Grand Inquisitor

110 posts Member
edited March 11
You know, I spend all that time building up those characters so I can do the event thinking it would be fun, but no, instead it is extremely frustrating. You people keep making these events so hard to play instead of making them fun. It’s ridiculous. We spend all this time building up characters and mods for nothing. Why can’t you make an event fun to play instead of making them where we have to get mad and do them 100 times over again before we finally win a tier.
Post edited by crzydroid on


  • Ranzono
    454 posts Member
    Try looking around on different threads there's typically people that give out strategies for these really difficult events, try looking there for better results
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    I’ve already beat the event. But it doesn’t change the fact that people spend a ton of time and money building characters up and than do an event that is ridiculously hard to play. It’s stupid that they do that.
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    I tend to agree. Unlocks should not be frustrating to the point that you're just glad it's over. There's already gear requirements that take months to achieve. I feel like that's enough of a challenge.

    I always go back to my experience with the GAS unlock - by the time the RNG fell into place correctly I was so annoyed that I didn't even look at the character for two weeks afterward. I think I put gear on him and he just sat for a while, to think about what he'd done. I just didn't want anything to do with it. I don't think that's the response that I would be going for if I were a game developer.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Lumiya
    1556 posts Member
    I tend to agree. Unlocks should not be frustrating to the point that you're just glad it's over. There's already gear requirements that take months to achieve. I feel like that's enough of a challenge.

    I always go back to my experience with the GAS unlock - by the time the RNG fell into place correctly I was so annoyed that I didn't even look at the character for two weeks afterward. I think I put gear on him and he just sat for a while, to think about what he'd done. I just didn't want anything to do with it. I don't think that's the response that I would be going for if I were a game developer.

    Agreed. It somehow diminishes the joy one experiences when you've finally unlocked the character.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Ranzono
    454 posts Member
    Made even worse with gl events since you have to farm currency just for rng to get you obliterated on the first turn
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