Dooku's AI a little out of hand

I'm not crying for a nerf at all, but his 15% evasion translates to dodges for every attack. I feel like it is way higher than 15% right now. Just today I've been getting worked in arena against Dooku leaders. It wasn't a problem yesterday I won all of arena battles against Dooku


  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Hmm. It feels like roughly 3 out of 20 to me....

    Edit: Dooku the Noobslayer strikes again!!
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    I just smoked a dooku led team consisting of Sid, poggle, GS, and lumi. Yes, there are dodges, and yes it was frustrating but I finished with 4 live toons. Everyone's issues boil down to the fact that he created a new meta and it torques people off that their carefully constructed and farmed Jedi God squad is no longer the unequivocal alpha dog. It's change and people don't like change. Adapt y'all. Or die.
    I am Darth Spartacus
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    Sid has been dodging in my battles like he's Neo in The Matrix.
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    15+7.5%... So 22.5% on a minimum.
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Waz675
    193 posts Member
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    Waz675 wrote: »

    Says the guy that got both his arms cut off
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Waz675 wrote: »

    Says the guy that got both his arms cut off

    Sometimes RNG Fails. :(
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    I feel like Dooku should auto taunt if he gets more than 3 attacks off. Because if your toons had feelings, they would all want to punch him in the face and ignore the rest of the squad.
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
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    I feel like Dooku should auto taunt if he gets more than 3 attacks off. Because if your toons had feelings, they would all want to punch him in the face and ignore the rest of the squad.

    LMAO +1
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Since the last patch the AI dodge in general has gone up considerably. I'm guessing that perhaps the Devs added a little extra hidden dodge into the AI to see if it would help with defense in arena as an experiment. That is strictly speculation on my part. However... The increase in dodge is not speculation.

    It's clearly noticeable even when the opponent does not have a leader that buffs evasion. I'm assuming all of our squads are defending the same way so I guess it evens out. I have noticed that my squad does not get kicked back quite as far by the night crew over the last few days so maybe that is not coincidence.
  • Phern
    172 posts Member
    Rey with dooku lead dodged 3/4 attacks from qgj and gs assist attacks. Then my gs got triple hit with offense up and disappeared. Needless to say, I lost that battle.
  • IamTex
    44 posts Member
    Since someone else started a Dooku thread, I'll share my story from the other day.

    Opposing team in Arena had Dooku and Daka. I was attacking Daka first to avoid the Dooku counters. My Daka attacked, caught Dooku as the secondary stun. So, decided to go ahead and take out Dooku while he was stunned. Seems pretty safe, right?!?

    Sid is next up in my attack sequence. He attacks, gets a critical, drags Lumi along as the Phasma assist, she also gets a critical. Dooku dies, well, at least I think he dies.

    Dooku auto-revives from Daka, which lifts his stun, but apparently still lets his counter run. Two hits on Sid, followed by two hits on Lumi which leave her stunned. Two attacks outside of his turn -- +80% turn meter, so it's Dooku's turn again -- Lightning strike against Daka stuns both Daka and Sid.

    I killed the ****** while he was stunned, and he still managed to stun three of my 5 team members including both of my healers.

    He's totally manageable most of the time, but, when the RNG rolls his way, man, look out!!
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    RNG can be a B, but its not unbeatable. I beat all my Dooku lead matches today but one. That one was pretty amazing though. Came down to a full health Lumi vs the enemy Dooku in yellow. He stunned her 3 times in a row (2 basic attack 1 force lightning) for 4 straight turns. It was hard to watch. Wish I recorded it.
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    I'm not complaining about not being able to beat him by any means. I'm saying is that the RNG can be awful with him
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    Dooku and daka are both dikas
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    I fought a Dook(L) team in GW today, they had no healers yet when I'd hit one they would react like they got hit but no health was removed, wonder if its a Dook(L) glitch for the AI.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I think everyone has minimum 7.5% Dodge, and Dooku adds 15 on top. It's also true that some toons, like Ahsoka and Sid, have high natural Dodge (more than 7.5%), so 15% on top of that is what you are seeing.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    took 1st place from a dooku led team today, as well as rank 5 and issues
    mighty chlorians
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Where is info on base dodge and deflection rates?
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    Dooku is straight annoying, i love using basic yoda attack on him, which allows yoda to dodge the counter then use qgj assist to kill him. Once he is gone makes teams soooo much easier to deal with, allows aoe attacks to be useable after that.
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    GOfish52 wrote: »
    I'm not crying for a nerf at all, but his 15% evasion translates to dodges for every attack. I feel like it is way higher than 15% right now. Just today I've been getting worked in arena against Dooku leaders. It wasn't a problem yesterday I won all of arena battles against Dooku

    The AI is all out of wack today... Sid dodged 8 times in a row...ridiculous
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    Phern wrote: »
    Rey with dooku lead dodged 3/4 attacks from qgj and gs assist attacks. Then my gs got triple hit with offense up and disappeared. Needless to say, I lost that battle.

    Reay has been dodging like crazy lately!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Kaib
    74 posts Member
    The overall effect is that AOE teams suffer. Dooku was already a good counter before to those types of teams but now he's brutal. It shifts the meta away from AOE types who already had problems because most are slow.
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    Dooku and luminara have te same leader on evasion
    But dooku leader have offensen up if eavasion works
    Think dat offense up is the key or dooku leader
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