Who is your kryptonite?

4 posts Member
edited March 2016

I've only been playing since January, so I've primarily been focusing on building a single squad arena team to this point. Based on the way my chips fell, I went the droid route. It seemed the easiest way to build a viable team. I just hit level 70 and I typically stay in the top 20 on my server, occasionally hitting #1. If all five of my guys are standing after the initial round of attacks, I usually win. I'm running HK47, IG88/86, Poggle and Poe. I have run into a squad or two, like the one at #4 pictured, that tear me to shreads. The other two pictured I get lucky against sometimes if my Poe goes first, but that squad with Royal Guard, Dooku, Rey and company beats the crap out of me! So I'm just wondering, who do you run with and who gives you the most fits in the arena?


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    Been playing since mid Dec, I've got about 7 maxed out guys now (JC, Lum, Eeth, Mace, Sid, Poggle, Ig-86) 3 max gear 6* toons (Ahsoka,, Yoda Ig-88) and QGJ @ 5*. Seeing as I have been going all out Jedi, my most fun Arena team is QGJ 5* lead, 6* Ahsoka, 6* Yoda, 7*Eeth, 7*Lumi. I don't really find any team I can't beat and can take a top Rank, if I had the time to spend 2 hours before payout (which I don't). Honestly I don't really find a team I can't beat and finish in top 20's or lower when I actually compete in arena. Didn't do arena for a few days and was at rank 267, spent a few refreshes and got down to rank 11 lol. My biggest problem is I loose occasionally because of unlucky RNG or the fact that i'm not all 7*. By the time Yoda event comes around again everyone will be 7* except QGJ at 6*. Then I should hold D better making the daily climb back to top 20's easier. I should also point out that pretty much everyone in the top 100's in my server is all 7* maxed out teams.

    Having said that i agree that your #4 in the photo would be the most challenging and probably one of the best defense teams out there. If I were to face that squad I could beat it, but ultimately the outcome would be decided by RNG.

    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I have been playing on iOS since it was released, and have spent about $250.

    I run pure Jedi, currently:

    QGJ (L) 6*/Gear 8
    Yoda 5*/Gear 8
    Luminara 7*/Gear 8 Max
    Ahsoka 6*/Gear 8
    Barriss 6*/Gear 8 Max

    My plan is to complete the stars and gear for these characters, while farming Anakin, Ima-Gun, and Old Ben. I already have a maxed out Eeth Koth. I hope to be able to rotate in specific Jedi depending on my opponents. Vs Sidious and Kylo, Barriss and Yoda come in, and perhaps Ima-Gun as lead if both Sid and Kylo are there. Vs Droids, Eeth and Ima-Gun come in while the healers sub out. Vs Speed, only the fastest stay in. QGJ(L), Yoda, Ahsoka, Anakin, Eeth. Vs Hybrid teams, I would use what I consider the best overall 5 of QGJ, Yoda, Ben, Anakin, Lumi.

    With the level 80 and rebalance changes, I am hoping this strategy becomes viable. There are so many choices for decent leaders and synergies, and they can really only get better. Currently, I hover between 50th and 150th on my server, mostly because I still lack stars and gear. The top 100 are maxed out, for the most part, so competition is very stiff. My biggest foils are obviously Dooku and Sidious, and because they are on nearly every team, it is a large roadblock to better progression.

    Hopefully, the changes will also make Plo and Mace playable, and maybe EA will make Aayla and Kit farmable soonish, making the choices even more diverse and powerful.
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    That no 4 would be a real irritating squad to play against, the was RNG always seems to go against us attackers...
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    I avoid teams with Rey.

    Dooku is probably my nemesis, but I don't hesitate to fight teams with him on them.

    Getting Yoda has made Arena a lot easier.
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    A party with RG and Poggle, along with the usual suspects of GS and Sid, all behind Dooku. I can still beat it most of the time, but have to use my (sub optimal on defense) Old Ben instead of my preferred Yoda.

    My main team is QGJ (L), RG, Leia, Rey, and Yoda.
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    Dooku lead
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    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Dooku + Daka
    They stun my Jedi and eventually kill them before they can give a heal up
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