How to determine if mods will be any good

277 posts Member
edited April 5
I'm not a huge fan of mods. For something that isn't hard to work on during character development to have such a massive impact on toon performance to the point where regardless of how high level something is mods can render them completely useless. What factors do you look for in a mod to determine how good it is before investing in slicing it? My usual concerns with them is mainly just researching mod sets online while preparing for events like galactic legends and never bother to change them again unless something isn't working because I find making multiple mod sets for one toon to be more of a hassle.
Post edited by crzydroid on


  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    Speed for sure is important for almost every character. So if a mod doesn't have at least 4 I normally sell it. Speed mods that don't have at least 5 speed also get sold right away.

    Then I always try to make sure that the mods have stats that fit the kind of mod. For example an offence mod without at least 2 offence stats gets also sold(meaning at least crit chance and offence). Same goes for defence mods like health and protection. At least 2 defensive stats are mandatory or it will be sold(health, protection,defence).

    In general I prefer the % over the flats. If for example a health mod has only flats I normally also sell it.

    This is just a very rough overview, it of course gets deeper when it comes to other secondaries like potency for example in those mods for characters that need it etc.

    There are some guides out there a lot more detailed than what I wrote so I would suggest to look into those.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Options
    After 5 years in the game, I have a few basic rules....

    Rule #1:
    Left Side Mods (Square, Diamond, Circle):

    Need to be 5* & show speed at Level-1 or they get sold at L1.
    If they show speed at L1 then, I'll level them to 12 & see the new speed level.

    Then based on that speed, I'll sell them or Level them to 15 & start slicing towards Gold.
    Speed Break Points = Green-5, Blue-8, Purple-10

    If they fall below the above combo of Color/Speed then I'll stop slicing.
    If they hit I'll keep slicing.


    Rule #2:
    Right Side Mods (Arrow, Triangle, Cross)

    Need to be "aligned" between Set & Primary.
    (Unless its a 5* Gold Mod w/ 5 Speed at L1 & then I might level it just to see if it pops up to 20+ speed)

    Speed Arrows need Speed Primaries.
    CD/Offense/CC Triangles need CD/Offense/CC Primaries.
    Defense Triangles want Defense/Health/Protection Primaries, etc etc.
    Crosses like being aligned too but also having Potency/Tenacity as Primaries since you can only get those on the Crosses.

    If your aligned &/or showing Speed secondary at L1 then I'll level up to 12 & reassess similar to left side.
    At that point I treat them more like Left Side & Sell or Level-15/Slice them
    Speed Break Points = Green-5, Blue-8, Purple-10
    I'm probably a bit more flexible w/ nicely aligned mods.
    For example, if I have a Green-3 Triangle that is CD Set w/ CD Primary & the other secondary stats are Raw Offense, Crit Chance, & Tenacity, then I'm probably leveling that to 12 even on 3-Speed.

    Are there exceptions to the above rules for certain characters?
    Sure, things like a "Slow" JKL, Droideka, & Enfys Nest might have you keeping some 0-3 Speed Mods.
    Stuff like GAS with a CD Set & Protection Primaries does happen, but those are rare situations.

    For the most part, a good 80%+ of characters are going to want generic common Speed with options that focus on either Damage or Durability in addition to some Speed.


    Rule #3:
    Clean Mods Frequently.
    Don't let yourself sit at 499/500 in the Mod Bank.
    There is NOOO reason for it.
    Set a Limit on # of Mods in the Mod Bank.

    For me, I made it simple, there are 8 Sets & 6 Slots, that's 48 different combos of just Set/Slot.
    And the bank has a maximum of 500 unequipped mods.
    48/500 = 10ish
    So when I go into my bank & I filter by Unequipped & then pick a single Slot/Set combo (Like Health/Square)
    I expect to see under 10.

    I went ahead & got a bit organized/**** about it & came up with the following.

    The left side has less diversity since the primaries don't move as much or at all so I shoot for less there & more on the right side where there are more options.
    I also flexed a bit in terms of 2-Mod sets v/s 4-Mod sets and came up with the following.

    Left Side / 2-Mod (Defense, CC, Tenacity, Potency)
    4 Mods (1 row of 4, unequipped)

    Right Side / 2-Mod (Defense, CC, Tenacity, Potency)
    6 Mods (1.5 rows of 4, unequipped)

    Left Side / 4-Mod+Health (Speed/Offense/CD/Health)
    8 Mods (2 rows of 4, unequipped)

    Right Side / 4-Mod+Health (Speed/Offense/CD/Health)
    10 Mods (2.5 rows of 4, unequipped)

    These should also be some of the worst mods since clearly the best mods should be on the characters using them.

    If there are more than the above, its time to clean/sell & if there are less, then its time to do some sims for that mod set & see what new mods I can bring in.


    Example Pics:

    Offense Squares in need of Cleaning/Selling (Over 8)

    Defense Squares in need of Farming (Under 4)
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