Still alive with no health

404 posts Member
Is anyone else seeing opponents stay in the fight with no health on either their health bar or the I'd in the upper right corner? I'm seeing this several times throughout the course of the day particularly in gw. This is letting a dead character cause damage. And it's not just characters that have taken damage over time. It's also oyster a.i. controlled characters. When mine are out of health they die.
Is anyone else seeing this?


  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Yes, i started taking screenshots a few weeks ago; i now have somewhere like 20 times this happened.

    When I made a post no one took me seriously even with these Screenshots. Goodluck.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    LaLiam wrote: »
    Yes, i started taking screenshots a few weeks ago; i now have somewhere like 20 times this happened.

    When I made a post no one took me seriously even with these Screenshots. Goodluck.
    Can you share them again??
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    They probably have 1 hp left, which is a common occurrence due to DoT(s). Visually it appears as if there is no health left.
  • Qleak
    420 posts Member
    I see this occasionally when I do the AGI gear challenge ;)
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    LaLiam wrote: »
    Yes, i started taking screenshots a few weeks ago; i now have somewhere like 20 times this happened.

    When I made a post no one took me seriously even with these Screenshots. Goodluck.
    Can you share them again??
    Telaan wrote: »
    They probably have 1 hp left, which is a common occurrence due to DoT(s). Visually it appears as if there is no health left.

    This is what i meant when I said no one took me seriously. It isnt a DoT, I battle without applying any DoT effects. As for the screenshots, im not wasting internet data uploading 30 images to imgur.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    LaLiam wrote: »
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    LaLiam wrote: »
    Yes, i started taking screenshots a few weeks ago; i now have somewhere like 20 times this happened.

    When I made a post no one took me seriously even with these Screenshots. Goodluck.
    Can you share them again??
    Telaan wrote: »
    They probably have 1 hp left, which is a common occurrence due to DoT(s). Visually it appears as if there is no health left.

    This is what i meant when I said no one took me seriously. It isnt a DoT, I battle without applying any DoT effects. As for the screenshots, im not wasting internet data uploading 30 images to imgur.

    You can also regularly hit a toon to an hp level where it no longer visually shows. But it does still have hp. Not saying you're lying, but I've personally never seen this and there are explanations other than bugged toons.
  • Options
    Happens all the time against me but it happened to my luminara today giving her a chance to get a heal off and win the match but 9 times out of 10 it goes against me
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    It only happens when a DOT is what brings them down. Since DOT's can't kill anymore, I think they can bring you down to 1 life (maybe even 0, who knows).
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Not a bug. Display anomaly.
  • Options
    LaLiam wrote: »
    Yes, i started taking screenshots a few weeks ago; i now have somewhere like 20 times this happened.

    When I made a post no one took me seriously even with these Screenshots. Goodluck.

    Your other post didn't have any screenshots...
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