Cost to level

I don't know if anyone else has done the math on this yet (I'm sure I'm not the first, but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it) but based on the costs to level from 1st to 70th, I'm calculating going from 70 to 80 will cost ≈2,239,022 credits. The cost from level 1 to 80 will be ≈4,653,909.

Furthermore if the cap is ever raised to 100, leveling from 1 to 100 will cost ≈13,456,649 credits. that's almost seven times as much as the current cap.

What do you guys think about how much of a grind that'll be? (I'm ftp, so it'll be a lot of work/fun)


  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Deleted. I was going to add that it's 2.4 million credits to go from 1-70. But you covered that pretty much.
    Post edited by V1p3rdyn4sty on
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    whats the formula
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    It will take a month worth of completed GW to level a toon from 1 to 100. And by then there will most likely be over a 100 toons. Yikes
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Deadded wrote: »
    whats the formula

    y = 0.2519x4 - 14.534x3 + 289.33x2 - 921.61x - 489.73


  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Deadded wrote: »
    whats the formula

    y = 0.2519x4 - 14.534x3 + 289.33x2 - 921.61x - 489.73


    Ok I studied radiology and almost flunked physics class I know thats not physics but I still dont get it lol
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    Big_Boss wrote: »
    Ok I studied radiology and almost flunked physics class I know thats not physics but I still dont get it lol

    It's a polynomial. It's just the best trendline I could find.
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    Thanks for that. Very helpful. Add on top of that the major character rebalancing coming a few weeks later and we could be wasting a lot of credits leveling up characters that won't be as viable long term.
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    Hmm better start saving then... :# profile - Our guild, 3720 to 1, has 1 spot open! [49/50].
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    lol lets hope were earning more credits by then
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    This goes straight to my point in other threads. We need new content in this game. But a level cap raise is just more gear grinding (P2P or f2p) and it directs ALL your resources into your top 15 characters, at a time that you were just starting to bring up all your low level and gear characters from oblivion. The server shards that started at launch or soon after may be ready, but my shard that started around January 20th IS NOT READY YET. This is coming from the second highest spender on my shard and top 3 in arena everday. Postponing the cap raise will let all the dolphins and good f2p players to catch up. So it's not about staying on top. The cap raise will assure my top arena rank.
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    I think everything would be ok if everyone decided not to raise their toons > level 70.
    Because in arena the teams would still be the same level
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Higher tier challenges, events, and campaign battles have higher credit payouts.

    Big spenders get another opportunity to rush cap and dominate arena.
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    Level 70-80 Credit Math

    If anyone was wondering how much it costs to level a toon from 70-80, it's roughly 2 million credits. Therefore, the cost to go from 1-80 is roughly 4.4 million credits. I've also included the cost for 80-90 below.


    1. Since there is a constant 1000 xp increase between levels, the following formula can be used:
    Ex + 500(x^2 + x)

    E represents the xp needed to go from 69-70 (23,000)
    x represents the number of level increases.

    23,000(10) + 500[(10)^2 + (10)]
    = 230,000 + 500(110)
    = 230,000 + 55,000
    = 285,000 xp

    2. And each xp point cost 7.1 credits
    1* xp droid = 30 xp
    1* xp droid = 213 credits
    213 credits / 30 xp = 7.1 credits per xp


    285,000 xp * 7.1 credits = 2,023,500 credits

    Since every level cap increase will be 10 levels, this formula can be simplified for future use (i.e. 80-90).
    Cost = 7.1(10E + 55,000)

    If we want to know the cost for 80-90, we can plug in 33,000 for E (i.e. the xp needed to go from 79-80)
    Cost = 7.1[10(33,000) + 55,000]
    Cost = 2,733,500 credits

    Hope that helps everyone plan for the future cap increase(s). :)
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    the GW reward is based on your level, so we will get more credits at lv80
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Ztyle wrote: »
    It will take a month worth of completed GW to level a toon from 1 to 100. And by then there will most likely be over a 100 toons. Yikes

    Exactly why most of mine will sit unleveled for eternity. More would help breeze through the GW but just don't get enough credits to make it happen.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member

    Leveling costs (in credits) rise exponentially.

    Problem: Awards/bonuses (in credits) rise linearly...if they go up at all.
    As an example, a level 70 player gets 200 credits for challenge completion - a level 5 gets 130 credits.

    When the level cap increase drops, the credit shortage will begin. Unless they drastically fix the credit economics in the game, the cap increase this time might signify the beginning of the end.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Leveling costs (in credits) rise exponentially.

    Problem: Awards/bonuses (in credits) rise linearly...if they go up at all.
    As an example, a level 70 player gets 200 credits for challenge completion - a level 5 gets 130 credits.

    When the level cap increase drops, the credit shortage will begin. Unless they drastically fix the credit economics in the game, the cap increase this time might signify the beginning of the end.

    Incorrect. Leveling cost is linear after lvl 59.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    the GW reward is based on your level, so we will get more credits at lv80

    Was not aware. Thanks for the heads up. Even more reason to be unconcerned.

    People will have to spend their creds and live with their choices instead of hoarding.
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    I don't think there's much reason for concern here, but maybe I'm just not as competitive. It's a game, the level cap was always going to be raised sooner or later, and at worst it'll set us back a while.

    This is a grindy game (unless you wanna spend a bunch of money). Eventually all of the characters you want will the level you want them to be at with the gear, stars, and ability mats you want them to have (with a few exceptions) you just have to be patient and keep reminding yourself, "I'm playing this game for fun"

    I did the math to plan ahead and I posted this forum to help others do so; not to complain about the game.
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    Hat tip to our forum mathematicians!!!
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    the GW reward is based on your level, so we will get more credits at lv80

    Is it? I'm pretty sure is the same no matter your lvl. Can anybody corroborate this, please?
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