Advice wanted GW and Jedi heroes

Hi all.

I finally hit lvl 70. In order to. Get the credits from GW I've assumed that anything could cause the ridiculous battles. Hence the only battle I send my best team into is gw. I've kept my arena team to under 20k and just manage to get top 200 every day. My a team is at 25k. Now staying top 200 with a team that has rubbish synergy but is less than 20k is getting very hard. Only just made it in with last fight today. So at the moment I'm only hitting one Max 7 lvl70 team in gw and they usually are only at 25k too. If I move my arena team up to 21k what will be the change?

Also In preparation for yoda I need to get 2 more Jedi to 5 star. I have plo koom at 4 star. So should be easy enough to farm him to 5. But he is basically useless..... Or would I be able to get to Bariss and unlock her in time. Though this will make gw harder. As the more missions( whole maps) you have unlocked definitely contributed to the difficulty of gw.

Best wishes

Turukano ( called mol Eliza) in game :-(


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    Hey! You're on my server! I'm pacdiggity.

    I'd say just make sure you have two or three usable teams for GW. Don't try to make GW easier. Make you stronger. Also, try sending in 5 rubbish toons to a battle before you put your main squad in. That way, AI wastes their first turn power on your suicide team and has to recharge cool downs before hitting your real squad hard.

    In terms of Jedi, I did JC, Bariss, Lumi, Mace and Qui Gon.

    JC is whatever, Mace is decent. The others are GODLY. Bariss' leader ability is amazing, especially for GW (1200-ish heal on a Jedi character every turn. In GW, I can win the whole thing with my one Jedi team with her as leader healing everybody). Plus, her attack sucks but she occasionally does another full team 1200 heal when she does, and she's at least good for eliminating enemy foresight and finishing off almost dead enemies and leaving your hard hitters to do something more important. She also has a great heal ability, which in combination with Lumi's covers all bases. Lumi heals all and gives another heal over time to the team (with the added passive ability of Bariss, every toon heals almost 4,000 each turn for 3 turns after Lumi heal). And Bariss can heal through immunity. Qui Gon is an amazing attacker who can give your team offense up in most battles.

    My team in arena is usually

    Hope that helps!
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    I would get Barriss to 5 stars. The event says coming back soon so I believe it won't comeback this month. That would give you plenty of time to farm Barriss and Barriss is definitely useful. I'm pretty sure unlocking another character/finishing more levels does not make GW harder but even if it did Barriss is the Queen of GW so you'll end up having an easier time with it.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There is no evidence to support an Arena to GW difficulty correlation.

    Use your A team in Arena.

    I use Lumi with Barriss lead in GW, and complete every day, same 5 Jedi, unless I need a Suicide squad hit.
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    Sadly pacdiggity I've no idea if we're in the same share as mol Eliza is the name They give out that they expect you to change. I didn't realise I had to do it straight away... Turukano is the name I use on freemium games. Though if you see one running a tooled up Genoisan soldier, a decent savage an average Royal guard, ig 86 and fives that's me.

    There seems to be some evidence of a link between highest power you've won in arena with and how hard gw is. My own experiments, admittedly not as controlled as I would like due to the quickness of the levellong process does support a link between max power in canteen and how far through "campaign mode" you've got and gw difficulty. There doesn't seem to be a link between number of characters you have and overall power of your roster and difficulty. Which surprised me.

    How long will it take to unlock Bariss and 5 star her? It will take me a week to get koom to 5, yoda will probably be back in 3.

    Thanks everyone.
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    Turukano wrote: »
    There seems to be some evidence of a link between highest power you've won in arena with and how hard gw is.

    There is currently no evidence of this. It is all speculation.

    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
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    Turukano wrote: »
    There seems to be some evidence of a link between highest power you've won in arena with and how hard gw is.

    There is currently no evidence of this. It is all speculation.

    Really? I thought that it had been mentioned as part of the algorithm over on Reddit by a developer. That would suggest some evidence as opposed to none.

    Best wishes,

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    Turukano wrote: »
    There seems to be some evidence of a link between highest power you've won in arena with and how hard gw is.

    There is currently no evidence of this. It is all speculation.

    Not power, but rank
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    I beat 6-star Yoda with Plo Koon on my team and it was rough, he was basically useless and just there to eat attacks. If I could do it over again, I would've pushed to Bariss's shard and farmed her instead.
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    I beat 6-star Yoda with Plo Koon on my team and it was rough, he was basically useless and just there to eat attacks. If I could do it over again, I would've pushed to Bariss's shard and farmed her instead.

    Thanks. 6 star yoda is definitely a no go. I've lumi at 7. And jc will be at 7 once I hit a million credits. Then qgj at 5 once I've saved the next 250k. Maybe I'll get kloom to 5 quickly then go on a Bariss hunt ready for the subsequent yoda in 7 weeks time.
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    Turukano wrote: »
    I beat 6-star Yoda with Plo Koon on my team and it was rough, he was basically useless and just there to eat attacks. If I could do it over again, I would've pushed to Bariss's shard and farmed her instead.

