Mace rolls

Shatter point
Roll for chance to activiate
Roll for chance to apply
Roll for chance to hit.

All for the key factor to his being he has to pass 3 rolls, that's saying your target isn't behind a tank or stealth.


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    Yeah whoever designed maces unique clearly has no idea because it's just as useless as his last unique!
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    It's great, except rolling 3 times is whack. Either make 100% to activate or 100% to apply.
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    Roll ai to actually target exposed enemy on defence too lol
    Tekken 7
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    The only thing that is desent about Mace is his Leader ability 20% offinse up and 9% critical hit. But that could still be better and as for Defense down should be higher than 40% since he doesn't hit that hard.
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    Mace expose should be unresistable. Would atleast remove one of the rolls. It's already such an unreliable ability.
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    Mace damage and survival is pretty on point, shatter point just needs to be tweaked so that you're not praying to the RNG gods every time Windu takes a turn.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    3Azyg4mes wrote: »
    It's great, except rolling 3 times is whack. Either make 100% to activate or 100% to apply.
    Roll ai to actually target exposed enemy on defence too lol
    Yarzahn wrote: »
    Mace expose should be unresistable. Would atleast remove one of the rolls. It's already such an unreliable ability.

    All this times 2
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    Would be better if the ability was change to give him a chance each time he attacks to apply Expose to his target immediately before his attack. Would at least solve the AI problem and the tank/stealth issue.
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    Tank thing I get at least, but stealth? Coooooome on!
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    Perhaps make shatter point automatically target the toon with the lowest health as to not mess up your flow of targeting who you wish to take out first. I do believe mace is intelligent enough to know savage/dooku should not be attacked first.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Perhaps make shatter point automatically target the toon with the lowest health as to not mess up your flow of targeting who you wish to take out first. I do believe mace is intelligent enough to know savage/dooku should not be attacked first.

    Depending on team comp, savage is a great 1st target lol.
    Hit him with dooku then remove his buffs with jinn and my whole team has offence up by 3rd action and before the AI can even take a action lol
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    Shatter point wouldn't really be best suited to target lowest hp, basic might just kill the target without any need for it. Maybe making it provide additional effects when he hits an affected target like offense up off smite and defense up off basic.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Make it Permanent?

    If he found a weak point, he would call it out...
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