So, 6 days and 17 hours to get 55 Ahsoka shards. Is it possible?

1165 posts Member
I don't think so without spending money. I was hoping to get 6* Yoda this time.

And this is why the event isn't always open. The urge to get her starred in time is strong.


  • Dashboard
    229 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    With only one cantina refill per day and spending all your energy on the highest stage, the answer is No.

    You get just over 400 tokens per day.

    Her two nodes on top of cantina is luck of the draw. So in conclusion, it is possible. Good luck!
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    55/9 = 6 ish. So refreshing each of her hard nodes would get you real close.

    That math is tempting me to go for 5 star Yoda. I need 75 Ashoka but I have 15 banked.

    Is 5 star useful?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Any Yoda is useful, if you plan on using him no matter what.

    If your arena team is all 7* max gear, he will likely ride the pine.
  • TwoThumbedBobKelso
    127 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You can get 56 shards by farming her hard nodes (average of 2 shards/day) and cantina shipment (5 shards/day) during 8 days. 8 x(2+5)= 56
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Let's say 7 days worth of resets, and you get a 100 refresh each day and farm both her hard nodes. That's an average of 7 shards per day, which would put you at 49.

    Now you can either

    1) get lucky on hard nodes, or

    2) choose not to spend any of your free crystals on the normal energy refreshes and save them for the 200 energy refreshes. I don't know your average Arena finish but if you do a 200 refresh twice this week that's 5 more shards putting you at 54. Still would require some luck.

    Also there is

    3) Refresh her hard nodes. If you refresh 1 every day that's 7 more shards, so you'd be at 56 roughly. You know what, this is your best bet.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    My only other option is Eeth. I'm 28 shards away from 5* and have 3600 arena tokens. That one would be super close but still a little short. I usually get 800 tokens a day.
  • Options
    I think it's possible if you refresh cantina once a day. He way I worked it out you get 120 energy a day, farming on stages 5 or 6 will get 21 tokens. 12 * 21 = 252 tokens.. With refresh 504 tokens is garaunteed 5 a day plus what you get from hard nodes.
  • Options
    In saying that I need 70 qui gon... Not possible
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    It's only 10*21 for stages 5/6 as they cost 12. So 420 per day.
  • Options
    If you really want to get yoda, you mathematically could. Let's say for examples sake your farming for Jedi consular as well, which gives 17 credits per battle. With a 24 hour period and 1 cantina refill, you can get 408 cantina credits a day. If you do 1 more refill, you can get 612 cantina credits a day. You mentioned you need 55 more Ashoka shards right? That's means you need to buy from the cantina 11 more times.

    11 buys x 400 means you need 4400 more cantina credits.

    You take 4400/612(amount of credits you could make in a day)means that you need about 7 days to get her to 5 star. I know it doesn't fit into the events time limit, but if you can gain a level and get free cantina energy, you should barley be able to make it
  • Options
    For me, the Yoda event showed up 9 days too early. I will have 5 5* Jedi in about 9 days. So I will be able to unlock 5* Yoda if they bring the event back about a month after this time without any issue. By then everyone and their grandma will have him at 7*. That's long as they bring him back again and again! Lol
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    If you really want to get yoda, you mathematically could. Let's say for examples sake your farming for Jedi consular as well, which gives 17 credits per battle. With a 24 hour period and 1 cantina refill, you can get 408 cantina credits a day. If you do 1 more refill, you can get 612 cantina credits a day. You mentioned you need 55 more Ashoka shards right? That's means you need to buy from the cantina 11 more times.

    11 buys x 400 means you need 4400 more cantina credits.

    You take 4400/612(amount of credits you could make in a day)means that you need about 7 days to get her to 5 star. I know it doesn't fit into the events time limit, but if you can gain a level and get free cantina energy, you should barley be able to make it

    I plan on farming Barriss on cantina node 6A but I haven't made it that far yet. I still have 4 more battles to finish 5 that I'll do tonight after everything resets. How much energy do level 6 cantina battles cost and how many credits do they give?

  • Robdd
    111 posts Member
    I think doable but the question, is do you want to burn thru the crystals to get him, the choice is yours. I know a person said everybody will have him in a month I can tell you from myself just not true. A lot of people haven't been farming Jedi, I'm starting to but long way off.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Robdd wrote: »
    I think doable but the question, is do you want to burn thru the crystals to get him, the choice is yours. I know a person said everybody will have him in a month I can tell you from myself just not true. A lot of people haven't been farming Jedi, I'm starting to but long way off.

