Jabba ultimate

Is anyone else not able to battle for Jabba's ultimate ability mats??


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    Yep, it’s known bug that they are looking into.
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    It's getting ridiculous......I could have activated his ultimate BEFORE this current GA started
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    Mee too
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    I would have been done too. And their silence is telling you everything. They won't give the tokens for whatever reason but they can't fix it either it seems. It's been almost 2 weeks now.
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    I finished all of the requirements for the 12 pieces of the ultimate ability and even though it said I was to receive the 12th piece I never did. It stayed at 11 and now I am unable to get a 12 piece because it shows that I am done. I tried contacting EA and they are not giving me the last piece that I deserve.
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    I believe the silence and the fact there is no fix in sight is because the issue is caused by corrupted data, which impacts only certain accounts.
    A while back, a couple of weeks ago or so, they introduced a bug as part of an update, some players running Jabbas journey interacted with the journey events, perhaps by trying battles even though no tokens were going to be won, and that caused the number of tokens earned to go out of sync with journey’s progress; it seems to me progress was somehow recorded and moved forward despite no ult mats being won, so eventually when the bug got fixed, a bunch of us found the journey progress was too far ahead compared to the number of ult mats we had earned.
    CG must be looking into these accounts and re-sync progress with ult mats stocked.
    Surely they can query the data and adjust it, assuming is a data issue, can’t be that hard to find who’s gone out-of-sync.
    Let’s hope they get it sorted soon coz it would be criminal to get to the start of the next GAC season and we still stuck with this issue 😱
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    Help answer
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    iDaMax wrote: »
    Help answer

    Forum answer: contact in game support.
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    Maybe you should warn the rest of the players that have not been effect yet. The number of upset players is growing by the hour. You could possibly put up a “at work “ sign on the Jabba journey, letting people know that you are working on it.
    Or you could choose to ignore it and hope it goes away, historically this choice has not worked well for most companies.
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    Isn't it almost a month now that this has been an issue?
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    16 days
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    Hello, I still have the problem... I am stuck to 11 donuts out of 12... :'(
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    I've opened numerous tickets. They just don't seem to care or.. customer support has no communication from Dev teams. I also think there is no communication between Dev and qa
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    juke_m wrote: »
    Hello, I still have the problem... I am stuck to 11 donuts out of 12... :'(

    Same here . It is so frustrating.
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    Hans_Polo wrote: »
    Yep, it’s known bug that they are looking into.

    10 days later and still looking into it w no update.
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    Same problem here. No response yet. Stuck at 11/12. :'(
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    Hans_Polo wrote: »
    Yep, it’s known bug that they are looking into.

    10 days later and still looking into it w no update.
    21 days. But who's counting?

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    It's going on 3 weeks for me

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    I hope we are gonna get a compensation for this bug. I should have gotten the Jabba's ultimate before the conquest and its "Hutt Cartel" challenge. Here is my ally code: 649-159-626
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    Nice to be unlocked but no compensation... 😠
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