Are Imperial Probr Droids bugged in TB?

202 posts Member
edited March 11
The Probe Droids seem to be exploding every turn for multiple of my guildmates. This should not be happening.
Post edited by Ultra on


  • Options
    What planet/mission?

    Currently I'm assuming you're talking about Zeffo unlock, but I could be wrong. In any case, more info please. As much as you can give us.
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    Yeah, it's a Leia thing.
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    It happened on the Zeffo mission in phase 2 and more people are reporting it in phase 3. I haven't attacked phase 3 yet but the IPDs would start exploding every turn. Spawn and exploded without being attacked.
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    IPD in ROTE acts completely different then usually. He can and will explode sometimes with protection. I've seen 3 ipd blow up back to back without taking any damage. This is in the zeffo mission and normal CM's
  • Whatelse73
    2209 posts Member
    IPD in ROTE acts completely different then usually. He can and will explode sometimes with protection. I've seen 3 ipd blow up back to back without taking any damage. This is in the zeffo mission and normal CM's

    Yep, I've had IPD on the cal cere mission at full health and protection explode in my characters faces, respawn and immediately explode again.

    At this point it's probably working as intended because CG wants this to be "challenging" because IPD doing multiple explosions you can't do anything about is "challenging" or something. (Just like the geonosis fleet mission where summoned ships wipe R9 piloted ships at full health and protection with a basic.)

    Sometimes it doesn't do the explosion at all though, so who knows.
  • Options
    This IPD thingy on Bracca SM has plagued me for several TBs. But is not a bug. It took me a while to figure this one out. The culprit is JediCal; when you switch (and we have to do it) from any other configuration to Windmill Defense he gains retribution and riposte. Riposte is causing the issue when he counters, as it hits the IPD under protection. Since jediCals damage on basic is rather low, you need to record a vid to see properly how a tiny bit of hp gets removed. You need to make sure ipd's taunt is being dispelled on JediCals turn (with the basic) to minimize riposte being triggered. this way you can avoid IPD coming at you multiple times in a row when all stars align for the enemy.

    I am surprised how many YouTube tutorials on bracca SM don't explain this key interaction during the mission as it is probably impacting a lot of players out there.
  • Ultra
    11586 posts Moderator
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