New player level 47 and ran out of things to do???


Hopefully some people can help me out…. I’m a fairly active new player and done my research about what to farm and do etc but I’ve literally hit a brick wall for a few days now.

I collect my free bronz, do 600 for guild daily, complete all my cantina, LS and DS battles plus the arena and galactic battles plus any other events like credit heist atm.

Is there anything else I can do that doesn’t require cantina/LS/DS energy ? I do add extra energy daily but surely as a new player I can’t have nothing else to do??

Anyone got any ideas?

Appreciate your guidance and help - I’m also looking for a guild if anyone wants a newbie

Ally code 568-845-652



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    Every now & then players hit a bit of a plateau. The good news is that it doesn’t last long. As you move up the levels, new modes open up. Keep working on gearing up your preferred toons, so you can make the most of them. Join a guild definitely but at this level the training guilds are ok too - don’t hang around too long waiting to be asked to join.

    However the truth is that the game is a bit of a long haul - its whole business model is based on people wanting to pay to save time, so it does create conditions where it feels things are taking too long. That’s how they get you. The only thing in the game you can ever actually buy is time (if anyone talks to you about ‘investing’ in the game, unless they are talking about actual shares in EA they are delusional’). So if your time is precious to you and the game is dragging, just put it down for a bit and walk on the good earth, or whatever. It will still be there later.
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    Lv88_Gab wrote: »

    Hopefully some people can help me out…. I’m a fairly active new player and done my research about what to farm and do etc but I’ve literally hit a brick wall for a few days now.

    I collect my free bronz, do 600 for guild daily, complete all my cantina, LS and DS battles plus the arena and galactic battles plus any other events like credit heist atm.

    Is there anything else I can do that doesn’t require cantina/LS/DS energy ? I do add extra energy daily but surely as a new player I can’t have nothing else to do??

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Appreciate your guidance and help - I’m also looking for a guild if anyone wants a newbie

    Ally code 568-845-652

    I remember feeling like this when I started playing this game.

    At level 50 mods open up for you. I don't remember when ships become a thing but it's either at 50 or maybe 60? Hang in there, remember to grab your free energy when it pops up, and keep pushing.

    Some days are down days in the game when there's not a lot going on. There's a rhythm to it even if it's not evident sometimes. Focus on building teams - find a farming guide to follow to keep from making costly detours, make a plan and execute it over time.

    Before long you'll be looking forward to those down days so you can do things like burn ally points, tweak mods, or go outside :smile: Once you have a couple million GP you'll be wondering why this game seems to take so much time on some days. Territory Battles, Territory Wars, Conquest, GAC, Raids, other events - they'll all keep you busier than you thought you would be in a mobile game.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Lv88_Gab
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Awesome thanks Herd, I’m pretty much there to unlock mods only 2 levels to go, that will be fun and something new.

    Got a plan, working on phoenix and Geos atm

    Cheers 👋
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    For one, are you working on ships? NOW is the time to work on ships so that when they open to you and everyone else who reaches ship unlock on the same day, you're ahead of everyone who didn't buy the Hyperspeed Bundle.

    For the second: Galactic War is on the horizon. When that hits, you'll have a LOT to do. It's not swimmable until you hit level 85, so every day you have to creatively fight your way through 12 different battles. While some of this can be handled by repeated use of your best squad, some of it cannot. Strategy tips like using your 4th or 5th best squad on Node1, next best squad on node 2, next best on node 3 up to best squad on node 4 or 5 allows you to pre-load multiple squads with turn meter, so that you can always outrun later nodes simply by virtue of having turn meter on your toons before the battle starts. Even with that, you will pass through a phase where you can't beat the final nodes. How long that phase lasts depends on how many teams you have and how well you know the tricks (like pre-loading TM). If nothing else, since GW is right around the corner, you can start watching videos on how to use those strategies now.

    For the third: Are you in a good guild? Meaning, for one thing, not a starter guild? Use your time now to advertise yourself in Discord on one of the guild recruitment servers or right here on the forums in the Guild Recruitment channel. Getting yourself in a guild that works for you and appreciates you and has other players who will help you when you ask for it is really your number one job right now. That sets the foundation for everything that comes after.

    Remember not to accept the first guild offer you get, or to base your decision solely on guild GP. Having friends who play the game with you and learn the game with you and are excited to share their victories and console you over your defeats is really the best part of this game. Say something about yourself in your guild ad, and THIS IS IMPORTANT, ask a specific question or two. These should be about things that actually matter to you, but the most important thing is that the recruiter actually answers those questions. If you ask how active the discord channel is or whether the guild discord has a good sense of humour, then if the guild recruiter ignores those questions they're telling you up front that they don't care about what's important to you. They're just trying to fill a seat. Whether it's you or someone else doesn't matter to them at all. If they get back to you and say, "OMG, we have a whole memes/jokes channel but I never go in there b/c our TB officer has the worst sense of humour and is always spamming the thing with bad husky puns," then you know that they listened to you, they heard you, and the prioritized giving you an honest answer back -- even when they were worried it might not be what you wanted to hear. There is NOTHING better than a response like that. That's a guild recruiter that really cares about whether you are going to be happy in the guild, stay in the guild, and grow while in the guild.

