Nute's Leader Ability

11 posts Member
Does Nute's leader ability work correctly? It seems like everyone gets TM whenever they crit. I've tested it on Lando and sometimes he gets to move 3 times before faster toons. Sorry if it has been posted already.


  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    It works fine, problem is Nute is utter garbage.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    His TM manipulation works for all toons, stealthed or not. Thus if an AOE character hits 4-5 crits during their AOE move, they'll see a massive gain in TM. That's why Lando w/ Nute can be ridiculous.

    The in-game wording is confusing. Hope I cleared it up.
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    Arube wrote: »
    It works fine, problem is Nute is utter garbage.

    If thermal det ever becomes viable he'll be a meta toon.

  • Qwillo
    11 posts Member
    Arube wrote: »
    It works fine, problem is Nute is utter garbage.

    If it works fine, then how do you explain Lando getting extra moves? I know that Nute is average at best but it still grinds my gear. Many toons are crit-dependent.
  • Qwillo
    11 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    So if it works for everyone that means that the description is either misleading or the ability itself is not working properly.
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    Qwillo wrote: »
    So if it works for everyone that means that the description is either misleading or the ability itself is not working properly.

    Right. It's worded incorrectly. The 55% increased crit chance applies to stealthed allies but the 25% TM gain on crit applies to all allies.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    I would be interested to know if it is working as intended or is a bug that will be fixed eventually.

    Nute, Leia, Lando, RG and whoever else you like has some serious potential. Too slow and squishy for arena currently but I've been blasting my way through GW with this group lately and Lando is ridiculous with Nute lead... Just chain AOE the other group into oblivion. Once he gets his turn its over for the other team.
  • Qwillo
    11 posts Member
    Qwillo wrote: »
    So if it works for everyone that means that the description is either misleading or the ability itself is not working properly.

    Right. It's worded incorrectly. The 55% increased crit chance applies to stealthed allies but the 25% TM gain on crit applies to all allies.

    Feels to me like it should not apply to everyone. That's a huge buff to some toons who crit almost every time. Luke, Leia, GS but especially Lando.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Arube wrote: »
    It works fine, problem is Nute is utter garbage.

    If thermal det ever becomes viable he'll be a meta toon.

    The fact that you said that makes me cringe.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Qwillo
    11 posts Member
    Arube wrote: »
    It works fine, problem is Nute is utter garbage.

    If thermal det ever becomes viable he'll be a meta toon.

    It should blow up upon taking damage two times, just like a mix up of advantage and expose.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    His leader ability is borderline OP when paired with Lando even currently.

    With the expected changes to combat and lvl increase coming it could easily become the new group in arena that everyone cries about getting destroyed by on the forums... until they either nerf or fix Nute's leader ability (if it is working as intended). It could become the new Poe except it will be whichever teams Lando gets the first move will decide the battle.

    *afterthought... Dooku lead, other dodge leads or even a counter team will negate this group. So it could become a paper, rock, scissors type scenario (which I think would actually be awesome if you had to choose which team was most effective to deal with whoever you are attacking in arena)
    Post edited by Smapty on
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    Smapty wrote: »
    I would be interested to know if it is working as intended or is a bug that will be fixed eventually.

    Nute, Leia, Lando, RG and whoever else you like has some serious potential. Too slow and squishy for arena currently but I've been blasting my way through GW with this group lately and Lando is ridiculous with Nute lead... Just chain AOE the other group into oblivion. Once he gets his turn its over for the other team.

    This is the team I run. Nute lead, RG, Lando, QGJ and Leia or daka depending on who I am up against. I tank top 5 if I try and top 15 if I don't. I think daka seems to do better on defense. I drop way more if I leave Leia in there sometimes to the 50s. I left town and didn't play for 4 days and I was at 29 when I got back.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Olle wrote: »
    Smapty wrote: »
    I would be interested to know if it is working as intended or is a bug that will be fixed eventually.

    Nute, Leia, Lando, RG and whoever else you like has some serious potential. Too slow and squishy for arena currently but I've been blasting my way through GW with this group lately and Lando is ridiculous with Nute lead... Just chain AOE the other group into oblivion. Once he gets his turn its over for the other team.

    This is the team I run. Nute lead, RG, Lando, QGJ and Leia or daka depending on who I am up against. I tank top 5 if I try and top 15 if I don't. I think daka seems to do better on defense. I drop way more if I leave Leia in there sometimes to the 50s. I left town and didn't play for 4 days and I was at 29 when I got back.

    I like either ewok elder (for heals, dot cleanse and resurrect), Daka (for stuns, heals and potential resurrect) or Dooku (for speed, stuns, counterattack and great TM gain potential) for the last spot in the above mentioned group.

    I think Leia is key for her crit chance boost... Even with the AI putting her into stealth first turn she gains a big boost from that and will crit every attack (giving more TM to her) and does bonus crit damage... When RNG goes your way she can do 10-15k in a turn

    It's a fun group for sure and can really decimate the other team when things go your way... Or it can get really ugly quick and you are wiped out before even putting a dent in the other team

    I would really like to know if the TM on crit for the whole team is intended or not. It would have a big impact on my preparations for the lvl increase and combat changes that are coming.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm rambling in this thread but here is another great Nute led group...

