New Player Experience Account

16 posts Member
Been wanting to get back into the game and enjoy the start of accounts the most, and with the recent update I thought it was a perfect time! Going to try to be as efficient as possible, for assault battles, raids etc

Day 1 - So far huge amount of XP and energy given, hit level 20 just off free energy from calendar and 2000 energy that I can't spend quick enough unless I played all day long XD. Currently lvl 39 within few hours, arena shard is fairly new so currently in top 100 which is nice. Will see exactly what characters are handed out, but so far look to build Phoenix as main squad as Captain Rex Marquee has unlocked him early and most likely a Empire/trooper team for dark side.

Will update when I can with more info.


  • Raduke
    1 posts Member
    So I have some questions about, those benefects I need to get day by day in calendar? 30 data? I saw in YouTube vídeo, a box in the store with the lvl 85 box, for free
    Is that way it Will work?
    Im in level 43 by the way
    Ty for help
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Yeah, they're calendars that give you a bunch of things each day. Also new quests that give a ton of xp too!
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    DAY 5 - Lvl 50 achieved, quests are the way to go. Whichever give out xp do those asap, they give a load of shards and xp. Full Phoenix team on lightside, easily completes Galactic War each day so far, Dark side is an empire team. Top 50 in squad arena is nice but more hyperdrives are coming.

    With the increase in leveling speed I feel like shards are going to be a problem as you now have less time to farm characters and ships, but we will see what ship quests we get for lvl 60 that will hand out ships.
  • Options
    Hazzero wrote: »
    DAY 5 - Lvl 50 achieved, quests are the way to go. Whichever give out xp do those asap, they give a load of shards and xp. Full Phoenix team on lightside, easily completes Galactic War each day so far, Dark side is an empire team. Top 50 in squad arena is nice but more hyperdrives are coming.

    With the increase in leveling speed I feel like shards are going to be a problem as you now have less time to farm characters and ships, but we will see what ship quests we get for lvl 60 that will hand out ships.

    Did you had a ship quest already ? And which one ?

    I'm searching all the ship quest and the level to see what I missed as a lv 70 account :smile:

    To my knowledge, I saw this :
    lv 5x - Y wing quest
    lv 6x - TIE bomber quest
    lv 7x - Boba fett ship
  • Options
    Herios wrote: »
    Hazzero wrote: »
    DAY 5 - Lvl 50 achieved, quests are the way to go. Whichever give out xp do those asap, they give a load of shards and xp. Full Phoenix team on lightside, easily completes Galactic War each day so far, Dark side is an empire team. Top 50 in squad arena is nice but more hyperdrives are coming.

    With the increase in leveling speed I feel like shards are going to be a problem as you now have less time to farm characters and ships, but we will see what ship quests we get for lvl 60 that will hand out ships.

    Did you had a ship quest already ? And which one ?

    I'm searching all the ship quest and the level to see what I missed as a lv 70 account :smile:

    To my knowledge, I saw this :
    lv 5x - Y wing quest
    lv 6x - TIE bomber quest
    lv 7x - Boba fett ship

    Good to know, thanks. I haven't had any ship quests yet at lvl 50
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 6 - Lvl 57 quests for ships starting to show up, unlocked tie bomber and rebel y-wing, also quest for boba's ship shows now by completing the different challenges will get over next few days. Will see what ships I can actually use at lvl 60, the pilotless ships could be a good choice to level up but galactic republic will be main goal
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    edited June 12
    Day7 - Lvl 59 close to ships, quest to give you phantom and ghost has appeared once you hit lvl 60. Opening fleet should be pretty good. Phoenix can now auto galactic war thanks to Rex unique, just gotta be careful of certain characters like Nihilus one shotting someone. Still top 20 in arena will probably stop Phoenix at 60 to work on pilots more like Mace, Ahsoka etc. Hopefully free pilotless ships will be a good investment too.
  • Options
    How are you top 20 in arena on day 7? I have been playing for around five months and am around 4,300th in arena, my team power is around 35,000 as well, but I will see other in my guild who are lower power and level that are in the hundreds in arena. Why does this happen?
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    How are you top 20 in arena on day 7? I have been playing for around five months and am around 4,300th in arena, my team power is around 35,000 as well, but I will see other in my guild who are lower power and level that are in the hundreds in arena. Why does this happen?

