithesis of arena. slow and steady with 3+ healers and stuns will win you every match.
    mighty chlorians
  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member

    Broke the 23k mark with acolyte.
    Sat around 22,8 with Lumi.

    Interesting! Then your case supports the "theory". I had a similar problem when I put in a 7* RP in my arena team and did not realize the jump in power, and reverted back to my usual team. Next GW and all that followed, GW was so hard. Oh boy.
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    Yeah, 2nd time I do that... Now GW is REALLY too much for me... =\

    First time, I replaced Jedi Consular with Lumi, and my Squad Power went up -7- points. Just 7. But I broke a round number, forget how much (was lvl 60, gear vii), and difficulty spiked. I made a post about it a while back, people asked like you did and we figured I broke a threshold of difficulty.

    Been struggling with GW since, but on a good day was still doable.

    Now however, I think I shot myself in the foot.... No way I'm gonna beat these until my team raises significantly, and its not about to.... =\
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    It is whack. I feel for the ones that get these crazy match ups.

    I have not faced (pretty sure) a full 7* level 70 team in weeks.
    My highest winning arena power has been in the 25k-26k range. Currently it is lower, 23421, because I am playing with a new team. I have 25 charaters at level 70 with 10 at 7*. My arena rank fluctuates in the 300-700 range.

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    They say GW should be tough but not impossible to beat.

    My suggestion:
    Nodes should be generated according to GW completeness except the present mechanism.

    Getting characters from GW is not the only issue, credits however are the most important byproducts everybody need.
    Speaking of fairness, top players may always get 1200 GW credits while others may get less depend on how much they expected.

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    reizse wrote: »
    back when i ran with 5 7* maxed heroes:
    nodes 1-12 easy
    now that i run with same 5 7* maxed heroes + 10 more maxed out heroes:
    nodes 1-12 easy

    despite whatever changes have been made to the gw matchmaking, i've felt literally zero impact and complete on a daily basis (97 wins, 94 consecutive). at one point i was even going full auto from 1-12.
    if speed and damage are king in arena, gw is the antithesis of arena. slow and steady with 3+ healers and stuns will win you every match.

    If I had a 7* lvl 70 squad, this wouldn't be a problem...

    Why? Simple: because the enemy CANT be stronger than you.... Cuz you're at the cap.

    So to be fair, I'd need 12 nodes of enemies at my gear and lvl. That would indeed be easy.....
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    They say GW should be tough but not impossible to beat.

    My suggestion:
    Nodes should be generated according to GW completeness except the present mechanism.

    Getting characters from GW is not the only issue, credits however are the most important byproducts everybody need.
    Speaking of fairness, top players may always get 1200 GW credits while others may get less depend on how much they expected.

    Exactly! I've been saying that for a while now.

    Forget squad power, forget all that nonsense....
    We got ppl with maxed teams facing lower lvls foes and ppl in their 50s facing maxed teams... This simply doesn't work.

    The answer is simple: failed the last GW? Lower the difficulty a bit.
    Completed the last 2 GW? Raise the difficulty for each consecutive win.

    Problem solved; everyone's GW would balance itself out.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    back when i ran with 5 7* maxed heroes:
    nodes 1-12 easy
    now that i run with same 5 7* maxed heroes + 10 more maxed out heroes:
    nodes 1-12 easy

    despite whatever changes have been made to the gw matchmaking, i've felt literally zero impact and complete on a daily basis (97 wins, 94 consecutive). at one point i was even going full auto from 1-12.
    if speed and damage are king in arena, gw is the antithesis of arena. slow and steady with 3+ healers and stuns will win you every match.

    If I had a 7* lvl 70 squad, this wouldn't be a problem...

    Why? Simple: because the enemy CANT be stronger than you.... Cuz you're at the cap.

    So to be fair, I'd need 12 nodes of enemies at my gear and lvl. That would indeed be easy.....

    there was a time when i wasn't maxed out and i lost 3 gw's. those were the first 3 i ever attempted. from lvl 55+ i haven't lost a single one, even when the cap was raised and i was leveling from 60 to 70. during that time, i fought teams that were 8+ levels over my team and it still didn't stop me, even with the same 5 heroes. there's guides and whatnot out there; i haven't read them simply because using 3 healers and 2 stunners has NEVER failed me. not once.
    mighty chlorians
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    GW is going to give me a stroke one day lol. Some days it's easy others I feel like giving up on Node 3. Meh. At this point I'm using green crystals for bench toons, but man I'm hurting for the credits.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Mc1
    306 posts Member
    These examples in this thread are why I REALLY hope they don't raise the level cap anytime soon. Most of us need time to level and gear our toons so we can compete in GW.
  • sid
    232 posts Member
    Before the Mar 3 update, I did the same thing. Took my GW healers into Arena, and nudged my power level just a bit, enough to break the next 1000. GW significantly harder the next day.