    Nute (L), Leia, Teebo, Chirpa and Ewok elder. The ewoks have great turn meter synergy already and it is only boosted by Nute as leader. Leia does her usual and gives everyone increased crit chance (increasing turn meter further). Teebo at 80 will have a 30% chance to stealth other ewoks when he goes into stealth which makes a PITA random steathing team that gets crazy TM boost and assists and counteracts from Chirpa (giving even more TM). Ewok elder heals, ressurects and gives even more TM on his basic attack... Sounds brutal to me

    More fun stuff to play around with!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    Leia is very inconsitent. Trust me, some times she attacks once, and no crit chance up. I would run elder but mine is only 5 star so I'm stuck with daka.

    IMO, after actually using this group and not just in theory, Leia doesn't alway pull her weight and isn't needed as much as one thinks. Personally ST Han would be much better. But if you go this route your a one trick pony and if Lando dies, you lose. Nute does really good dmg and seems to be the last person left for me 90% of the time.

    Side note, supposedly, Greedos lvl 8 leader gives 50% crit dmg and 20% TM on a crit for scoundrels. Lando would destroy if he gets his two+ crits and goes again shortly.

    This Nute leader is honestly Bullsheet. Some games I win almost instantly when Lando goes, criting 4 or more on the first turn and goes again instantly. Some games he goes 3 turns in a row and the other team just dies. Other times he doesn't even crit once and you lose big time. It's a RNG team and I kinda hate that.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    The chance of getting critical attacks by the key players in this team will be increased a good bit at lvl 80 (as well as the percentage of TM gain from Nute). Lando gains the crit chance buff with any crit he makes so as long as he gets at least 2 in his first AOE he will be rolling from that point.

    Greedo doesn't get TM gain as leader until lv 82 (supposedly) so that's pretty far down the road I would imagine.

    The RNG factor will be more in your favor with the lvl increase and the proposed changes to combat (fortitude in particular) and could alleviate the low hp's and lack of speed this group has issues with currently... Who knows what will actually happen with the changes to combat that are coming but in theory it has some good potential.

    I would like to see Nute's leader ability stay as it is but only because it could be easily countered by the right group.
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    Smapty wrote: »
    I would be interested to know if it is working as intended or is a bug that will be fixed eventually.

    Nute, Leia, Lando, RG and whoever else you like has some serious potential. Too slow and squishy for arena currently but I've been blasting my way through GW with this group lately and Lando is ridiculous with Nute lead... Just chain AOE the other group into oblivion. Once he gets his turn its over for the other team.

    Throw in Teebo + a healer instead of RG and I think you've got yourself a real solid team. Teebo goes stealth and removes turn meter and use the healer to keep you alive. Barris would probably be best since she's got crazy hit points so her and lando would have to be prepared to take all the damage while everyone else is stealthed.
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    RG is > Barris on this team.

    RG + Ewok elder is the best possible protecters for this team, but are both hard to get.

    IMO daka and ST Han is a good f2p substitute that would give massive TM. I don't know who to target in a team of Nute, Lando, ST Han, daka and one other (poogle, QGJ, dooku, doesn't matter)
  • MirthYaywalker
    122 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Phasma acts before Lando and soon will guarantee a critical hit with victory march. That will remove the RNG element for firing crits, which is the key to getting multiple AOEs off in one turn. The current dodge meta will reduce the likelihood of the 4 or 5 crits needed (for 100/125% TM) actually landing though....

    It's not OP currently, there is a big RNG element that makes it more suited to specifically GW. Its too inconsistent for arena for now at least. And you need to sacrifice a more effective fighter to have Nute in the team to benefit from the leader ability. Buffed thermals may change that...
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    I play nute lead now just to be different and keep my dooku team on the bench unless it's payout team and need to snipe.

    Nude Lead
    ST Hans
    5th rotating out
    -daka works well with early stun and revive
    -leia - crit up was nice she Is just not helpful on this team on defense.
    -plasma (victory march to turn meter up for lando)

    Working on a few others to try too
    -magnaguard versus dooku teams
    -ewok elder for revive

    Team works well and basically loses when DPS team can beat out lando before taunt or with 2 counter attacks hit lando on his aoe. Super fun for using landos Aoe 5 times in a row though.

    I do wish thermal detonator was changed. I think a good fix would be it for to explode in death of the affected toon. I am better off dropping the detonator on GS and hope the match is still going when it explodes.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    My point being
    - fun to play
    - Not guaranteed win
    - Different than current meta
    - Easily countered

    Hopefully nute lead skill isn't changed and the wording is fixed
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Yep, it's bugged than Lando gets TM when his aoe crits, he can get 2-3 aoe attacks of 6k each.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Right that is the current mechanic. But if it's a true bug and it's only supposed to apply to stealthed allies, than his leader skill goes to the scrap yard of worthlessness along with a lot of others. More dooku. Given this thinking a toon has to be stealthed AND hit a critical hit, so limit to 5 toons that Can even stealth. I don't see how that's a leader ability but more of a "unique" skill set.

    I am still suggesting this not a bug but poorly worded leadership skill description.
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