The solution to all of our problems!

1. Stop spending money. Seriously...just stop.
2. Rate the game as low as you feel honest in the App Store/ play store.
3. I can't say what point #3 is because they will remove this post and put bars over my blank should know what I am saying here.

That will resolve this greedy Bull Snot action that EA is pulling. They don't give a **** about you, your feelings, or your displeasure with the way they operate. They only care about getting your money.

This is the worst greed I have seen...ever, and I, unfortunately, have played a lot of EA games like madden, etc.

Just my 2 cents to let our voices be heard that the consistent grind and bottlenecks are beyond frustrating...

I also bet a mod merges this with the other thread if they don't delete it...


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