90 posts Member
I'm done, and I'm letting others know. I'm seven years on the app, 3.6M+ GP, and am still in Carbonite 2. I win more than 50% every round, and yet still drop in rank. And then after dropping even lower in rank, I face even more absurd players. Current GAC, round 1, facing two full R8 squads on the front. This is Carbonite 2!!! This has been going on for far too long.

Do a hard reset - reorg all of GAC by GP, and then start the win/loss thing again. A recalibration is absolutely necessary at this point, this is happening to SO MANY people (look on reddit). Do a reset, and I'll play again. But until then, I can't be bothered with something so f-ed up. No point, for 70 daily crystals, when I should be getting 100+ in a better league. The top 50 in the league don't even have gear 12 toons, yet somehow with my 12 relics, I keep facing others with 10-20 relics near the bottom of the league. This is clearly broken.


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    enlguy wrote: »
    I'm done, and I'm letting others know. I'm seven years on the app, 3.6M+ GP, and am still in Carbonite 2. I win more than 50% every round, and yet still drop in rank. And then after dropping even lower in rank, I face even more absurd players. Current GAC, round 1, facing two full R8 squads on the front. This is Carbonite 2!!! This has been going on for far too long.

    Do a hard reset - reorg all of GAC by GP, and then start the win/loss thing again. A recalibration is absolutely necessary at this point, this is happening to SO MANY people (look on reddit). Do a reset, and I'll play again. But until then, I can't be bothered with something so f-ed up. No point, for 70 daily crystals, when I should be getting 100+ in a better league. The top 50 in the league don't even have gear 12 toons, yet somehow with my 12 relics, I keep facing others with 10-20 relics near the bottom of the league. This is clearly broken.

    If you're 7 years in, and only 3.6m you did something wrong.
    If you got your reset, you would still get your butt kicked. A lot of people are quite focused now with their rosters, and would put you in the same position you're in now.
    The system has its flaws, but it is still good overall. It is missing a floor, so big accounts can't sink past a certain tier and have new players be faced with them, but I've seen people crawl up to A2+ pretty quickly if they know how to play. Instead of crying the system is broken, you should be asking how to make your roster better.
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    How many times do you sign in a week to be 7 yrs 3.6?
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    At 11m+ GP, I'd be 100% fine with a reset. Send me all those accounts that don't want to play - I'll gladly take all those wins.

    I do think they should do something to improve the experience for lower GP players. Fair or not, it's not fun - and these are folks that we want to encourage to continue playing.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    enlguy wrote: »
    I'm done, and I'm letting others know. I'm seven years on the app, 3.6M+ GP, and am still in Carbonite 2. I win more than 50% every round, and yet still drop in rank. And then after dropping even lower in rank, I face even more absurd players. Current GAC, round 1, facing two full R8 squads on the front. This is Carbonite 2!!! This has been going on for far too long.

    Do a hard reset - reorg all of GAC by GP, and then start the win/loss thing again. A recalibration is absolutely necessary at this point, this is happening to SO MANY people (look on reddit). Do a reset, and I'll play again. But until then, I can't be bothered with something so f-ed up. No point, for 70 daily crystals, when I should be getting 100+ in a better league. The top 50 in the league don't even have gear 12 toons, yet somehow with my 12 relics, I keep facing others with 10-20 relics near the bottom of the league. This is clearly broken.

    GP based matchmaking is what we used to have and it was a hot mess. Going back would be a massive mistake.

    While I say that, in all leagues except for Kyber I do think a GP floor needs to be set in place. There definitely are people in leagues with a roster that doesn’t belong.
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    A GP floor would just end up being a GP ceiling for anyone trying to climb into the next league. I know it seems like a good idea at first glance, but when you really think about it, it's a pretty terrible idea.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    A GP floor would just end up being a GP ceiling for anyone trying to climb into the next league. I know it seems like a good idea at first glance, but when you really think about it, it's a pretty terrible idea.

    Which I think might still be better. If those accounts aren't going to play, it gives more chances for the small accounts to rise to the top of each league and not just be greeted by them in carbonite.
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    A GP floor would just end up being a GP ceiling for anyone trying to climb into the next league. I know it seems like a good idea at first glance, but when you really think about it, it's a pretty terrible idea.

    Which I think might still be better. If those accounts aren't going to play, it gives more chances for the small accounts to rise to the top of each league and not just be greeted by them in carbonite.
    A GP floor would just end up being a GP ceiling for anyone trying to climb into the next league. I know it seems like a good idea at first glance, but when you really think about it, it's a pretty terrible idea.

    Which I think might still be better. If those accounts aren't going to play, it gives more chances for the small accounts to rise to the top of each league and not just be greeted by them in carbonite.

    It might sometimes give “fairer” matchups, but every account that’s not allowed to drop because of a floor is one account that can’t rise in their place. It would end up suppressing crystal income for newer players and preventing upward progression. It’s not perfect but I’d rather keep the new system which (theoretically) does at least have an option for faster progression for newer accounts.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    Rather than a hard floor, a soft floor. Players that drop to a division/league, and are a certain GP percentage higher than the average for that league/division; are then matched by GP.

    An example could be. If I'm 8 million GP and drop to Bronzium 1. Meaning my GP is way above the average Bronzium 1 player, I'm matched now vs other players way above the average Bronzium 1 player in that division.

    They don't want to play properly? That's fine, just keep them together, and not interfering with players that do wish to play properly.
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