CG is lying

7 posts Member
edited August 2023
Has anyone else seen the DRAMATIC rise in dodges from the executor fleet? I just lost GAC with profundity counter because XB, without dodge up, got 4 dodges in a row. FOUR DODGES IN A ROW. I'm getting fewer assists than ever before, and I've lost more counters than I can count. It's either an undisclosed buff, or a bug and I'm sick and tired of CG getting away with this. This is not rng as I've experienced this at least twice a day as of late
Post edited by Ultra on


  • I_JnK_I
    464 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    Uninstall will fix the problem

    I have never seen someone on the forum i agree with this much
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Tonifer4 wrote: »
    Has anyone else seen the DRAMATIC rise in dodges from the executor fleet? I just lost GAC with profundity counter because XB, without dodge up, got 4 dodges in a row. FOUR DODGES IN A ROW. I'm getting fewer assists than ever before, and I've lost more counters than I can count. It's either an undisclosed buff, or a bug and I'm sick and tired of CG getting away with this. This is not rng as I've experienced this at least twice a day as of late

    Sounds like a bad case of RNG
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Tonifer4 wrote: »
    Has anyone else seen the DRAMATIC rise in dodges from the executor fleet? I just lost GAC with profundity counter because XB, without dodge up, got 4 dodges in a row. FOUR DODGES IN A ROW. I'm getting fewer assists than ever before, and I've lost more counters than I can count. It's either an undisclosed buff, or a bug and I'm sick and tired of CG getting away with this. This is not rng as I've experienced this at least twice a day as of late

    Sounds like a bad case of RNG

    See above math
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    nfidel2k wrote: »
    Tonifer4 wrote: »
    Tonifer4 wrote: »
    and I've lost more counters than I can count.

    Have you tried taking night courses for math?

    Funny you should mention that. At a 2% natural dodge rate, to dodge 4 in a row is a 1 in 187.5 million chance. But I'm sure you being a smarmy ***** totally helps

    Your math result is different from my result for four dodges in a row at 2%. Maybe you should capture the dodges on video.

    There fixed it for you
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    lol RNG hates me too. my millennium falcon just sits there refusing to assist.
  • Nagz
    74 posts Member
    I had a uncanny amount of dodges like 4 or more months ago.

    My Chimera fleet was fighting a Executor where we landed 0 hits and 0 dodges outside of guaranteed stuff on our side in GAC.
    I think it was a absurd number, maybe 7 dodges
    in a row before all my ships were dead?
    Then i played the fleet event or something and found where did all my dodges go... :|
    Got hit 0 times in a no-stakes battle fir some shard shop currency.
    The more you want to win, the bigger the chance of the game bending over backwards just spite you. And then you get Galaxy Brained by the game giving enemy all the aces, when the enemy already won.

    Nowadays my Xanadu sells his double attacks to mirror Xanadus and dodges are at a common level of "Oh come on", where i don't dodge with evasion up, yet enemy do so without the buff on HT.
    Would it supprise anybody if i said it would ocure mostly around the fleet payout hours?

    TL;DR: Bad RNG loves to rear its ugly head at the worst times, man. It *IS* just one if these days, don't let it get to you and try to move on.
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    Happens to me few days before, chew3po dodged 4 or 5 in a row in gac and cost me the battle.
    But whatever, it just RNGesus...
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    It’s always RNGesus but i am starting to think it’s actually et tu RNGBrutus given how much RNG backstabs us rather than help us
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Tonifer4 wrote: »
    Tonifer4 wrote: »
    and I've lost more counters than I can count.

    Have you tried taking night courses for math?

    Funny you should mention that. At a 2% natural dodge rate, to dodge 4 in a row is a 1 in 6.25 million chance. But I'm sure you being a smarmy ***** totally helps

    The odds of winning the powerball is about 1 to 292 millions and people still win. Hence Ultra's comment: being very unlucky doesn't prove that anything has been changed in the game. Maybe you're right, but you need more numbers to back this up.

    1 in 292 mil and population of america is 330

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    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating
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    1) The Executor special grants foresight and the unique grants Evasion Up every time an enemy reinforces. If you had the heads up toggled, it’s possible the buffs/debuffs were collapsed and you missed the evasion up.

    2) Building off the lottery example, do you realize how many strings of 4 attacks occur across everyone playing the game each day? While it may be extremely rare that a particular sequence would happen, it becomes very likely that it will happen to someone on some sequence each day. You only really notice when the bad luck happens and brush by all the times it didn’t.
  • Options
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.
  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.
  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.
  • Options
    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.

  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.

  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.

  • Options
    I won a fleet GAC battle last round on an extremely lucky 2/3 miss from Anakin's AOE that should have killed two of my ships. The only hit that landed was on my one ship that could survive the shot. No evasion up or foresight, just pure luck.
  • yolkywareagle
    1016 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.

    Could stats not be boosted irregularly all around and be used for offense, defense, PVE, etc?
  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.

    Could stats not be boosted irregularly all around and be used for offense, defense, PVE, etc?
    No. When someone attacks you, the game will use the stats for your units drawn from the server. Cheating involves changing the stats of your units when you attack, not when someone attacks you.
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    I’m gonna trust the Barb on this one.
  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    or maybe it is - undiscovered by the general population - defensive cheating

    Can’t tell if you are trolling, but for the sake of anyone who don’t understand what’s possible: defensive cheating is not technically possible.

    The client of the attacker is where attacks are resolved. This means that the only place cheating can occur is on the attackers side, by manipulating the stats used to resolve the attack.

    You have obviously no clue of whats technically possible and what not...

    Cheating on defense is possible.

    Could stats not be boosted irregularly all around and be used for offense, defense, PVE, etc?

    It’s sort of semantic. Strictly speaking, technical cheating (ie irregular manipulation of stats through using an APK etc) can only happen when attacking - for the reasons described above. There is another sort of non-technical cheating which is using irregular means to acquire resources that consequentially give an advantage (eg buying an existing account, buying black market crystals or even using a stolen credit card to buy resources in a “legitimate “ way) - you could class this as “moral cheating “ in that it doesn’t involve a technical manipulation of the game but it definitely puts you on the naughty list.
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