Galactic Challenge Feat Bugged?

52 posts Member
edited September 2021
There’s a feat on the new Galactic Challenge to win after scoring fifteen critical hits. I am counting the the number of times yellow damage numbers are popping up on the enemy in response to my attacks and I have gotten 15 exactly and then 17. Neither attempt completed the feat. Am I missing something? Using Malevolence with Hounds Tooth, Hyena, Vulture, all three Geos, and Han’s Falcon (already got every other feat with a Republic Fleet).
Post edited by crzydroid on


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    I counted them and did a tally on a piece of paper. I got the feat.
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    Link64 wrote: »
    There’s a feat on the new Galactic Challenge to win after scoring fifteen critical hits. I am counting the the number of times yellow damage numbers are popping up on the enemy in response to my attacks and I have gotten 15 exactly and then 17. Neither attempt completed the feat. Am I missing something? Using Malevolence with Hounds Tooth, Hyena, Vulture, all three Geos, and Han’s Falcon (already got every other feat with a Republic Fleet).

    It worked for me but maybe it doesn't count on vulture droids?
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    Same issue here, similar lineup. I counted 17 and 19 Crits, but did not complete the feat :-/
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    I’ve experienced the same on my first attempt, my second attempt I scored over 20 crits and it counted as complete. So either they don’t count against certain ships or it’s not 15 but a slightly higher number. Not a big deal but a bit frustrating.
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    The other bug for me was the taunt feat.

    I ran Negotiator, JKA, Rex, 5s as starters, called Plo as Reinforcement who gave taunt to Rex.

    That was 1 taunt, but I got the 3 taunt feat.
  • Plugawy_Luka
    16 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Same here. Counted yellow hits and there were 17 of them two of three times, but the feat did not pop in
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    I have had the same. Thought had it, but not awarded.
    After a couple of failures: got 15 yellow damage scores (checking): still no feat... maybe I miscounted.
    After a another couple of failures: got 19 yellow damage scores (I could have won at 17, but delayed to make sure I had a buffer) - still no feat...
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    I think previous poster correct. Completed without vulture droids and it worked at 16 yellow hits.
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    Agree with prior posts - had 19 crits with a separatist offence and no feat.
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    This is just a terrible feat.

    I can beat the thing easily, but Crits are entirely up to RNG ... you can't remod a ship. So here I am, replaying this ridiculous challenge over and over again because my success has nothing whatsoever to do with my skill or the level to which I've developed my fleet. It depends purely on RNG.

    Now, if FO could beat this thing I might try using all of its ability to gain advantage, but these amped up ships squash relic FO, so ... it's all about just waiting for RNG to come through. What a waste.
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    Adding to the chorus. Counted 15 exactly using Negotiator fleet. No credit for the feat. There either needs to be a clarification given or people need to be credited. Can’t expect people to achieve a feat without knowing what the heck the parameters for it are.
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    My guess is that crits from pilotless ships are not counting.

    Which is in keeping with much of the Conquest nonsense.
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    My workaround was beat tier 2 without the crit feat and then just auto tier 9 to guarantee it - easy red box albeit 3 banners short of max
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    Wed_Santa wrote: »
    My workaround was beat tier 2 without the crit feat and then just auto tier 9 to guarantee it - easy red box albeit 3 banners short of max

    Sorry - plus an auto on tier 3 of course for the liberated feat etc
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    My guess is that crits from pilotless ships are not counting.

    Which is in keeping with much of the Conquest nonsense.

    No. I got it to work, and YWing definitely contributed. Also included hitting spawned vulture droids. Counted 15 exactly. First time I counted 15 it didn’t count. So either I miscounted that first time or something else is afoot. The mystery continues.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    I got all the ship feats in one battle without counting. So maybe counting is the problem.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    In seriousness, enough people are reporting something wonky here that it's probably worth a bug report.
    Your topic has been moved to the Bugs and Issues Archive. For better assistance and functionality, please report your bug over at Answers HQ.

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    A ticket to investigate this issue has been submitted. I'll follow up when I learn more.
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