    Thanks. 6 star yoda is definitely a no go. I've lumi at 7. And jc will be at 7 once I hit a million credits. Then qgj at 5 once I've saved the next 250k. Maybe I'll get kloom to 5 quickly then go on a Bariss hunt ready for the subsequent yoda in 7 weeks time.

    The next Yoda event doesn't even have a timer so who knows when it will be at this point. What about Arena shards, Eeth Koth is by far a better option than PK. Also, Bariss does unlock at 4, so getting her to 5 shouldn't be too hard if you're able to do 1 or 2 Cantina refreshes / day.
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    try to get another 5* jedi Eeth is easy to get an get yoda he is a complete game change and gw is then very easy

    my team is 5*qgi, 7* lumi, 6* jc, 5* yoda and 4* rg! and i manage gw every day normally without loosing a single toon if i want! my arena team is 25k
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    Thank you All. Isn't qui gon a little squishy for GW?
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    Highest ever power rating used in arena.
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    Turukano wrote: »
    Thank you All. Isn't qui gon a little squishy for GW?
    With Barriss lead and a two to three healers I've found he's viable at 6 stars but can still be targeted and killed, though they tend to go after healers more often. At 5 stars I found he was too squishy and had a hard time surviving.

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    Turukano wrote: »
    Hi all.

    I finally hit lvl 70. In order to. Get the credits from GW I've assumed that anything could cause the ridiculous battles. Hence the only battle I send my best team into is gw. I've kept my arena team to under 20k and just manage to get top 200 every day. My a team is at 25k. Now staying top 200 with a team that has rubbish synergy but is less than 20k is getting very hard. Only just made it in with last fight today. So at the moment I'm only hitting one Max 7 lvl70 team in gw and they usually are only at 25k too. If I move my arena team up to 21k what will be the change?

    Based on what everyone else was saying about how hard GW was, I was tentative as well. What causes GW to be so hard? Mine really hasn't been too daunting. So I pushed over the Arena 21k threshold last week. Effect? No change to GW. I pushed my Arena team up to L70 last week, just under 22k. Effect? No change to GW. Yesterday I introduced my first 7* to arena and starred up the team to 23k. Effect? No change to GW. Today I didn't see a full 7* L70 team, although some came close.
    Bottom line: if you have a decent set of bench players for GW, and it sounds like you do, my experience says you shouldn't worry about powering up to 21k or beyond.
    Cheers, and happy gaming.
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    I read on here a Dev said it has to do with your rank in arena plus your squad power. I've kept my squad power at 25.2k but Not my best team. I float around 300-500 because I try not to push too hard. I have 5 7* Jedi tho. Lumi, JC, mace, Koth and QGJ. I have Barriss at 4* 50/65. Mace and Koth are pretty good but not great but Koth is easy to farm. That's who I'd go for in terms of easy.
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    I read on here a Dev said it has to do with your rank in arena plus your squad power. I've kept my squad power at 25.2k but Not my best team. I float around 300-500 because I try not to push too hard. I have 5 7* Jedi tho. Lumi, JC, mace, Koth and QGJ. I have Barriss at 4* 50/65. Mace and Koth are pretty good but not great but Koth is easy to farm. That's who I'd go for in terms of easy.
    That same dev later said he was wrong and your arena rank doesn't have an effect. The new claim was that it was based off the highest power team you've used to win in arena plus some "maths."

    I don't know if it's true or not, but it seems closer to me. Since finding out rank had nothing to do with it I lowered my rank from the 1200's up to sub 200 without seeing an effect. After buffing up my arena team to do better I saw a big jump in difficulty. Now I've been working on my non-arena toons and GW is getting easier, which makes sense because I have more characters that are viable but no more difficulty.

    So I'd say to do as well as you can in arena with your current team. Then you can trade off buffing arena and non-arena team members to help do better in arena while still being able to pass GW.

  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    My 2cents:

    Best FTP team for GW starts with QGJ (L), Lumi, JC and then mixes and matches whatever for the other 2 spots. For a long time for me those 2 other spots were SID and Phasma. However, since I wanted Yoda, I farmed Ahsoka and Mace.

    Now my main GW team is QGJ (L), Lumi, JC, Yoda, & Ahsoka. That team will normally have 3 toons go before the enemy team even has one, so you are able to take out the main dps and then have Lumi ability block the 2nd most troubling enemy. Yoda acts as a first round tank because the AI always tries to knock down his foresight & JC can basically heal for 4k hps every other round as well.

    I clear GW basically from start to finish with that team (not counting the last round where I try out fun combos). The only other character I use in GW on a regular basis is Daka (in place of JC or Yoda) if I need some crowd control.

    Not a Barris fan, I prefer something to be able to hit better than a soggy noodle.

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    Well I moved my arena team to 21k, though as I did it the same time they changed matchmaking I've no idea wha.t happened.... There was a lot more variety in my enemies, even faced a lvl70 highly starred ewok team..... Good grief that was hard.... But then on final node I thought I'd throw a mix of c and d team, took out one enemy. Then I sent my b team.... And finished the last 4 without losing anyone.... So.... If anyone draws a weird GW team with a lvl70 molleliza and the characters only lvl 54.... That's probably me.
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