    I got 5* Yoda last month actually but it was pure luck. Right before the event closed they put Old Ben in the cantina and I was able to get the last shard I needed to 5* him. I think it was the same day it closed. I haven't done much with him since I was waiting to get to 6*.

    So it's been a month and I still wasn't able to get all my Jedis from 5 to 6* in time. QGJ and Ahsoka both in the cantina shipments didn't help.
  • Options
    Got 3 at 5*+ and need about 8 ima gun di and 25ish qgj and ahsoka.

    Not going out of my way to get him but always good to have additional characters
  • Options
    For Barris, you get 21 credits per battle. For a 24 hour period and 1 redfill, you can get 420 credits a day. With an extra refill you can get 630 per day.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Keep in mind you really have 13 days, since you just need to have her by the end, not at the beginning.
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    I don't think so without spending money. I was hoping to get 6* Yoda this time.

    And this is why the event isn't always open. The urge to get her starred in time is strong.

    U got 7 days till the event opens and 7 days its stays open the event,thats 2 weeks
    So ,yeah ,u can do it in 2 weeks
  • Puz
    11 posts Member
    Mihai29 wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    I don't think so without spending money. I was hoping to get 6* Yoda this time.

    And this is why the event isn't always open. The urge to get her starred in time is strong.

    U got 7 days till the event opens and 7 days its stays open the event,thats 2 weeks
    So ,yeah ,u can do it in 2 weeks

    Huh? The event is live. You have less than 7 days.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Mihai29 wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    I don't think so without spending money. I was hoping to get 6* Yoda this time.

    And this is why the event isn't always open. The urge to get her starred in time is strong.

    U got 7 days till the event opens and 7 days its stays open the event,thats 2 weeks
    So ,yeah ,u can do it in 2 weeks

    There's a timer. It ends in 6 days and 16 hours now. Then it'll be closed until whenever they decide to have it again. For those confused the countdown is when it ends not when it begins. lol
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    I'm in the same boat as you but I need 37 shards for my Ahsoka and 6 more for QGJ :s
  • Options
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    If you really want to get yoda, you mathematically could. Let's say for examples sake your farming for Jedi consular as well, which gives 17 credits per battle. With a 24 hour period and 1 cantina refill, you can get 408 cantina credits a day. If you do 1 more refill, you can get 612 cantina credits a day. You mentioned you need 55 more Ashoka shards right? That's means you need to buy from the cantina 11 more times.

    11 buys x 400 means you need 4400 more cantina credits.

    You take 4400/612(amount of credits you could make in a day)means that you need about 7 days to get her to 5 star. I know it doesn't fit into the events time limit, but if you can gain a level and get free cantina energy, you should barley be able to make it

    I plan on farming Barriss on cantina node 6A but I haven't made it that far yet. I still have 4 more battles to finish 5 that I'll do tonight after everything resets. How much energy do level 6 cantina battles cost and how many credits do they give?

    Barriss node gives 5k credits for 12 cantina energy. She's worth it, in my opinion. Went from no Yoda to a 6* max Yoda in 10 minutes. He's a bunch of fun so far.
  • Options
    Seku wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat as you but I need 37 shards for my Ahsoka and 6 more for QGJ :s

    26 shards to 5* Mace and 63 shards to 5* QGJ for me.
  • Revenant
    255 posts Member
    I need about 25 Ashoka shards for 7 star which I'll get easily but I have no Idea if I'll beat the encounter. 7* lumi, qgj, jc, Eeth with all maxed gear, abilities, and levels
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Mihai29 wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    I don't think so without spending money. I was hoping to get 6* Yoda this time.

    And this is why the event isn't always open. The urge to get her starred in time is strong.

    U got 7 days till the event opens and 7 days its stays open the event,thats 2 weeks

    No - that would have been the right way to do it - by communicating.

    EA did it the other way - they opened the event immediately, with no communication so it will close in less than 7 days. Basically making it impossible for people to plan ahead. SURPRISE!

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member

    Barriss node gives 5k credits for 12 cantina energy. She's worth it, in my opinion. Went from no Yoda to a 6* max Yoda in 10 minutes. He's a bunch of fun so far.

    I'm looking forward to getting Barriss for the GW and hear her shard drop rate is on the high side. Hopefully in a week I'll have her and 6* Yoda for my B team. :#
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    Hehehe I'm going for 28 mace and 63 JC...wish me luck and good luck yourself lol.
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