    There are different "shards" for arena, not sure the number but once one fills up with certain number of people a new one is started and anyone who makes an account after that is put into the new one. So people in your arena are different to mine.
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 8 - Lvl 63. Ships unlocked and bunch of quests were easy to do at 60 so jumped to 63. Landed in 500s for ship arena will see how high I can climb today, might refresh attempts with crystals if I can get high enough. Need to start getting galactic republic ships built up to use Under Endurance till Negotiator is unlocked
  • Options
    Oh so I just got unlucky. Do arenas every shut down? or like would I be able to join a new one?
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Oh so I just got unlucky. Do arenas every shut down? or like would I be able to join a new one?

    No that's your arena shard now for ever
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 9 - Lvl 66. Big lack of ship credits, really fast levelling now but less shards/gear and credits mean it's harder to actually level up characters to your level. Trying to get galactic republic ships for fleet asap.
  • Options
    Just hit lv 78 yesterday :

    Lv78 quest is use 3 omega : 20k exp + a few shard
    lv 79 quest is 1200 cantina energy with refresh : 25k exp + a few shard

    it will take me a few days but I think the lv 85 is really soon for me!
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 12 - Lvl 69. Top 50 in fleet now will be nice to earn some crystals and hopefully stay there. I think some really good quests are hidden behind being able to complete the "Attempt a pit raid" as seen by Noochs video, but hopefully I can get it done somehow. Trying to build up pilots and ships but big lack of ship building materials is tricky.
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Herios wrote: »
    Just hit lv 78 yesterday :

    Lv78 quest is use 3 omega : 20k exp + a few shard
    lv 79 quest is 1200 cantina energy with refresh : 25k exp + a few shard

    it will take me a few days but I think the lv 85 is really soon for me!

    Very nice, did you do the quest about "attempting the pit raid", I think there are quests behind it. I've seen one that gives out anakins ship shards but haven't had it myself
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 13 - Lvl 70. Yoda and Palpatine both unlocked at 5 stars, first raid rewards will come in tonight so will be able to start buying some shards and maybe credits from that store will be good for progress. No do able quests at the moment for xp, once 72 will get the new challenge tier and will get another quest done to unlock bobs ship
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 14 - Lvl 73. Big quest chain at 71 that should take you to 75, but I am out of training droids. Lots of free shards from CG which is great, ships will move from Empire over to Galactic Republic now but lack of ship credits still.
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 20 - Lvl 77. Top 50 fleet each day, squad arena less important at around 200-300. R2D2 unlocked at 5 stars. Leveling up pilots and ships, farming kylo ren ship to 4 stars can then attempt to get Executrix to 4 star, to get ready for zeta ship challenge at 78
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Day 23 - Lvl 79. Quest chain opens up at 78, now got to wait for Cantina free energy/refreshes to complete next one, should bump up to 81 when that is done, over a few days. Ships not strong enough yet to get the zeta challenge done yet, will keep upgrading empire ships.
  • Options
    Appreciate the post. Did you happen to write down what lvls you got certain quests at and what the rewards were?
  • Options
    Hazzero wrote: »
    Herios wrote: »
    Just hit lv 78 yesterday :

    Lv78 quest is use 3 omega : 20k exp + a few shard
    lv 79 quest is 1200 cantina energy with refresh : 25k exp + a few shard

    it will take me a few days but I think the lv 85 is really soon for me!

    Very nice, did you do the quest about "attempting the pit raid", I think there are quests behind it. I've seen one that gives out anakins ship shards but haven't had it myself

    7:52 min in:

    I'm pretty sure it's locked behind the "attempt the rancor" quest
  • Hazzero
    16 posts Member
    Appreciate the post. Did you happen to write down what lvls you got certain quests at and what the rewards were?

    Not 100% specifically sorry, but that part in video you mentioned I never had that quest but still have the attempt a pit raid one so yeah pretty sure it's locked behind, hopefully guild will circle back to it.

    But Today is DAY 28 - And I will be hitting Lvl 85 later when i finish dailies which is pretty cool.
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