    So go get yourself into the best guild possible (considering your own preferences), and by the time you're done with that, you're gonna have to start worrying about Galactic War. That will keep you busy.
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    Master Seedy thanks really appreciate all of that, makes perfect sense.

    I have been working on ships too, I have 6 unlocked and trying to get 8 and level up what I can.

    I’m currently in a relaxed guild but they have given me some decent allies for battles and we do AAT, TW, Rankor and Krayt. I am currently seeking a more active guild though.

    GW - I’ve had this unlocked for some days now and I’ve been able to steam roll it almost all the time with a phoenix team dare I say it haha. I also have a trooper team and a geo team as backup until my geo/ trooper team improve/promote.

    I wasn’t aware of the TM strategy though that is genius! If nothing else I’ve at least learnt that so thank you.

    I have a few adverts out there on the forums for a guild, I don’t do much on discord these days now sadly.

    Thanks again - appreciate the time you put into that response 👌🏼
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    Welcome to the game!
    I sent you an Ally invite.

    I am new to the game as well.
    I have been playing for 10 weeks so far.

    I select Phoenix as my 1st team beginner team as well.
    I wanted to show you some pictures.


    The above teams can beat the Journey Guide Characters in Tier 1.
    The teams don’t need to be level 85.

    You can win with only level 80 + Gear 8.
    I leveled a few heroes to level 85 for a different Journey Guide which I will show you later.

    I think you already have the Phoenix Characters I used above.
    The few characters which you may not have are Mace, Qui-Gon Jin, & Old Ben.

    I bought Mace from Squad Store.
    I bought Qui-Gon Jinn from Cantina Store.
    I farmed Old Ben with Cantina Energy.

    I am sure there are other heroes which could help you win as well.
    I am just sharing with you what I did.

    My Team 1 & 2 did great job in unlocking those characters to 7 star.


    Currently, I am stuck on my team 3.
    Thrawn Event is a tough one.

    You need Phoenix to unlock Thrawn.
    I leveled up my heroes to level 85 in order to get them strong enough for this event.
    I am still having difficulty.

    I tried a few different Phoenix team combinations and failed.
    My plan is to unlock Rex to 7 star.

    Than try again with the team I have in above picture.
    I don’t know if it will win or not, but I am planning for sure.

    My R2D2 team has done ok so far.
    I don’t know if it can beat the R2D2 - 7 star event.

    I am waiting till I get Thrawn 7 Star to try further.
    I will see how it goes for sure.
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    Oh, hey, yeah. Not many people ask me for an ally invite these days, but you're welcome to my roster.

    When you get to the point of thinking about going for a GL there are many considerations, but one might be whether or not it's fun to play. If you're thinking about that, feel free to ask people to shuffle their lendable ally in Cantina Battles (since those are the hardest ones, and even they are going to be weak compared to any GL) so you can actually try out the abilities of different GLs and see them work.

    Anyway, I'll send you an ally invite.
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    And don't forget -- GW will get harder, and you will need that 4th team, eventually.

    To conserve credits and/or training droids, it's not a bad idea to keep your main squad 2 levels behind your player level, then your second squad 4-5 levels behind, and your 3-5th squads about 8 levels behind, roughly.

    2 levels makes VERY little difference to a toon, though there are times when you get past level 75 or 80 when an important Omega or Zeta ability will make a large difference. Since those are level-gated and the ability increases your power so significantly, feel free to break these levelling guidelines in order to jump on an important ability as soon as your player level allows it.

    But that shouldn't be the normal thing. Keeping your level just a bit behind will allow you to level more squads total, which will help you in other ways.
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    Player J thank you for the ally code and comments - nice to have so much input from someone experienced so thanks.

    Master Seedy you too, the comments are very useful and has made me think about a lot more of the game.

    I think I would go for SLK first, I heard he can solo some PVE events - I think pve might be more my bag right now anyway.
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    Lv88_Gab wrote: »
    Player J thank you for the ally code and comments - nice to have so much input from someone experienced so thanks.

    Master Seedy you too, the comments are very useful and has made me think about a lot more of the game.

    I think I would go for SLK first, I heard he can solo some PVE events - I think pve might be more my bag right now anyway.

    Master Seedy is a wealth of knowledge on the forum.
    The other person has 7 weeks of experience.

    Just be aware of where your advice is coming from
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
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    Way of the world I’m afraid. The amount of times these days I’ve been sat in briefings with some prepubescent rear echelon type or Spad no bigger than my thumbnail, elfsplaining the latest theory of change… However, if you’re someone who still values depth of experience & wisdom, Seedy might still have some latent value left in her
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    Seedy might still have some latent value left in her

    No promises or anything.
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    Lv88_Gab wrote: »
    Player J thank you for the ally code and comments - nice to have so much input from someone experienced so thanks.

    Master Seedy you too, the comments are very useful and has made me think about a lot more of the game.

    I think I would go for SLK first, I heard he can solo some PVE events - I think pve might be more my bag right now anyway.

    Your Welcome Buddy!
    Also, I did beat the Thrawn Journey.
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