This might sound strange coming from me but…

1023 posts Member
edited February 23
I am wholly opposed to the introduction of gifts in the store. I think it might have dangerous consequences and this is why I don’t like it:

1. I haven’t seen evidence of huge demand from the players - so it feels as if it’s being introduced on a false premise (& at the expense of more genuinely requested QoL improvements)
2. It appears like a cynical attempt by CG to create a new demand and market for intra-guild gifting, made more cynical by the inclusion of LSBs which will inevitably drive demand.
3. Precisely because of the LSB disparity, it will inevitably encourage some people to try & work around lack of supply in the main store through transferring funds to guild mates to buy and gift on their behalf - this opens up security risks for players and the potential for fraud etc
4. Most worryingly this seems to create conditions for **** bullying- eg more vulnerable, less mature or more anxious guild members might be pressured into gifting to others (perhaps to preserve a perceived at risk position in a guild, to strengthen a guild for events or to curry favour etc)

Gifts and rewards are a big part of what I do - and so is security and safeguarding. I have to say on first view, this system looks risky and on the face of it, a short sighted attempt to boost income at the cost of player safety.

CG I hope you’ve done the due diligence on this because it wouldn’t get past the North Pole’s Risk and Audit elves.

Edit - typo
Post edited by CG_Tusken_Meathead on


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    It is what it is, a cash grab. The inability to purchase for yourself is simply a blatant attempt to get a double dip for themselves and they don’t care about security risks, potential scams or anything of that nature. Those are obvious possibilities that almost anyone would see and while I don’t have a very high opinion of the folks at CG I have a hard time believing these points were not raised by someone at some time during the process. I don’t need any of the current bundles and I have no intention of randomly gifting any to guildmates either so it doesn’t affect me one way or the other right now but I personally think it’s pretty crappy of CG to not allow people to purchase the bundles for themselves.
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    Another potential problem along the lines of "bullying" would be guilds using gifts as a way to force guild members to do stuff. "We gifted you X so you have to do Y." A player would no longer be able to use the "You don't pay me to play this game" excuse.
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    Tsfletch wrote: »
    It is what it is, a cash grab. The inability to purchase for yourself is simply a blatant attempt to get a double dip for themselves and they don’t care about security risks, potential scams or anything of that nature. Those are obvious possibilities that almost anyone would see and while I don’t have a very high opinion of the folks at CG I have a hard time believing these points were not raised by someone at some time during the process. I don’t need any of the current bundles and I have no intention of randomly gifting any to guildmates either so it doesn’t affect me one way or the other right now but I personally think it’s pretty crappy of CG to not allow people to purchase the bundles for themselves.

    Well precisely- the potential problems appear so obvious that in the North Pole there would be a case it amounts to reckless endangerment (& we take that seriously because there’s no upper limit on potential damages). Maybe it’s different in California (it usually is I suppose) but it does just seem ill judged at best. Plus it’s bugged - but that’s just par for the course.
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    Overall I’d say that CG have proven themselves lacking in expertise in the area of security, fraud and compliance in the past so I’m not sure they’ve actually considered the potential risks of this, unfortunately.
  • Vampos
    6 posts Member
    edited February 22
    I'm pretty sure they have misconstrued the want for people to maybe gift surplus gear we who have been playing for years don't need. None of my guild members (50 members strong ) or that of any of the alliance we are a part of. Have voiced any interest in spending real money on gifting already over priced packs to other guild members. It is quite possibly the worst bright idea cg / ea has come up with in the 7/8 years the game has been around.
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    In my guild only 2 players want to exchange gifts for lsb. Nobody is talking about other packs. I dont see any gifts coming to anyone inside my guild as a gift.. ...
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Gawejn wrote: »
    In my guild only 2 players want to exchange gifts for lsb. Nobody is talking about other packs. I dont see any gifts coming to anyone inside my guild as a gift.. ...

    You should spend some time on the events discord, which is now full of people talking about guild swapping to buy themselves LSBs, starting alts to buy themselves LSBs, and any other way they can think of doing it. Crazy.
    I need a new message here.
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    Maybe I'd gift my nephews something on their birthdays, but since neither are in my guild I can't so it's kinda pointless.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »
    In my guild only 2 players want to exchange gifts for lsb. Nobody is talking about other packs. I dont see any gifts coming to anyone inside my guild as a gift.. ...

    You should spend some time on the events discord, which is now full of people talking about guild swapping to buy themselves LSBs, starting alts to buy themselves LSBs, and any other way they can think of doing it. Crazy.

    That is indeed crazy.
  • Lumiya
    1575 posts Member
    This is so stupid and not what players asked for. I also don't understand the reason behind it. If people give a guildmate money so the mate can buy them the gift, it is the same as if they would buy it for themselves... Just unnecessarily more complicated. Smh.

    Not to mention, the doors it opens up for some form of abuse. This was just a horrible idea through and through!

    Players want to be able to gift guildmates (more)surplus mats
    CG: We hear you
    Also CG: With our new Update you can now spend real life money to buy your guildmates a gift
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Now we gotta add disclaimers to our guilds to mitigate soliciting. Big potential for getting hosed.
  • Deathbringer59
    613 posts Member
    edited February 22
    I see stolen credit/gift cards being used big time with this. Problem is who will get banned if someone gifts a guild mate or their whole guild with a stolen card. Usually the thief is banned but this opens up another can of worms for sure
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    It's such a daft idea that I'm quite flabbergasted.
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »
    In my guild only 2 players want to exchange gifts for lsb. Nobody is talking about other packs. I dont see any gifts coming to anyone inside my guild as a gift.. ...

    You should spend some time on the events discord, which is now full of people talking about guild swapping to buy themselves LSBs, starting alts to buy themselves LSBs, and any other way they can think of doing it. Crazy.

    Thats quite i wrote, it is all about lsb. No lsb ...this gift shop would be like almost non existent.
    I have alt in the same guild as my main, but i dont care about rey....i could buy few lsb for main account but i dont want...
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    Think of the chaos, guilds could now have entry fees,
    Pressure and extort people for packs, "you owe us now" etc
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    I mean, once you run a game like this for years, full of dark patterns, psychological manipulation, and abusive pricing, it’s not as big of a leap to enable the next, slightly shadier, dark pattern. Next, they’ll add an option to send thugs to your guildmates’ homes to check for any loose change if they are unwilling to gift their guildmates the latest character.
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    "If another person does not meet the agreement for a gift they get doxxed"
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