Will this team unlock Yoda?

Eeth Koth-as of Monday
Mace Windu

All are low 50s, gear 6 save for QGJ who's gear 5, Lumi is 7 stars. Only other Jedi I'd have a shot at getting to 5 stars before this ends is Ahsoka, but that'd burn a lot of resources I don't want to burn if I don't need to. Also, if this is a good team for the 5 star unlocking, which should be lead?


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You want them max level, and Ahsoka would be helpful, but yes that team can beat 5*.

    QGJ lead unless you are having trouble, then Luminara lead.
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    Ok, fair enough. Since I'm leveling everyone up slowly, how about just getting them up to say 60?
  • dkredsox
    242 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Nvm, misread. Thought you said 7* Yoda, not unlock Yoda.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    No, you are going to want to max out, not sure why you would want otherwise.

    If you do not really like Jedi, dont bother with Yoda.
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    Because I'm in part slowly leveling a lot of chars up over time, so I can eventually handle Arena high rank, and GW without stressing not being able to complete it. And my question simply was would that team be able to handle the 5 star fight is all.
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    That team is fine for the 5* fight. I got 5* Yoda with Lumi, QGJ, JC, Ahsoka, Mace. I stopped farming Mace after 5* and I'm farming Barriss instead for 6* and 7* Yoda. Mace gets risky to use against high level Yoda because Yoda will gain turn meter whenever he resists Mace's auto expose. And a 7* Barriss is great for GW but 7* Mace isn't that useful (unless he gets another buff).
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    EricsonX wrote: »
    Eeth Koth-as of Monday
    Mace Windu

    All are low 50s, gear 6 save for QGJ who's gear 5, Lumi is 7 stars. Only other Jedi I'd have a shot at getting to 5 stars before this ends is Ahsoka, but that'd burn a lot of resources I don't want to burn if I don't need to. Also, if this is a good team for the 5 star unlocking, which should be lead?

    I used same squad but level 60s and gear 8/7, barely squeaked by to unlock, just don't use abilities that could be resisted or defelected. Yoda took out 2 of my characters for that
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Your logic on all counts is flawed.

    Max everything for max reward, speed counts.

    Get a healer for GW.

    That team MIGHT succeed, but it would be easier and more likely at level 70.
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    I beat 6 on the first try. With barris(L), QGJ, Ani, Lumi, and JC. All are 7* maxed gear 8. Ani is the only one not at 7* yet and likely won't until next time. I haven't really seen anyone post if they beat 7* with this team. Is it doable or should I farm Asoka or Koth?
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    I auto'd 6* Yoda first try with Barriss, Lumi, JC, EK & QGJ.

    Sadly, I won't have enough 7* Jedis in time for this round.
  • GiranKenor
    155 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I got 7* Yoda with that team (but full gear and maxed skills)
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    Finally unlocked Yoda at 5* awhile ago, then was able to beat Tier VI (after 2 tries) using these:

    7* level 70

    6* level 70

    6* level 54

    Hoping to 7* the rest of the characters before the event ends.

    Mace at 79/100
    Eeth at 54/100
    JC at 3/100

    Also farming out:
    Bariss at 93/80
    IGD at 59/80

    But I don't think the 2 would make it in time this event.

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