Defense in arena

4 posts Member
edited March 2016
I've run the numbers on several characters and it's coming up nearly double what their actual skill does. Daka's chant of resurrection is nearly 80% not 40%. I started wondering why EA would do this and it's clear. If you burn more turns you start burning crystals. Burning crystals eventually makes you burn money. They need to make the game fair.
Post edited by warmonkey1024 on


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    Post your stats then . . .
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I've run the numbers on several characters and it's coming up nearly double what their actual skill does. Daka's chant of resurrection is nearly 80% not 40%. I started wondering why EA would do this and it's clear. If you burn more turns you start burning crystals. Burning crystals eventually makes you burn money. They need to make the game fair.

    Because they are in your brain!

    I sense much fear in you.

    Wanna borrow my tin foil hat?
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    P.S. Daka's active revive chance is 35%, not 40%.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I've run the numbers on several characters and it's coming up nearly double what their actual skill does. Daka's chant of resurrection is nearly 80% not 40%. I started wondering why EA would do this and it's clear. If you burn more turns you start burning crystals. Burning crystals eventually makes you burn money. They need to make the game fair.

    I agree. Those devs are sneaky
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    slampdx wrote: »
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I've run the numbers on several characters and it's coming up nearly double what their actual skill does. Daka's chant of resurrection is nearly 80% not 40%. I started wondering why EA would do this and it's clear. If you burn more turns you start burning crystals. Burning crystals eventually makes you burn money. They need to make the game fair.

    I agree. Those devs are sneaky

    Its almost like they get paid to think up new ways to make money, but in an evil lab in the basement.
  • JeighKaeNeither
    243 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Cynder77 wrote: »
    I've run the numbers on several characters and it's coming up nearly double what their actual skill does. Daka's chant of resurrection is nearly 80% not 40%. I started wondering why EA would do this and it's clear. If you burn more turns you start burning crystals. Burning crystals eventually makes you burn money. They need to make the game fair.

    You're 100% correct. If you ever have a question about anything...look at it from the opposite direction. Start with the assumption that EA is out to make as much money as is possible from this cheap little game, and you will always find your answer to "why" they do anything.
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    When you get spanked because of RNG sometimes it can seem like this for sure, but there is nothing to support the theory.

    If you get decent RNG and win, that isn't a memorable moment. If you get unbelievably bad RNG that turns an easy win into an embarrassing defeat, that is going to stick in your mind. Such memories accumulate much easier and it's easy to feel cheated.

    Everyone struggles with horrible RNG. That's just how it works, unfortunately. :confused:
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    So what is the exact percentage?
    How many revives happened via Daka's revive ability out of how many attempts?
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I feel like the RNG is about what's expected regardless of whether it's my team or the AI on defense. Sometimes their Daka revives a character twice. Sometimes never. Once in awhile it's 3 times and I get owned. Same with Dooku lead dodges.

    I read a statement somewhere saying that they don't alter RNG even for AI and I'm inclined to believe it after seeing the highs and lows of the rolls I've had.

    RNG. She is a mazza ****.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    The only time I really wonder about the ai is in gw
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    FYI it is against forum guidelines to mention EA in your thread title.

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • cosmicturtle333
    5004 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    So you come here with an outlandish statement and claim to have evidence, but cannot put forward that evidence to prove your statement.

    Regardless of EA's intentions you cannot prove this and so your argument is invalid.

    As far as Daka's revive percentages are her active is 35% for each dead hero and a 10% chance of reviving each dead hero when they die. This is the exact same percentage for both user controlled and AI controlled Old Daka's.

    Come back when you have some real evidence.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Edited your title. Please don't call out EA in your title.
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    Most of my fights against Daka she doesnt revive shi tt. Its pure RNG!
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