So what are they actualy doing?

92 posts Member
edited April 2020
So I just read the dev Q&a
No new raid in the works
No sandbox mode ever probably
No reworks or touchups coming
None of the guild officer feedback has been looked at yet
No decent content released in months


  • Shiryu
    411 posts Member
    Cruising around on a yacht while they have the interns to make new 99$ packs that give crap all.
  • Options
    Exactly what I said!!!!
    With how garbage and lazy the GL event was, there's no way it took them all 4 months to complete!
    And now, they says they haven't been working on what the players want! They are literally doing nothing but wasting time!
    CG is garbage!
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Months of work put into a GL which should have led to new raid was the last thread holding me. If something doesn't happen in the next 2-3 months I'll probably drop the bag.
  • Options
    Making new packs, drooling over their increased poly-whatevers for their art and telling their mom's they made amazing audio files today.

    This Q&A is the worst (or best, depending on POV) ever at a time we all want good news. CG has really made me stop spending money from today onwards until the game either dies or they start investing their 1 Billion dollar revenue back into its game.
  • Options
    Yup. I’m out.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member

    Seriously, how much clearer can they get? They had plans, things shifted, next month we'll find out why.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    Thanks for coming folks. Got a few most answers to post but sending these people back to work.

    Reminder: These Q&As are not for announcing new content or features. This is an opportunity to ask the development team question about the game.
This discussion has been closed.