Naboo Raid rewards

46 posts Member
edited June 28
So just want to clarify, you will need to have full r9 to get max crate individual rewards, as oppoosed to what you need now for Endor. For guild you also need to get max crate on naboo to get current rewards for max crate in endor. What happened to the max crate rewards will also increase?


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  • hsv216
    46 posts Member
    edited June 28
    By no, you mean that you wont need full r9 to get max individual rewards?

    Would be great if CG could actually comment though.
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    Looking at the chart, it appears it is true that they didn’t increase max guild rewards. However, no one in the guild NEEDS r9 to get there. 520/50 is 10.4 per member. 10.4/5 is 2.08. The r9 level just lets your more motivated members to make up for more slackers.

    The individual rewards have a slight mk 2 increase bumping the 8th and 9th box from 150 to 200 but no increase in mk 1 or 3 (please check my work). Though once again you don’t need r9 to get max reward as 12.15/5 is 2.43.
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Looking at the chart, it appears it is true that they didn’t increase max guild rewards. However, no one in the guild NEEDS r9 to get there. 520/50 is 10.4 per member. 10.4/5 is 2.08. The r9 level just lets your more motivated members to make up for more slackers.

    The individual rewards have a slight mk 2 increase bumping the 8th and 9th box from 150 to 200 but no increase in mk 1 or 3 (please check my work). Though once again you don’t need r9 to get max reward as 12.15/5 is 2.43.

    Where are you getting any indication of an r8 team ability to score 2M points in the new raid? All we see is a score multiplier for each level. No threshold of what max points are available at the levels. No indication of where the base score comes from.
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    Are people assuming 300k for the base max score? That’s what it has been for Krayt and Endor, no?
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
  • Decicrim
    247 posts Member
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Looking at the chart, it appears it is true that they didn’t increase max guild rewards. However, no one in the guild NEEDS r9 to get there. 520/50 is 10.4 per member. 10.4/5 is 2.08. The r9 level just lets your more motivated members to make up for more slackers.

    The individual rewards have a slight mk 2 increase bumping the 8th and 9th box from 150 to 200 but no increase in mk 1 or 3 (please check my work). Though once again you don’t need r9 to get max reward as 12.15/5 is 2.43.

    Where are you getting any indication of an r8 team ability to score 2M points in the new raid? All we see is a score multiplier for each level. No threshold of what max points are available at the levels. No indication of where the base score comes from.

    this was my concern, if they adjust the max points per tier, it would be a real **** move, but i wouldn't put it past them.

    reward structure is the same as previous raids, but if the R8 tier is not 2.7mil point max then it is harder to get to same reward tier. If for some reason they made the R9 tier 2.7 max now instead of a new reward above the previous max
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    I thought and was excited for a little better MKIII raid tokens compared to ROJ: Speeder Bike.

    My guild currently pulls t3 about 3/4 to t4.

    I was hoping and thought, the rewards for this raid would hopefully be a bit better like a 500 or so increase to MKIII raid tokens per tier.

    Sad to see the rewards are exactly the same besides the “added tier”.
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    If my guild starts the Speeder Bike raid on 7/1, do we get the current rewards, or the new rewards upon completion?

    Or do we have to complete the current raid before 7/2 to get the current rewards?
  • DarthCha0s13
    104 posts Member
    edited June 28
    With R9 teams, you have the potential to hit a higher ceiling for individual and guild scores while the threshold for rewards has stayed the same. It appears that a new higher crate will eventually be added, but CG wasn’t ready to announce those rewards yet.
  • TargetEadu
    1668 posts Member
    With R9 teams, you have the potential to hit a higher ceiling for individual and guild scores while the threshold for rewards has stayed the same. It appears that a new higher crate will eventually be added, but CG wasn’t ready to announce those rewards yet.

    It may also have just changed - everything’s subject to change, and that line in the earlier post seems to have been erased.
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Looking at the chart, it appears it is true that they didn’t increase max guild rewards. However, no one in the guild NEEDS r9 to get there. 520/50 is 10.4 per member. 10.4/5 is 2.08. The r9 level just lets your more motivated members to make up for more slackers.

    The individual rewards have a slight mk 2 increase bumping the 8th and 9th box from 150 to 200 but no increase in mk 1 or 3 (please check my work). Though once again you don’t need r9 to get max reward as 12.15/5 is 2.43.

    Where are you getting any indication of an r8 team ability to score 2M points in the new raid? All we see is a score multiplier for each level. No threshold of what max points are available at the levels. No indication of where the base score comes from.

    Yes everything still points to a 300k base. Is it stated specifically no but 5/8 is .625. 130 million in Naboo gives the same rewards as 208 in sbr. 130/208 is .625. You can do this for every personal or guild reward and get .625 every time.

    As for whether or not 2.08 average is achievable by r8 squads. I mean yeah I’ve got no evidence it is but you’ve got no evidence it isn’t.
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    I don't need evidence to say you don't have any evidence.
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