Biggs Cron Change

When the Biggs datacron came out, was it flagged that there was an issue? Was the community notified? Please send a link.

The players spent a lot of crystals, rerolls, signal data and relic materials getting that team setup correctly. It ran for 9.5 weeks and now all of sudden its nerfed.


  • gflegui
    294 posts Member
    I believe you should refund the materials and cristals spent by the player to develop the datacron of biggs. According to the last update it has being changed so it can no longer grant the massive TM gain. You let the datacron run this way for a long time, which encourage many people to invest in it.

  • Stokat
    833 posts Member
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    It's confusing - they want us to like datacrons and use them. They boost teams to be relevant again. We relent, we go and develop the team, re-roll the cron, use it as designed, and it gets listed as a bug fix and nerfed. It wasn't a bug, it was working as you wrote it. I had an ok squad, but bumped a relic or two, sliced some more mods, got the team going, used it. People who were getting it used against them, instead of putting someone in the lineup to break up the datacron, instead don't have to do anything. Odd.

    Cool move pushing people away though
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    I agree, you guys should have told everyone so we didn't spend the resources! This is a resource based game and we make choices based on what we learn.
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    It's almost like we would make different choices if they would quit screwing w/ stuff.
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