Looking forward to the next updates

469 posts Member
Personally, I'm looking forward to the new game updates...particularly with fortitude. I don't know how it will work but I generally take the game as it comes anyway (F2P). I don't really get hyper focused on "meta this" and "Poe that", etc. I love EA and the games they make and I really I like playing SWGOH. I play it daily and hover around the 51 to 100 arena spot.

That certainly does not require a meta team but I am sort of getting tired of my 7* fully geared A, B and C teams getting one shot annihilated before I even get a turn. I know it's because I decided to explore other character strategies instead of going with mainstream meta. All I'm really saying is that it'll be nice to actually get a turn when facing QGJ, Droids and GS led by Dooku.


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    I agree with everything except 'I love EA' lol.

    Can't wait for the game changes.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Ha ha to each their own. My point was that over 50% of the games I play are easily EA titles. They produce, market and distribute some of the best games in the industry, and have done so for years. They have become an empire and love em or hate em, gaming would not be the same without them. I appreciate your opinion.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I like their customer service on the phone.
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    EA doesn't love you, it just likes you as a friend.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Daryth
    93 posts Member
    But EA hates Enio and Nascar
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    Hopefully after the defense buff you will be seeing han and chewy lead teams.
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