Shouldn't there be a better way to get KAM and Wat shards if your guild does ROTE

there was some discussion about this in the LSB recommendations post, but I figure it probably merits its own thread. getting KAM and Wat shards if your guild doesn't do geo tb and you dont want to spend $500 is ridiculous. the only other way to get them that i'm aware of is get3, which, assuming your guild gets 20 stars, not easy for alot of smaller guilds but a fair ish milestone, you will get 3850 get3 currency, to 7* either wat or KAM, you need 140,250 get3, to put that in perspective, that is enough to buy 2300 kyros, or around 65 thousand gems($500) worth. this means you will need 36.4 ROTEs to 7* either one, lets say someone messes up preloading once in a while and it takes 38 ROTEs, that is 19 months, or 1 year and 7 months. that means if ROTE was out back then, and you started in november of 2022, you would just now be done. This is clearly a problem, Wat is required for JMK, and that means if your guild doesn't do ds geo tb, it will take 38 rotes of get3 to get him.
Just pointing out a problem doesn't help, so here are some of my ideas for solutions, although I would greatly appreciate the community's ideas and feedback as well.

add them to galactic bounties: this is what happened to the hoth characters, and 20 shards every time the event comes around would help greatly, and around double the current rate at which you can farm them.

add them to the guild store for t3 raid currency: this is also similar to what happened to the hoth characters(although they were for t2), and is probably the best way to get them right now. similar rates of 5 shards for 1250 t3 currency would be greatly appreciated, especially for the guilds that get 3k+ currency per run of the raid. and would, assuming one raid every 2 weeks and 3k currency per raid, give around 12 shards every 2 weeks, or over double the current rate.

the previous 2 are probably the most realistic, but I think it would also be great to maybe add an event, say once a month, where you could try the mission from the TB, and get 10 or 20 shards, again potentially doubling the current rate, this could be done for hoth characters as well

these are my possible solutions, please leave feedback and other potential solutions in the comments


  • meowstef
    20 posts Member
    I think adding them to the bounty hunter event
  • Options
    Copying their respective missions to RotE planets would be, I think, a reasonable solution.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    Copying their respective missions to RotE planets would be, I think, a reasonable solution.

    I think this is the best approach, this would also accelerate them to twice monthly TB events too.
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    My guild just did GEO and it did not go well we only just got enough for the Wat shards, but overall we got destroyed.
  • TargetEadu
    1684 posts Member
    I think an extra Galactic Bounties would be helpful, with Wat and KAM and likely some other hard-to-get characters (likely not Reva, but maybe Traya or some of the newer Hard Node farms). Alternatively, an extra tier on the preexisting events would accomplish mostly the same thing.

    I don’t think it would necessarily fix the problem as much as alieviate it, though. Even if it ran once per month, that’s 20 KAM shards per month, the same I’m getting from GET3 at the moment. Without supplement from GET3, 7 star would take a year and a half. And that’s assuming it would run once a month - it could also join the rotating cadence with the other two Galactic Bounties, which would be 20 KAM shards every 3 months.

    Maybe that’s fine; it would still be a definite improvement, and gives players a bit more options on obtaining KAM without falling behind in other places.

    Another option that could maybe help - make KAM and Wat available for Raid MK 3 like how ROLO and IPD are available for Raid MK 2 (or could just do Raid MK 2 again as well). It’s still a valuable currency you’d be trading for KAM shards, but at least it’d be significantly faster.
  • Options
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I think an extra Galactic Bounties would be helpful, with Wat and KAM and likely some other hard-to-get characters (likely not Reva, but maybe Traya or some of the newer Hard Node farms). Alternatively, an extra tier on the preexisting events would accomplish mostly the same thing.

