Would this Jedi team beat 6* Yoda?

275 posts Member
edited April 2016
7* Lumi,

6*: JC, Koth, Mace and QGJ. I can get them all to 6* in time.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yup. 6* isnt hard.
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    That's what I used. QGJ and Koth both are only at 6*; lumi, mace and sid are 7*

    I was able to beat him
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    ok -do they all need purple gear? I dont use Mace or Koth at all usually.
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    Oh can you use Sid? I have him at 7*
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Infinite attempts until completion, just keep trying.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Infinite attempts until completion, just keep trying.

    This we agree on. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Same toons I used awhile ago to finish tier 6 just different stars.

    I suggest you purple gear them all.
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    ty - ugh so i have to purple gear mace and koth?
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    DiscoSlice wrote: »
    ty - ugh so i have to purple gear mace and koth?

    We'll, you should gear them anyways, now you just have a more immediate reason for it. :)
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    Any Jedi team can beat Yoda, some are just harder to do so with. Barriss is the key for quick results on 7* Yoda, 6* is fairly easy. Lol if you think 6 is hard wait until 7.
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    I auto'ed 6 star yoda... Once
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    DiscoSlice wrote: »
    Oh can you use Sid? I have him at 7*

    I'm so stupid.... No you can't use sid. Only Jedi.
    I meant JC, Koth, Mace, Lumi and QGJ.

    I Don't know why I said Sid. Sorry!!!!

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    Wow.... Stup!d is censored?!?!?
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    My strategy was to find a Yoda team with no healer, focus fire Yoda with basic attacks (ABSOLUTELY NO SPECIALS), then kill off the remaining goons. Some people like the Barriss combo, where you attack Barriss and when she heals, it brings Yoda's health down, but I had trouble with it.
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    Wow.... Stup!d is censored?!?!?

    That's stupid.
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    ty. I would do Barriss over Koth/Mace but I dont even have her unlocked and she barely has any shards (been maxxing Dooku) - so I can only get that team I listed above to 6* in time. i'm thinking i wont even try for 7* for a while.
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    Even 6* Yoda is useful. I use him as leader against GW teams that have Kylo and Sid. Keeps their heal block from sticking, and Yoda can steal Kyle's counter attack, then give it to the whole team. Nothing is more satisfying than when your whole team has counter attack. One enemy will AoE, and get your entire squad ganging up on him.
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    Speakender wrote: »
    Wow.... Stup!d is censored?!?!?

    That's stupid.


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    Speakender wrote: »
    Even 6* Yoda is useful. I use him as leader against GW teams that have Kylo and Sid. Keeps their heal block from sticking, and Yoda can steal Kyle's counter attack, then give it to the whole team. Nothing is more satisfying than when your whole team has counter attack. One enemy will AoE, and get your entire squad ganging up on him.

    ok - is 6* Yoda useful in Arena?

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    Well, I finally got my Yoda to six stars. It took me three attempts. I used Lumi( lead), QGJ, JC, Barriss, and Kit Fisto. All of them are seven stars except for Barriss. Barriss will be seven stars soon and Kit is only geared to six. Hope this helps.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I unlocked 5* Yoda with 6*QGJ (gear 8 lvl 69), Lumi (gear 7 lvl 70), JC (gear 8 lvl 65) Eeth Koth and Mace Windu at green gear and level 40 and 22 respectively. I want to see what is the bare minimum to unlock 6* Yoda, because i don't plan on putting many resources into Koth and Windu. At least not yet, especially with the new level cap raised. This strategy won't work against 7* Yoda, but i am hoping it will work for now.
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