    However, it seems that after the Mar 3 update, the GW algorithm reset. It started easy, then every few days, got a bit harder, and now it's leveled off.

    I now keep my healers out of Arena.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    I would love progressive difficulty. It gets harder until you fail then easier when you lose by 3 wins for the first loss and 1 win for each consecutive loss and then you have a ranking board for consecutive victories. Don't even need prizes, it would be the P2W leaderboard of the game while the FTPs could compete with P2P for currency so it doesn't unbalance anything.
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    I recently got my Acolyte into purple gear,and boosted her to 65 to match my top 5, and gave her a try in arena (replaced Lumi for her). Was fun! I like the dynamic. But I'd rather have a reliable healer... So acolyte is out, Lumi is back in, for now.

    However, bringing up Acolyte raised my squad level, and her power lvl is much higher than Lumi, so now I encounter maxed out teams in GW at node 4... Steadily...

    Which means I (again) won't be able to finish any GW until I have about 10+ maxed out toons, which will take weeks. Possibly months.

    So I just completely lost my greatest credit income (and the best way to max out my main healer), until I make a ton more credits to be able to make more credits.... o_0

    All because I wanted to try out a team in arena.... -_-

    Darn you GW mechanics!

    Where I'm at, a 5K crit is still a lot. But when facing maxed team, I won't ever crit, period, and they'll crit for 10k+, which is basically a 1-hit KO, and.their crit rate is easily 80%+.
    So I'd need about 20 toons as strong as my top 5, or I'd need to max out my top 5...

    Well, GW, I'll be back in a few weeks.... Hopefully.... =\
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]

    Dude, unless your luminara is level 10 I don't think this is going to make the drastic difference you mentioned. What was the massive difference between the power levels? Also - why isn't luminara one of your top maxed toons? Kinda essential if you want to win GW daily anyway
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Give it a couple days and see what happens. You could have just had a particularly unlucky day.
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    Had to comment about those speculations for 1-12 nodes difficulty: you wrong.
    if i had a dollar for everytime my node 2 was harder than my node 12.. i could buy "bag of crystals" at least...
    This is TOTALLY random, 1 day i get easy matches, 1 day i get things i see in Arena top20.
    Node 6-7 is most of times the hardest, Node 12 is lot of times pathetic, 10 11 MUCH harder than 12, in all of the times i've got there. Node 3 4 5 can be easiest, and can be crazy af also.. its just 100% random, besides the fact that all my GW battles 10 11 was harder than 12.
    But again, this is jsut me. Im sure for some1 else, node 2 is easy, node 12 is crazy AF, and node 10 is easy or w/e.. this GW is totally random for me...

    And i feel no difference in teams for Upgrading toons.
    When i had no 7* at all, i had very hard teams i couldnt pass.
    I have now 7 toons with 7*, and its easier than battles i had before (In relative way, i facing teams weaker than me 99% of times, and i used to meet teams Much stronger than me when i had no 7*)
    What i just wrote is the opposite of what lot of people say here in the forum. Know why ?
    Because Random.
    And even with my "weakass" (cuz she weak, but shes the strongest) barris, instead of giving me amazing teams, the 70, 7*, gear 8 i face *MOST OF TIMES* is bad comps. Greedo ? han ? Chewbacca? OH NO THE MIGHTY SAVAGE OPRESS...
    Let me say what i think about this teams in my best league of legends voice: "LOL noobs, gg EZ"
    if i faced those teams with 5* team i could win. but they used to give me cancer unbeatable teams.. so just random.
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    I did a similar mistake and then at the same time GW got a lot harder... I had been clearing it everyday for weeks.

    So then I dropped my stupid lets get grievous project. Took the bullet and built another team for GW, it's still hard but I got the hold on things once again.

    I admit I feel better having overcome this the real way.

    I'm not even sure what really causes the difficulty fluctuation and what happened to make it harder. Could it be that people's team are just getting better all the time? Wait until all these Ben hit you round after round joining Sid...
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