    Traya and the other og raid characters are available for mk1 raid currency, and assuming you get the 23m crate, which really isn't that hard, thats enough for 230 shards of any of them. the most realistic is probably an extra tier on GB, but i really like the idea of moving their missions to the ROTE planets, although it would make the other TBs borderline useless, and would probably require a whole TB rework
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I think an extra Galactic Bounties would be helpful, with Wat and KAM and likely some other hard-to-get characters (likely not Reva, but maybe Traya or some of the newer Hard Node farms). Alternatively, an extra tier on the preexisting events would accomplish mostly the same thing.

    I don’t think it would necessarily fix the problem as much as alieviate it, though. Even if it ran once per month, that’s 20 KAM shards per month, the same I’m getting from GET3 at the moment. Without supplement from GET3, 7 star would take a year and a half. And that’s assuming it would run once a month - it could also join the rotating cadence with the other two Galactic Bounties, which would be 20 KAM shards every 3 months.

    Maybe that’s fine; it would still be a definite improvement, and gives players a bit more options on obtaining KAM without falling behind in other places.

    Another option that could maybe help - make KAM and Wat available for Raid MK 3 like how ROLO and IPD are available for Raid MK 2 (or could just do Raid MK 2 again as well). It’s still a valuable currency you’d be trading for KAM shards, but at least it’d be significantly faster.

    Galactic bounties is a rare event it takes forever to get characters that way. 5 galactic bounties 1 and 6 galactic bounties 2 in the last 12 months. Hence why the best option to save the Mk currency is for it to be added to RotE.
  • TargetEadu
    1684 posts Member
    The issue with adding them to ROTE is that there’s already a Geos CM on Geonosis, and LS can’t be used on Geonosis. Plus the Reek/Nexu/Acklay are already CMs. It would need to be entirely new missions.
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    The issue with adding them to ROTE is that there’s already a Geos CM on Geonosis, and LS can’t be used on Geonosis. Plus the Reek/Nexu/Acklay are already CMs. It would need to be entirely new missions.

    Whilst tempting to for missions to be added to Geonosis, I would put the missions on phase 1 LS (KAM) and phase 1 DS (Wat). KAM could be achieved at R5 so fits the requirements of the phase. Slight downside is G12 Geo’s can achieve Wat, but R5 Geo’s is better than R6 for Geonosis and DS Geo is still available for early guilds before they are ready for RotE or for more advanced guilds who want to obtain it with lower gear toons.
  • TargetEadu
    1684 posts Member
    Rius wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    The issue with adding them to ROTE is that there’s already a Geos CM on Geonosis, and LS can’t be used on Geonosis. Plus the Reek/Nexu/Acklay are already CMs. It would need to be entirely new missions.

    Whilst tempting to for missions to be added to Geonosis, I would put the missions on phase 1 LS (KAM) and phase 1 DS (Wat). KAM could be achieved at R5 so fits the requirements of the phase. Slight downside is G12 Geo’s can achieve Wat, but R5 Geo’s is better than R6 for Geonosis and DS Geo is still available for early guilds before they are ready for RotE or for more advanced guilds who want to obtain it with lower gear toons.

    Would that just end up with the Reek on Coruscant then?

    Another issue is an economy issue. Just pasting two extra Shard-dropping missions into ROTE gives more advanced guilds an extra ~3k shard shop currency per ROTE, and based on previous TBs (notably ROLO and IPD briefly granting 2 shards per attempt before being reduced back to 1), I don’t think CG would go for that necessarily.
  • Alinza
    10 posts Member
    I can totally unterstand that. I also have wat at 5,5 Stars and no kam.
    I also do not unterstand why wat ist more expensive than the conquest charakters.

    From the current guild Progress, i will be able to Finish wat in around 2 years, what holds me Back also from getting Kenobi.

    An alternativ ist Findung a guild who has an Free Slot for the TB to Speed Up shard Farming. Making Them better available ist my preffered Option over guild switching.
  • Options
    They could add a guild setting to the Reva mission selecting if the reward would be Reva, kam or wat shards.
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